Automatic Assignment Catalogs

The automatic assignment catalog feature is a simple way to create a non-hierarchical catalog because you do not have to add categories manually to the catalog.

This feature adds the categories at the root level, so it works with both flat and hierarchical catalogs.

All categories that have the same category structure value as the catalog are automatically assigned and associated to the catalog when you create a catalog category association for each category.

Automatic Assignments

The automatic assignment feature is enabled during catalog creation when you select the Enable automatic assignment of category check box. The categories displayed for auto assignment catalogs are refreshed only at start up and after you save.

Note that if you create a category in another catalog with the same structure value as the automatic assignment catalog, the category is also added to your catalog. The categories displayed for auto assignment catalogs are refreshed only at start up and after you save.

When you open a new catalog, any categories that have the same category structure value as the catalog structure value for the catalog are automatically assigned to the catalog.

For example, Purchasing may maintain a master catalog containing all categories that represent commodities. Each commodity team can create categories for their commodity in their own catalog.

The master catalog for purchasing is named Purchasing and is configured during creation to support the automatic assignment of categories. Because you enabled automatic assignments for the Purchasing catalog, any categories created by the commodity teams are added to the catalog automatically. The purchasing managers can view the collection of all commodities represented as categories in the Purchasing catalog.