Tax Configuration Workbook

Use the Tax Configuration Workbook to upload all common tax setups. For example, create standard state, county, and city sales tax rates within the US using this workbook.

Tax Configuration Workbook Worksheets

The Tax Configuration Workbook is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet template with six common tax setup worksheets:


Predefined Data Content

Setup Options

Manage Tax Regimes


Option 1: Use the tax regimes that are already included for 28 countries. You can modify or delete any of the predefined tax regimes where needed.

Option 2: Use tax partner content for the Tax Configuration Workbook.

Manage Taxes


Option 1: Use the taxes that are already included for 28 countries. You can modify or delete any of the predefined taxes where needed.

Option 2: Use tax partner content for the Tax Configuration Workbook.

Manage Tax Zones


Prepare the tax zones with the appropriate corresponding geographies.

Manage Rates


Option 1: Prepare the tax rates.

Option 2: Use tax partner content for the Tax Configuration Workbook.

Manage Tax Thresholds


Option 1: Prepare the tax thresholds or maximum taxes.

Option 2: Use tax partner content for the Tax Configuration Workbook.

Manage Tax Recovery Rates


Option 1: Prepare the tax recovery rates.

Option 2: Use tax partner content for the Tax Configuration Workbook.