Examples of Standard and Average Balances Cubes

There are two types of Oracle General Ledger Balances cubes: Standard Balances cubes and Average Balances cubes.

Standard Balances Cubes

A new standard balances cube is created whenever an accounting configuration is submitted for a ledger, either primary or secondary, that uses a new unique combination of chart of accounts and accounting calendar. Cubes are named after the chart of accounts.

Two examples of standard balance cubes:

  1. The chart of accounts, InFusion US Chart of Accounts has a related cube entitled, InFusion US Chart of Accounts. If a chart of accounts is used by multiple ledgers with different calendars, the cube names are distinguished by appending a number to their names.

  2. The InFusion US Chart of Accounts is used by two different ledgers, each of which has a different accounting calendar, one with a standard calendar year ending December 31st and the other with a fiscal year ending May 31st. Two cubes are created. The cubes are named InFusion US Chart of Accounts and InFusion US Chart of Accounts 2.

Average Balances Cubes

Average balances cubes use different dimensions than the standard balances cubes therefore require their results be stored in separate cubes. If the average balances option is enabled for a ledger, a second average balances cube is automatically created based upon the same criteria of a unique combination of chart of accounts and accounting calendar. Average balances cubes are named with ADB (average daily balances) plus the name of the associated chart of accounts.

For example, for a chart of accounts, InFusion US Chart of Accounts, the average balances cube name is ADB InFusion US Chart of Accounts. Numbers are appended to the name when more than one calendar is used by the same chart of accounts. The numbering is determined and shared with the related standard balances cubes. The standard cube called InFusion US Chart of Accounts 3 has a corresponding average balance cube entitled ADB InFusion US Chart of Accounts 3.