About Transaction Details

The main page of the work area displays general information about each joint venture transaction. From here, you can click the Transaction ID link of each joint venture transaction to review additional details about the transaction.

The columns in the main page of the Joint Venture Transactions work area provide the following transaction details:

Column Description
Creation Date The date and time the joint venture transaction was identified for processing by the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process.
Transaction ID The unique identifier for the joint venture transaction.
Transaction Date The date when the transaction occurred, which might be different from the journal entry effective date or subledger accounting date.
Status The status of the joint venture transaction.
Source The source of the joint venture transaction: General Ledger, Subledger, Manual, or Overhead.
Joint Venture The name of the joint venture associated with the transaction.
Ledger The name of the ledger associated with the transaction.
Ownership Definition The name of the ownership definition that will be used to distribute the transaction. If you override the original ownership definition with a different ownership definition, the name of the ownership definition that you are using as an override is displayed here.
Direct Billed Stakeholder The direct billed stakeholder assigned to the transaction, which overrides the default ownership definition. When a stakeholder is entered here, the system creates a distribution for the stakeholder that contains the entire transaction amount.
Original Ownership Definition The original ownership definition associated with the transaction.
Distribution Only Indicates whether the transaction is only for distribution to stakeholders. Distributions created from the transaction have a status of “Process complete” and aren't available for invoicing.
Accounted Debit For subledger and general ledger transactions, this is the transaction debit amount in the accounting currency. For overhead transactions, this is the debit amount of the overhead transaction.
Accounted Credit For subledger and general ledger transactions only. This is the transaction credit amount in the entered currency.
Entered Debit For subledger and general ledger transactions only. This is the transaction debit amount in the entered currency.
Entered Credit

For subledger and general ledger transactions only. This is the transaction credit amount in the entered currency.

Account For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The account of the source transaction.
Transaction Description The description of the transaction.
Accounting Date For subledger transactions only. The date used to determine the accounting period for the transaction.
Project Number For an Oracle Project Costing integration only. The unique identifier for the project that the transaction is associated with.
Project Name For a Project Costing integration only. The name associated with the project number.
Task Number For a Project Costing integration only. The unique identifier for a project task the transaction is associated with.
Task Name For a Project Costing integration only. The name associated with the task number.
Expenditure Type For a Project Costing integration only. The expenditure type of the transaction.
Expenditure Type Description For a Project Costing integration only. The description of the expenditure type.
Accounting Class For subledger transactions only. The short name classification of the journal entry lines.
Assignment Rule The name of the assignment rule used to assign the ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder to the joint venture transaction.

The following tables describe additional transaction details that you can find when you click the Transaction ID link for a transaction:


Field Description
Creation Date The date and time the joint venture transaction was identified for processing by the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process.
Ledger The name of the ledger associated with the transaction.
Account For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The account of the source transaction.
Transaction Description The description of the transaction.
Accounting Date The date used to determine the accounting period for the transaction.
Accounting Class For subledger transactions only. The short name classification of the journal entry lines.
Accounted Amount For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The transaction amount in the accounting currency. It’s the sum of the debit minus the credit and can be a negative number. A positive number indicates it’s a debit and a negative number indicates it’s a credit. When you hover over the icon, you can view the actual debit and credit amounts used to derive the amount.
Entered Amount For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The transaction amount in the entered currency. It’s the sum of the debit minus the credit and can be a negative number. A positive number indicates it’s a debit and a negative number indicates it’s a credit. When you hover over the icon, you can view the actual debit and credit amounts used to derive the amount.
Amount For overhead transactions only. The amount of the overhead transaction. When you hover over the icon, you can view whether the amount is a debit or a credit.
Party For subledger transactions only. The name of the party on the original subledger transaction.
Third-Party Type For subledger transactions only. The party type from the subledger accounting transaction.
Partner Account For overhead transactions only. The account in Oracle Receivables that will be used to record overhead amounts during invoicing. This account is defined on the overhead method. You can override this account in subledger accounting before you create invoices from joint venture distributions. In which case, the partner account displayed in the Joint Venture Transactions work area and Joint Venture Distributions work area might be different.
Distribution Only Indicates that the transaction will be processed to create distributions that won’t be invoiced. If this column is blank, the transaction will be distributed and invoiced.
Subledger Journal

For subledger transactions only. Click this link to review subledger journal entries from which the joint venture transaction was created.

You must be a user who’s set up with the required security to access and review the corresponding journal entries in subledger accounting. See Configure Access to Source Journal Entries from Joint Venture Transactions, Distributions, and Invoices for more information.

Ownership Details

Field Description
Ownership Definition The name of the ownership definition that will be used to distribute the transaction. If you override the original ownership definition with a different ownership definition, the name of the ownership definition that you are using as an override is displayed here.
Original Ownership Definition The original ownership definition associated with the transaction.
Direct Billed Stakeholder The direct billed stakeholder assigned to the transaction, which overrides the default ownership definition. When a stakeholder is entered here, the system creates a distribution for the stakeholder that contains the entire transaction amount.
Original Direct Billed Stakeholder The original direct billed stakeholder associated with the transaction.
Assignment Rule For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The name of the ownership definition assignment rule assigned to the transaction.
Agreement The name of the carried interest agreement associated with the joint venture transaction.
Description The description of the carried interest agreement associated with the joint venture transaction.

Project Information

This section is displayed only for subledger transactions and if Project Costing is integrated with Oracle Joint Venture Management.

Field Description
Project Number The unique identifier for the project that the transaction is associated with.
Project Name The name associated with the project number.
Task Number The unique identifier for a project task the transaction is associated with.
Task Name The name associated with the task number.
Expenditure Type The expenditure type of the transaction.
Expenditure Type Description The description of the expenditure type.


This section is displayed only for overhead transactions.

Field Description
Method The name of the method that was used to calculate overhead costs for the joint venture source transaction.
Description The description of the overhead method.
Type The method type used to determine how the overhead amount is calculated, for example, Percentage of cost.
Basis Source The source of the overhead calculation.
Period Basis This indicates whether the overhead was calculated based on a period, year to period, or inception to period.

Change History

This section displays values only if the joint venture transaction was updated.

Field Description
Change Reason The reason the joint venture transaction was manually updated.
Creation Date The date the joint venture transaction was manually updated.
Created By The user who manually updated the joint venture transaction.
Before Status The status of the joint venture transaction before it was manually updated.
After Status The status of the joint venture transaction after it was manually updated.
Before Transaction Date The transaction date on the joint venture transaction before it was manually updated.
After Transaction Date The transaction date on the joint venture transaction after it was manually updated.
Before Ownership Definition The ownership definition associated with the joint venture transaction before the transaction was manually updated.
After Ownership Definition The ownership definition associated with the joint venture transaction after the transaction was manually updated.
Before Direct Billed Stakeholder For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The direct billed stakeholder associated with the joint venture transaction before the transaction was manually updated.
After Direct Billed Stakeholder For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The direct billed stakeholder associated with the joint venture transaction after the transaction was manually updated.
Before Assignment Rule For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The assignment rule associated with the joint venture transaction before the transaction was manually updated.
After Assignment Rule For subledger and general ledger transactions only. The assignment rule associated with the joint venture transaction after the transaction was manually updated.
Before Distribution Only Indicates whether the joint venture transaction was marked as “Distribution Only” before the transaction was manually updated.
After Distribution Only Indicates whether the joint venture transaction was marked as “Distribution Only” after the transaction was manually updated.
Change Reason Details Additional text describing the reason the joint venture transaction was manually updated.


Field Description
Created By The user who scheduled or ran the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process to identify joint venture transactions.
Last Updated Date The date and time when the joint venture transaction was last updated.
Last Updated By The user who last updated the joint venture transaction.