Create Internal Transfer Journals

Run the following processes to create and complete the accounting of internal transfer journals:

  • Create Joint Venture Invoices and Journal Entries – Create Internal Transfer Journals mode

    This process creates journal entries for all distributions associated with stakeholders that have Create Journals specified as their invoicing preference. The distributions must have a status of “Available to process.” When the process completes, the status of the distributions changes to “Accounting in progress.” Transactions in the Joint Venture Subledger created from internal transfer journals display a status of Unprocessed until you run the Create Accounting process.

  • Create Accounting

    This process completes the accounting of internal transfer journals. It creates a credit and a debit journal line for each amount in internal transfer journals.

    For costs distributions, it credits an expense cutback account and debits the stakeholder account. For revenue distributions, it debits a revenue cutback account and credits the stakeholder account. After you run this process, you can post the journals and review them in Subledger Accounting or in General Accounting.

  • Create Joint Venture Invoices and Journal Entries - Update Accounting for Journals

    This process updates the status on the accounting header for internal transfer journals to match the status of the accounting event in Subledger Accounting. When the process completes, the status of the distribution changes to "Process complete."

Joint venture accountants can perform these tasks.

Run the Process to Create Internal Transfer Journals

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Create Joint Venture Invoices and Journal Entries from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Create Internal Transfer Journals.

  3. In the Basic Options section, you can specify values in the following fields to filter joint venture distributions to process:

    • Joint Venture. Select a joint venture, or you can leave this field blank to run this process over all joint ventures. The process selects only those joint ventures at an Active status.

    • Stakeholder. Select a stakeholder to run this process for a particular stakeholder. Otherwise, you can leave this field blank.

    • From Date and To Date. To process distributions within a certain date range, you can enter the date range in these fields.

    • Accounting Date. Enter a date that the process will assign as the general ledger date in journals created from the processed distributions. If you leave this field blank, the system date will be used.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. After the scheduled run completes, verify that the process created internal transfer journals for the applicable distributions:

    • Review the process report for details for the internal transfer document generated with details about the generated internal transfer journals. Here’s an example of the name of an internal transfer document: COST_TRANSFER:PERMIANBASIN:PERMIANBASIN_INTERNAL_S3:16-04-2021:07:08:36

    • Check the status of the applicable distributions in the Joint Venture Distributions work area. The status should be “Accounting in progress.”

    Note: You can also review internal transfer journals from the Joint Venture Distributions work area. In a processed distribution, click the Target Transaction ID link to view the transaction for the internal transfer journal. The list includes all distributions included in the transaction.

Run the Process to Create Accounting for Internal Transfer Journals

Note: You might need to add the General Accounting Manager role (ORA_GL_GENERAL_ACCOUNTING_MANAGER_JOB) to perform this task. Also, see Subledger Accounting Options for information about the Create Accounting process, such as processing options and other configuration options.
  1. On the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Create Accounting for Joint Ventures from the Quick Actions list.

    You can also access and run this process by searching on "Create Accounting" in Scheduled Processes.

  2. Complete these fields:

    • Subledger Application. Select Joint Ventures.

    • Ledger. Enter the ledger or primary ledger of the business unit of the joint venture that you're processing internal transfer journals for.

    • End Date. This is in reference to the transaction or event date. Only events having an event date before the end date are selected for accounting. By default, this field displays the current system date.

    • Accounting Mode. Select Final.

    • Process Events. Select All.

    • Report Style. Select Summary.

    • Transfer to General Ledger. Select Yes.

    • Post in General Ledger. Select Yes if you want the entries to be automatically posted to Oracle General Ledger.

    • Journal Batch. It’s recommended that you enter a name for the journal batch. Remember this name so you can use it to search for journals generated by this process.

    • Include User Transaction Identifiers. Select No.

  3. Click Submit.

    The process submits multiple subprocesses. You can review the Create Accounting Execution Report for any errors.

Run the Process to Update the Accounting Status of Internal Transfer Journals

  1. From the Home page, select Joint Venture Management, and then select Create Joint Venture Invoices and Journal Entries from the Quick Actions list.

  2. For the Processing Mode, select Update Accounting for Journals.

  3. In the Joint Venture field, select a particular joint venture or leave it blank to run the process over all your joint ventures. The process selects only those joint ventures at an Active status.

  4. Click Submit.

  5. When the process completes, access the report to view all documents in which the status was changed.