How You Configure the Language for Subledger Journal Descriptions

You can configure the display of subledger journal descriptions to use either the journal language set for the ledger or the user session language.

The Subledger Accounting Journal Language setting on the Specify Ledger Options page determines the language in which predefined subledger journal sources are retrieved and stored in the journal entry description.

All predefined subledgers provide multiple language support. When the Create Accounting process is submitted, the sources used in the journal entry description are retrieved in the corresponding language and saved.

When the Journal Language setting is User session language, the session language of the user who submitted the Create Accounting process is used to retrieve the translated source values for the journal description.

Caution: When online accounting is used with the Journal Language set to User session language, the session language of the user is cached when the process is running. Any modifications to the Journal Language setting or the session language while the online accounting process is running won’t be applicable until the process is restarted. For example, if the user’s session language is English, that language value is cached. Later on, if a Korean user signs in and uses online accounting to account an invoice, English is still used for translation until the process is restarted.
Note: Once a subledger journal entry is created in Final status, the descriptions can't be translated into a different language. So, when other users review the subledger journal, they may see the journal description in a language that’s different from their own session language.