Customer Dunning Configuration Options

Configure dunning plans and letters to facilitate regular correspondence with your customers.

All of the following options except rerun the dunning process are created in the Correspondence Configuration in Functional Setup Manager.

  • Dunning letter options

  • Delivery options for dunning letters

  • Dunning configuration set

  • Dunning transactions

  • Rerun the dunning process

Dunning Letter Options

Use the preconfigured aged or staged dunning letters delivered by the application or create new dunning letters to meet unique requirements. Configure dunning to run in one of two methods:

  1. Aged Dunning is based on the oldest past due debit item.

  2. Staged Dunning is based on the number of days since the previous letter was sent.

Delivery Options for Dunning Letters

Delivery of dunning letters to customer is:

  • E-Mail

  • Fax

  • Regular mail

Dunning Transactions

Select the transactions and charges to include in the dunning letters.

  • The Dunning Letter Generate program can include current invoices, disputed invoices, and credit memos.

  • The dunning letters can include current transactions.

  • Finance charges can be included as a line item.

  • When you select the Include Disputed Invoices, the transactions awaiting dispute resolution are displayed and included in the total.

Dunning Configuration Set

Dunning can be configured by one business unit or multiple business units. Consider the following when defining sets:

  • A Set defines a subset of a master list of business objects, such as suppliers, customers, or in this case a Dunning Configuration Set.

  • A Set Determinant is a business object, usually a type of organizational unit, that has a 1 to 1 relationship to Set. When Set Determinant is visible, Set can be hidden.

  • A Set of business objects can be associated with an organizational unit, such as Business Unit or Legal Entity, to enforce data security. Then, when you are associated with organizational units, they automatically see only the subset of business objects appropriate for their organizational units.

  • A Set or Set Determinant field appears to you as a lookup code that determines which subset of a master list of objects their organizational unit uses. For example, if you are performing a Purchasing transaction, the Set or Set Determinant value would determine which Suppliers can be used.

Rerun the Dunning Process

Rerun the dunning process to correct errors or regenerate dunning letters:

  • Rerun the dunning process should there be an error during any phase of the program.

  • Regenerate a previous dunning letter if a customer request another copy.

Keep customers from receiving dunning letters by indicating them as Exclude from dunning on the Profile tab.