Overview of Oracle General Ledger Balances Cubes

A balances cube stores financial balances in a multidimensional database for interactive reporting and analysis. A ledger has a chart of accounts, calendar, currency, and accounting method.

When the accounting configuration process is submitted for a primary or secondary ledger that uses a new unique combination of chart of accounts and calendar, a balances cube is created.

The following figure shows the components of a ledger and that the accounting configuration process creates the balances cube.

This figure shows that a ledger consists of a chart of accounts, calendar, currency, and accounting method. The accounting configuration process creates a balances cube for a primary or secondary ledger.

Balance cubes are named after the chart of accounts they contain.

A balances cube:

  • Stores financial balances in a multidimensional cube for real time, interactive financial reporting and analysis.

  • Preaggregates balances at every possible point of summarization, ensuring immediate access to financial data and eliminating the need for an external data warehouse for financial reporting.

  • Is uniquely identified by a combination of the chart of accounts and accounting calendar. Average balances are tracked in a separate balances cube.

  • Is automatically synced by the following general ledger processes: posting, open period, and translation.

  • Consists of a set of defining business entities called dimensions. Dimensions in a cube determine how data is accumulated for reporting and analytical purposes.

  • Are referred to as an application or database connection in the user interfaces for Financial Reports, Smart View, and Calculation Manager.