Invoice Documents Recognition Tracking Report

This report enables users and administrators to track the status of each invoice sent to IDR and provides the status of each email attachment.

The report tracks the status of the invoice at each stage, starting from the time that the email reaches the IDR service, until it is imported and created in Payables. You can find this report in the Scheduled Processes, and you can run by email address of the sender as well as to and from dates. The maximum period that you can specify for this report is 1 month.

Note: You can use this report to track the status of invoice imports for “Image Invoices”. The standard Payables Invoice Import Report will no longer include invoices with the source of “Image”.

To run the report, follow these steps.

  1. Go to Navigator > Tools > Scheduled Processes.

  2. Click the Schedule New Process button.

  3. Click the drop-down button next to the Name field and then click Search.

  4. Enter Invoice Documents in the Name field and click Search.

  5. Select the Invoice Documents Recognition Tracking report and click OK.

  6. Click OK.
  7. Enter the required parameters for the report and click Submit.
    Note: You can run the report with these parameters:You can also decide whether to enable the log for the report generation.
  8. After the report completes processing, you can download it in a spreadsheet format.