OAGIS 10.1 XML Delivery Errors

After you run the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process to deliver transactions in OAGIS 10.1 XML format, review the status of your XML transaction deliveries. If necessary, take corrective actions on any transactions that weren't successfully delivered.

XML Transaction Delivery Errors

Use the Manage Transactions page to review transactions delivered in XML format. Use Collaboration Messaging to review and correct any transactions with the XML delivery status Processing Error or Delivery Failed.

  • Use the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page to review the error details of transactions with the XML delivery status Processing Error.

  • Use the Manage Failed Collaboration Messages page to review the error details of transactions with the XML delivery status Delivery Failed.

Note: If a Receivables XML transaction remains in the Delivery In Progress status for more than two hours, the status of the transaction is updated to Delivery Failed by the next run of the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process. You can reprocess XML transactions marked as Delivery Failed by the running the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process with the Transactions Included parameter set to Failed Transactions.

Inbound CBOD Collaboration Message

The inbound CBOD collaboration message returns an acknowledgment code of Success, Error, or Other. This acknowledgment code appears in the XML Delivery Status column of the Manage Transactions page.

The CBOD acknowledgment codes appear in the XML Delivery Status column in this way:

  • Document Received corresponds to Success.

  • Document Not Received corresponds to Error.

  • Unknown Acknowledgment Code corresponds to Other.

If a customer trading partner wants to send a status code other than one of these three, you can map customer codes to one of the three statuses using the Manage Confirmation Codes page of the Manage B2B Trading Partners task in the Collaboration Messaging work area.

Note: Collaboration Messaging provides the CollaborationMessageService, which service providers and trading partners can use to send the CBOD acknowledgment. You can access the details of the CollaborationMessageService using the available URL.

Review Errors in XML Transaction Delivery

To review errors in XML delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Transactions page.

  2. Search for transactions with the Delivery Method field set to XML.

  3. Scroll across to expose the Ready for XML Delivery and XML Delivery Status columns.

  4. If the XML Delivery Status column for an XML transaction displays Processing Error or Delivery Failed, use Collaboration Messaging to investigate the cause of the failure.

  5. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging work area.

  6. If the status is Processing Error, navigate to the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page.

    You can either reprocess these transactions from the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page or set them to Delivery Failed by canceling the transactions.

  7. If the status is Delivery Failed, navigate to the Manage Failed Collaboration Messages page.

    You can reprocess these transactions with another run of the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process, setting the Transactions Included parameter to Failed Transactions.

Correct Errors in XML Transaction Delivery

Review and correct outbound processing, document retrieval, and inbound processing errors using the Manage Failed Collaboration Messages and Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages tasks.

To review and correct errors in XML delivery:

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging work area.

  2. Open either the Manage Failed Collaboration Messages page or the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page.

  3. Search for the XML transaction you want.

  4. In the Messages section, review the Error Type and Error Subtype columns:

    • Error Type displays the category of delivery error: Outbound Processing Error, Document Retrieval, or Inbound Processing Error.

    • Error Subtype displays the specific delivery error.

This table displays for each Error Type and Error Subtype the corrective action to use:

Error Type

Error Subtype

Corrective Action

Outbound Processing Error

Collaboration Messaging Framework is disabled

  1. Navigate to Setup and Maintenance.

  2. Open the Manage Collaboration Messaging Configuration page.

  3. Enable collaboration messaging for the Order to Cash business process.

  4. Rerun the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process with the Transactions Included parameter set to Failed Transactions.

Outbound Processing Error

Application Partner Document status is Disabled

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration page and search for the customer account.

  3. Set the Association Status to Enabled for the PROCESS_INVOICE_OUT document.

  4. Rerun the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process with the Transactions Included parameter set to Failed Transactions.

Outbound Processing Error

External Partner Document not found

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage B2B Trading Partners page and search for the trading partner.

  3. Define the PROCESS_INVOICE_OUT document for this trading partner.

  4. Rerun the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process with the Transactions Included parameter set to Failed Transactions.

Outbound Processing Error

External Partner Message not found

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage B2B Trading Partners page and search for the trading partner.

  3. Define the PROCESS_INVOICE_COLLAB_MSG_OUT message for this trading partner.

  4. Rerun the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process with the Transactions Included parameter set to Failed Transactions.

Outbound Processing Error

Application Partner Document status is Hold

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration page and search for the customer account.

  3. Set the Association Status to Enabled for the PROCESS_INVOICE_OUT document.

  4. Open the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page and search for the XML transaction.

  5. Reprocess the XML transaction.

Outbound Processing Error

External Service Invocation Failure

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page and search for the XML transaction.

  3. Review the error description and fix the Web service URL, if this is the reason for the error.

  4. Reprocess the XML transaction.

Outbound Processing Error

Unexpected error

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page and search for the XML transaction.

  3. Review the error description and fix the reason for the error.

  4. Reprocess the XML transaction.

Outbound Processing Error

External Partner Document status not Active

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage B2B Trading Partners page and search for the trading partner.

  3. Set the PROCESS_INVOICE_OUT document status to Active for this trading partner.

  4. Open the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page and search for the XML transaction.

  5. Reprocess the XML transaction.

Outbound Processing Error

External Partner Message status not Active

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers page and search for the service provider.

  3. Set the PROCESS_INVOICE_COLLAB_MSG_OUT message status to Active for this service provider.

  4. Open the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page and search for the XML transaction.

  5. Reprocess the XML transaction.

Outbound Processing Error

Application Service Invocation Failure

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Undelivered Collaboration Messages page and search for the XML transaction.

  3. Reprocess the XML transaction.

Document Retrieval

Application Partner Document not found

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Customer Account Collaboration Configuration page and search for the customer account.

  3. Associate the PROCESS_INVOICE_OUT document to the customer account.

  4. Rerun the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process with the Transactions Included parameter set to Failed Transactions.

Document Retrieval

Application Query returned no records

Rerun the Generate and Transfer XML Transactions process with the Transactions Included parameter set to Failed Transactions.

Inbound Processing Error

Setup validation failure

  1. Navigate to the Collaboration Messaging Framework work area.

  2. Open the Manage Collaboration Messaging Service Providers page and search for the service provider.

  3. Define the CONFIRM_BOD_COLLAB_MSG_IN message and associate it to the PROCESS_INVOICE_COLLAB_MSG_OUT message for this service provider.

Inbound Processing Error

Unidentified Message Type

  1. Ensure that the type in the BusinessObjectDocument tag of the CBOD XML sent by the external partner is ConfirmBODType.

  2. The existing document can't be reprocessed. The inbound CBOD needs to be re-sent by the external partner.