Review Joint Venture Invoices

Use the Joint Venture Invoices work area to view joint venture invoices and their associated joint venture distributions, transactions, partner contributions, and project costing adjustments.

Important: Before you can see any data in the Joint Venture Invoices work area and use the search features described in this section, an administrator must complete the setup described in Setup to Display Joint Venture Transactions, Distributions, and Invoices.

To navigate to this work area, on the home page, click Joint Venture Management, Invoices.

To find joint venture invoices, you can search on any of the invoice details displayed in the work area. You can search by joint venture name, invoice number, invoice date, and so on.

Click a suggested filter, such as Type, and the application displays records for the invoice type displayed in the filter. By default, the filter value is based on the highest count. For example, if most of the invoices are receivables invoices, the filter will display something like this: “Type Receivables Invoice 620.” You can click an applied suggested filter again to change the value in the filter or filter on an additional value. For example, you can change the Status filter to “Receivables Credit Memo” or select additional invoice types to see invoices of different types.

Review Distributions Associated With an Invoice

In the Joint Venture Invoices work area, the Distributions column displays the count of distributions associated with the invoice. You can click the value to review the distributions.

To view the details of a distribution, click the Distribution ID link. The Joint Venture Distribution page appears with information grouped logically in the following sections:

  • Details

  • Additional Details

    Note that this section includes the following fields that identify the transaction from where the distribution originated:

    • Source: If the transaction originated from a subledger, this field is populated with the value “Subledger” appended with the subledger name, for example, Subledger - Payables.

    • Source Transaction Reference: This field populates a value for only Payables and Payroll Costing transactions. For Payables transaction, the reference is the invoice number. For Payroll Costing, it’s the concatenation of the Payroll Costing ID, element name, and payroll period name. You can use this information to identify and review the details of the transaction in the source application.

    • Subledger Journal: Click this link to review subledger journal entries from which the joint venture transaction was created.

      You must be a user who’s set up with the required security to access and review the corresponding journal entries in subledger accounting. For information on the security setup required for this purpose, see Configure Access to Source Journal Entries from Joint Venture Transactions, Distributions, and Invoices.

  • Transaction: This section includes information about the transaction from where the distribution originated.

  • Related Distributions: This section includes information about other distributions that were generated from the same transaction.