Routing Attributes 1 to 4

You can use routing attributes in an email subject.

IDR supports up to 4 routing attributes in an email subject. IDR can save them to an invoice, or use them to route incomplete invoices to AP personnel for review and completion. Use an underscore (_) as a separator to indicate the start of routing attribute information. Each attribute can contain up to 40 characters.

Example of Routing Attributes

Consider the scenario where you've a business requirement to record several categories on the invoice. In this example, assume that the categories you record are invoice priority, supplier category, manufacturing plant number, and storage bin number. You can specify these categories in the email subject.

Here's a list of these categories, their possible values, and how they're mapped to Routing Attributes 1 to 4.

Routing Attribute Category Value
Routing Attribute 1 Invoice priority Regular, Urgent
Routing Attribute 2 Supplier category Regular, Supply chain related
Routing Attribute 3 Manufacturing plant number Plant-1, Plant-2, Plant-3
Routing Attribute 4 Storage bin number Bin#1, Bin#2, Bin#3

A supplier sends an invoice with the email subject:

invoice-1234 attached.

The email recipient reviews the email and provides extra routing information in the email subject. Here's the revised email subject:

invoice-1234 attached_Urgent_Supply chain related_Plant-1_Bin#1.

The routing attributes start after the first underscore (_). In this example, the routing attributes would be assigned like this: invoice-1234 attached_Urgent_Supply chain related_Plant-1_Bin#1

Routing Attribute Comments

Ignored until the first underscore is seen now IDR is being told the first routing attribute is to follow.


This is routing attribute 1 and because there's another underscore, IDR knows to look for attribute 2.

Supply chain related_

This is routing attribute 2 and because it's followed by yet another underscore, there's another one.


This is routing attribute 3 and because we've another underscore, IDR knows routing attribute 4 will follow.


This is routing attribute 4. IDR knows it's done with the routing attributes because there are no further underscores.

You can also use Routing Attribute 1 to manually record the business unit if your supplier sites have multiple business unit assignments. In this case, the first attribute that was Urgent in our example would be replaced with the business unit ID.