Edit Joint Venture Source Transactions

In the Joint Venture Source Transactions work area, you can make changes to unprocessed joint venture source transactions.

For unprocessed manual transactions, you can return the status to Editing and update any of the details in the manual transaction. In the Joint Venture Source Transactions work area, click the transaction ID of the manual transaction that you want to update and then update the details accordingly. You can also click Manage in Excel and use the spreadsheet to update multiple manual transactions at once. The spreadsheet contains instructions on how to update the columns, which reflect the fields in the user interface and include a list of values for fields when applicable.

For unprocessed overhead transactions, you can only change the following details:

  • Status

    You can change the status from Available to Process to On Hold or Editing for joint venture source transactions that you don't want distributed yet. You might need to do this for any transactions that have been called into question or for transactions in which you need to modify before they’re processed. When you're ready to process the transactions, reset the status to Available to Process.

  • Transaction date

    This date is used by the process to create invoices for joint venture distributions, which includes transaction date range parameters that you can use to determine which distributed transactions to invoice. If needed, you can override this date before you process source transactions.

You can also perform a mass update of the status and transaction date in multiple transactions at once. In the Joint Venture Transactions Work area, select the source transactions that you want to update and click Edit. And then make your updates in the Edit Source Transactions area.