Apply Ownership Definition Assignment Rules to Joint Venture Transactions

The Identify Joint Venture Transactions process includes options for processing ownership definition assignment rules for a joint venture. You can set up this process to perform the following tasks:

  • Identify joint venture transactions and apply assignment rules in the same process run.
  • Apply assignment rules only. This option applies assignment rules to transactions identified in a prior run of the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process.

You also have the option to use both ownership definition assignment rules and a default ownership definition set up for a joint venture. This enables you to apply the default ownership definition to any transactions that aren't assigned an ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder through an assignment rule.

In the Joint Venture Transactions work area, joint venture transactions processed with assignment rules include the following details:

  • The ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder assigned to the transaction through the assignment rule.
  • The name of the assignment rule applied to the transaction.

Identify Joint Venture Transactions and Apply Assignment Rules in the Same Process Run

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then from the Quick Actions list, select Identify Joint Venture Transactions.

    Note: If there isn't a Quick Actions list, ask your application implementation consultant to change the home page to the "News feed" theme to display it. See Overview of Configuring Themes and Home Page Settings for more information. Otherwise, you can use Scheduled Processes to search for and run the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process.
  2. For the Processing Mode, select Identify Joint Venture Transactions. This is the default.
  3. Complete the following fields to determine the transactions to process:
    • Joint Venture. Select a particular joint venture or leave this field blank if you want the process to identify transactions for all joint ventures. Only joint ventures in Active status will be processed.

      This drop-down list displays only the joint ventures associated with the business units you're authorized to manage.

    • Ledger. Use this field only if you want the process to identify transactions in a ledger other than the primary ledger of the joint venture. If you leave it blank, the primary ledger associated with the business unit of the joint venture will be used.

      Note: Transactions identified from a ledger other than the primary ledger of the joint venture are available for distribution. However, distributions generated from these transactions aren't available for invoicing or journal entries. Their status is set to Process Complete.
    • Period. Use this field to identify transactions for a particular period. If you leave this blank, the earliest open period for the ledger will be used.

      The period is also compared to the effective date range in assignment rules to determine which assignment rules will be used. Only assignment rules with effective dates that overlap with the dates for the period will be processed.

    • Transaction Source. Specify the source of the transactions that you want the process to identify: Subledger and General Ledger or Joint Venture Source Transactions.

  4. For Process Ownership Definition Assignment Rules, select Yes.
  5. For Bypass Default Ownership Definition Assignment:
    • Select No if you want the process to assign the default ownership definition defined in the joint venture definition to any transactions not assigned with an assignment rule.
    • Select Yes to ignore the default ownership definition defined in the joint venture definition.

      It's possible for transactions to be identified but not assigned with an ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder. These transactions are displayed in the Joint Venture Transactions work area with no values for the ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder. They can't be processed to create distributions. You can manually assign an ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder to these transactions in the Joint Venture Transactions work area. Or you can edit the assignment rules if necessary and rerun this process to create the proper assignments.

  6. Click Submit.

    Back on the Scheduled Processes Overview page, you can view a list of submitted processes and their statuses.

  7. After the process completes, you can click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the details about the process.

Apply Assignment Rules Only

Run the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process in the Process Ownership Definition Assignment Rules mode to apply assignment rules to transactions identified in a prior run. Use this option when a prior run of the process was set up to only identify joint venture transactions and not assign an ownership definition or stakeholder to the transactions. In this scenario, the prior run of the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process must have been run in the default mode, with the "Bypass Default Ownership Definition Assignment" setting set to Yes. You can also run this process over joint ventures that aren't set up with a default ownership definition.

You can run the processes to identify transactions and apply assignment rules separately for troubleshooting purposes. This enables you to review transactions in the Joint Venture Transactions work area before and after applying assignment rules to the transactions.

  1. Access the Identify Joint Venture Transactions process.
  2. For the Processing Mode, select Process Ownership Definition Assignment Rules.
  3. Complete the following fields to determine the transactions to process:
    • Joint Venture. Select a particular joint venture or leave this field blank if you want the process to apply assignment rules to transactions for all joint ventures. Only joint ventures in an Active status will be processed.

      This drop-down list displays only the joint ventures associated with the business units you're authorized to manage.

    • Ledger. Use this field only if you want the process to apply assignment rules to transactions in a ledger other than the primary ledger of the joint venture. When left blank, the primary ledger associated with business unit of the joint venture will be used.

    • Period. Use this field to apply assignment rules to transactions in a particular period. If you leave this blank, the earliest open period for the ledger will be used.

      The period is also compared to the effective date range in assignment rules to determine which assignment rules will be used. Only assignment rules with effective dates that overlap with dates for the period will be processed.

  4. For Bypass Default Ownership Definition Assignment:
    • Select No if you want the process to assign the default ownership definition defined in the joint venture definition to any transactions not assigned with an assignment rule.

    • Select Yes to ignore the default ownership definition defined in the joint venture definition.

      After running this process, it's possible for transactions to not have an ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder assigned to them in the Joint Venture Transactions work area. They can't be processed to create distributions. You can manually assign an ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder to these transactions in the Joint Venture Transactions work area. Or you can edit the assignment rules if necessary and rerun this process to create the proper assignments.

  5. Click Submit.

    Back on the Scheduled Processes Overview page, you can view a list of submitted processes and their statuses.

  6. After the process completes, you can click the log file in the Log and Output section to view the details about the process.