FAQs When Implementing Oracle Joint Venture Management

FAQs for Joint Venture Definitions

Can I change the effective dates of an ownership definition in an active joint venture?

You can change the effective dates. If the new date range excludes any transaction dates in distribution records already generated for the joint venture, you must reverse the applicable distributions and redistribute the transaction.

Why can't I change the status of an ownership definition from Inactive to Active?

The Inactive status is used when you no longer want the joint venture to process transactions with the ownership definition. For auditing and tracking purposes, you can’t change any details in an ownership definition in the Inactive status. And you can’t delete the ownership definition or change its status back to Active.

Can I change the status of an ownership definition from Active to Inactive?

Yes. But you must verify that the ownership definition is not associated with unprocessed distributions. When you change the status of an ownership definition to Inactive, the application doesn’t check if unprocessed joint venture distributions are associated with the inactive ownership definition, and it will create invoices for the unprocessed distributions.

In a joint venture definition, do I need to uniquely identify each distributable account in the Distributable Segment Values area?

No. If all accounts for the primary segment value are distributable, then you don't have to enter values for the other segments. You can leave them blank. If you have a combination of distributable and nondistributable accounts with the same primary segment value, you must identify each distributable account in the joint venture definition. But you can use the % wildcard to designate a range of accounts when identifying the distributable accounts in a segment.

In the joint venture definition, I've already identified accounts in the primary segment that are distributable. Can I change the business unit?

Yes. But only if the new business unit is associated with the same chart of accounts (COA) instance. When you select a business unit for a joint venture, the COA instance and segments (including the primary segment) for the business unit are automatically identified by the joint venture. Joint Venture Management prevents you from changing the business unit if the new business unit isn't associated with the same COA instance.

Why can't I disable a segment?

You can't clear or disable a segment if there are distributable segment values associated with the segment on the Distributable Segment Values tab. If you remove the associated distributable segment values, you can disable the segment.

Why can't I see project numbers when creating a distributable project value rule?

When adding a distributable project value rule in the Distributable Project Values tab, the Project drop-down list won’t display project numbers unless your user profile is set up with the proper data access. If you don't see the values that you expect, ask your administrator to set up your user profile with data access to the business units that the projects are associated with. See Data Access for more information.

Why can't I see task values when creating a distributable project value rule?

You have to select a project number before selecting a task. After selecting a project number, you need to double-click the Task field to see a list of values.

Why is the expenditure type that I enter for a distributable project value in a joint venture definition or for the expenditure type override in the joint venture system options invalid?

Only expenditure types from the "Miscellaneous Transaction" expenditure type class are supported.

Why can't I create receivables invoices with negative amounts?

Check if the Minimum Receivables Invoice Amount field is blank in your joint venture definition. If this field is blank, it’s treated as a zero minimum amount, which means that when the total of the distributions results in a negative invoice amount, an invoice won’t be created.

FAQs for Assignment Rules

Why is the expenditure type that I add to an ownership definition assignment rule invalid?

Only expenditure types from the "Miscellaneous Transaction" expenditure type class are supported.

FAQs for Displaying Joint Venture Transactions, Distributions, and Invoices Data

Why isn’t data displayed in the joint venture transactions, distributions, and invoices work areas?

To see data in these work areas, you must run the process "ESS job to create index definition and perform initial ingest to OSCS." Otherwise, these work areas will show a blank page with or without the message “No data to display.” For more information, see Ingest Joint Venture Data.

Also, you can only work with or view records that are associated with the business units you're authorized to access through your data security setup. See Set Up Data Security for Oracle Joint Venture Management for more information.

I ran the ingest process, but I don’t see any data in the joint venture transactions, distributions, and invoices work areas. Why?

This can be because Oracle Search Cloud Service (OSCS) isn’t available for your cloud environment, probably because the hosted environment is used for government contracts. To view and work with the data in these work areas, click the Manage in Excel option on these work areas to download the corresponding data in a spreadsheet. For more information, see Manage Joint Venture Data in Microsoft Excel.

There’s a discrepancy in the data between the main page and details page in the joint venture transactions, distributions, and invoices work areas. How can I fix this issue?

Run the ingest process if you see any discrepancy in the data between the main page and details page in these work areas. The data on the details page comes from an Oracle REST API and is always up-to-date, while the data on the main page comes from the Oracle Search Cloud Service (OSCS) database when you run the ingest process. For more information on how to run the ingest process, see Ingest Joint Venture Data.

FAQs for Joint Interest Billing Reports

When I run the Submit Joint Interest Billing Report process, the reports for some stakeholders aren’t printed due to the error “Stakeholder email address is not specified for the joint venture.” How do I correct this error?

Make sure that the customer record for an external stakeholder and the person record for an internal stakeholder are set up with the email address. The joint interest billing report is sent to this email for each stakeholder when the delivery method is email. For information on how to set up the email details for internal and external stakeholders, see Before You Can Deliver Joint Interest Billing Reports Through Emails.