All REST Endpoints
Alternate Name Mapping Rules
The alternate name mapping rules enable lockbox to identify Japanese customers by alternate payer name during Zengin lockbox processing.
- Create an alternate name mapping rule
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an alternate name mapping rule
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all alternate name mapping rules
- Method: getPath:
- Get an alternate name mapping rule
- Method: getPath:
- Update an alternate name mapping rule
- Method: patchPath:
AutoInvoice Interface Lines
The AutoInvoice interface lines resource is used to get, find, and update the interface line information.
- Get all AutoInvoice interface lines
- Method: getPath:
- Get an AutoInvoice interface line
- Method: getPath:
- Update an AutoInvoice interface line
- Method: patchPath:
AutoInvoice Interface Lines/AutoInvoice Header Information Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the AutoInvoice Interface Lines/AutoInvoice Header Information Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
AutoInvoice Interface Lines/AutoInvoice Interface Line Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the AutoInvoice Interface Lines/AutoInvoice Interface Line Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
AutoInvoice Interface Lines/AutoInvoice Line Information Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the AutoInvoice Interface Lines/AutoInvoice Line Information Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Account User Rules
The bank account user rules resource is used to create country-specific rules on a simplified bank account UI. Label changes are also supported through this service.
- Create a country-specific rule
- Method: postPath:
- Get a country-specific rule
- Method: getPath:
- Get all country-specific rules
- Method: getPath:
- Update an existing country-specific rule
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts
The bank accounts resource is used to view, create, and modify bank accounts.
- Create a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank accounts
- Method: getPath:
- Update a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Descriptive Flexfields
The bank account descriptive flexfields resource manages details about the descriptive flexfield references for a bank account.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Global Descriptive Flexfields
The bank account global descriptive flexfields resource manages details about the global descriptive flexfield references for a bank account.
- Create a global descriptive flexfield for a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get a global descriptive flexfield for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update a global descriptive flexfield for a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Grants
The bank account grants resource manages the security and access to the bank account.
- Create a grant for a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get a grant for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all grants for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update a grant for a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Payment Documents
The bank account payment documents resource manages details about the payment documents, paper stock type, document numbers, and payment formats associated to the bank account.
- Create a payment document for a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get a payment document for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment documents for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payment document for a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Payment Documents/Bank Account Checkbooks
The bank account checkbooks resource manages details about the payment checkbook, including checkbook name, prefix, start number, and received date.
- Create a checkbook for a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get a checkbook for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all checkbooks for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update a checkbook for a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Transaction Creation Rules
The bank account transaction creation rules resource is used to add one or more bank statement transaction creation rules to a bank account. The transaction creation rule is used to create external cash transactions based on the unreconciled bank statements.
- Create a bank statement transaction creation rule for a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a bank statement transaction creation rule for a bank account
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a bank statement transaction creation rule for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank statement transaction creation rules for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update a bank statement transaction creation rule for a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Uses
The bank account uses resource manages the business unit assignments, and accounting combination for each business unit.
- Create a bank account use for a bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get a bank account use for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank account uses for a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update a bank account use for a bank account
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Accounts/Bank Account Uses/Bank Account Payment Document Categories
The bank account payment document categories resource manages the payment method and payment document category associated to the business unit.
- Create a payment document category for a business unit
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a payment document category for a business unit
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a payment document category for a business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment document categories for a business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payment document category for a business unit
- Method: patchPath:
Bank Branches
The bank branches resource is used to view, create, modify, or delete bank branches.
- Create a bank branch
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a bank branch
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a bank branch
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank branches
- Method: getPath:
- Update a bank branch
- Method: patchPath:
The banks resource is used to view, create, modify, or delete banks.
- Create a bank
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a bank
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a bank
- Method: getPath:
- Get all banks
- Method: getPath:
- Update a bank
- Method: patchPath:
Bill Management Users
The bill management users resource is used to enroll users for bill management. Prior to using this resource, the user must be defined as a customer contact for the customer account and as a user in Oracle Applications Cloud.
- Create a bill management user
- Method: postPath:
- Get a bill management user
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bill management users
- Method: getPath:
Brazilian Fiscal Documents
The Brazilian fiscal documents resource is used to view fiscal documents of Brazil.
- Get a fiscal document
- Method: getPath:
- Get all fiscal documents
- Method: getPath:
Budgetary Control Results
The budgetary control results resource can be used to view budgetary control validation information for a labor schedule from the Labor Cost Management in Project Management or a requisition in Self Service Procurement.
- Get a budgetary control result
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Budgetary Control Results Budget Impacts for Labor Cost Management
The budgetary control results budget impacts for labor cost management resource is used to view budgetary control validation information with budget balances for a labor schedule from the Labor Cost Management in Project Management.
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- Get the budget impacts of a budgetary control result
- Method: getPath:
Budgetary Control Results for Enterprise Performance Management Budget Transactions
The budgetary control results resource is used internally for budget adjustments in Enterprise Performance Management to display budgetary control validation information.
- Get a budget entry transaction budgetary control result
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Budgetary Control for Enterprise Performance Management Budget Transactions
The budgetary control for Enterprise Performance Management budget transactions resource creates budget entries and performs budgetary control validation.
- Create and perform budgetary control validation on a budget entry transaction
- Method: postPath:
- DELETE action not supported
- Method: deletePath:
- PATCH action not supported
- Method: patchPath:
Budgetary Control for Enterprise Performance Management Budget Transactions/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - BudgetTransactionPayload
- Delete a BudgetTransactionPayload
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a BudgetTransactionPayload
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a BudgetTransactionPayload
- Method: putPath:
Cash Bank Account Transfers
The bank account transfers resource is used to create, update, and view bank account transfers.
- Create a bank account transfer
- Method: postPath:
- Get a bank account transfer
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank account transfers
- Method: getPath:
- Update a bank account transfer
- Method: patchPath:
Cash Pools
The cash pools resource is used to create, update, view, and delete the notional and physical cash pools with two or more bank accounts.
- Create a cash pool
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a cash pool
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a cash pool
- Method: getPath:
- Get all cash pools
- Method: getPath:
- Update a cash pool
- Method: patchPath:
Cash Pools/Cash Pool Members
The cash pool members resource is used to create, view, and delete the members of the cash pool. The members can be individual bank accounts or another cash pool.
- Create a cash pool member
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a cash pool member
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a cash pool member
- Method: getPath:
- Get all cash pool members
- Method: getPath:
- Update a cash pool member
- Method: patchPath:
Chart of Accounts Filters
The chart of accounts filters resource is used to return a filter ID value for the chart of accounts filter criteria that a user provides. This ID is used as a job parameter for process submissions.
- Create a chart of accounts filter
- Method: postPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Chart of Accounts Filters/Filter Criteria
The filter criteria resource is used to specify criteria for a chart of accounts filter.
- Create a set of filter criteria
- Method: postPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Collection Promises
The collection promises resource is used to query and create promises to pay.
- Create a collection promise
- Method: postPath:
- Get a collection promise
- Method: getPath:
- Get all collection promises
- Method: getPath:
Collection Promises/Collection Promises Descriptive Flexfields
The collection promises descriptive flexfields resource is used to query and add descriptive flexfield values to a promise to pay.
- Create a collection promise descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a collection promise descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a collection promise group
- Method: getPath:
Collections Delinquencies
The collections delinquencies resource provides details of customer delinquencies.
- Create a collections delinquency
- Method: postPath:
- Get a collections delinquency
- Method: getPath:
- Get all collections delinquencies
- Method: getPath:
- Update a collections delinquency
- Method: patchPath:
Collections Strategies
The collections strategies resource is used to create, update, or view strategies assigned to customers, customer accounts, or sites, depending on the customers' business levels. A strategy assignment consists of strategy tasks that describe the steps in a collection activity based on the strategy group setup. The collection activity can also follow ad-hoc, user-defined strategy tasks that are not part of the setup.
- Create a strategy assignment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a strategy assignment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all strategy assignments
- Method: getPath:
- Update a strategy assignment
- Method: patchPath:
Collections Strategies/Strategy Template Tasks
A strategy template task resource is used to retrieve all future tasks that are defined from the strategy setup template and skipped template tasks.
- Get a strategy template task
- Method: getPath:
- Get all strategy template tasks
- Method: getPath:
- Update a strategy template task status
- Method: patchPath:
Collections Strategies/Tasks
The tasks resource is used to create, update, or view strategy tasks assigned to customers, customer accounts, or sites, depending on the customers' business levels. These strategy tasks can be executed or non-executed when they are predefined based on strategy group setup, or executed ad hoc, user-defined tasks.
- Create a task assignment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a task assignment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all task assignments
- Method: getPath:
- Update a task assignment
- Method: patchPath:
Collections Strategies/User Tasks
The user tasks resource is used to create, update, or view any ad hoc strategy tasks that collectors want to add to the list of predefined strategy tasks for a particular strategy assignment.
- Create a user task assignment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a user task assignment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all user task assignments
- Method: getPath:
- Update a user task assignment
- Method: patchPath:
Credit Data Point Values
The data point values resource contains the value for credit and collections data points mapped to a party or account. The value is provided by customers. The data point value may be a number, date, or string data type.
- Create a data point value
- Method: postPath:
- Get a data point value
- Method: getPath:
- Get all data point values
- Method: getPath:
- Update a data point value
- Method: patchPath:
Credit Data Points
The credit and collections data point resource contains customer's firmographic, receivables, and financial information. The data point resources can be system derived or customer configured. The data point categories are Bank References, Billing and Payments, Business Information and Credit, Collateral, Financial Data, Guarantors, References, Trade References, Venture Funding, and Additional. For example, Total Amount Past Due is a system-derived credit and collections data point, categorized under Billing and Payments
- Create a credit and collections data point
- Method: postPath:
- Get a credit and collections data point
- Method: getPath:
- Get all credit and collections data points
- Method: getPath:
- Update a credit and collections data point
- Method: patchPath:
Currency Rates
The currency rates resource is used to retrieve information on currency rates and dates for which rates are available for a source and target currency combination.
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- Get all currency rates
- Method: getPath:
Data Security for Users
The data security for users resource is used to deliver centralized and streamlined data assignment access and management across different applications.
- Create a data assignment for a user
- Method: postPath:
- Get a data assignment by user and role
- Method: getPath:
- Get all data assignments by user and role
- Method: getPath:
- Update a data assignment for a user
- Method: patchPath:
Debit Authorizations
The debit authorization resource is used to view, create, and modify a debit authorization.
- Create a debit authorization
- Method: postPath:
- Get a debit authorization
- Method: getPath:
- Get all debit authorizations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a debit authorization
- Method: patchPath:
Debit Authorizations/Debit Authorization Versions
The debit authorization version resource is used to view a debit authorization version.
- Get a debit authorization version
- Method: getPath:
- Get all debit authorization versions
- Method: getPath:
Document Sequence Derivations
The document sequence derivations resource is used to view, create, modify, and delete document sequence derivation records.
- Create multiple document sequence derivation records
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a document sequence derivation record
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a document sequence derivation record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all document sequence derivation records
- Method: getPath:
- Update a document sequence derivation record
- Method: patchPath:
ERP Business Events
The ERP business events resource is used to retrieve or update a business event-enabled record to determine whether the business event can be initiated.
- Get a business event record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all business event records
- Method: getPath:
- Update the enabled indicator for a business event
- Method: patchPath:
ERP Integrations
The ERP integrations resource automates bulk data import and export flows. It also provides key features such as callback and error notifications, as part of these flows.
- Create an inbound or outbound set of data
- Method: postPath:
- Get all job details
- Method: getPath:
- Get job details
- Method: getPath:
ERP Processes
The ERP processes resource is used to view details of ERP processes.
- Retrieve an ERP process and related parameters
- Method: postPath:
Early Payment Offers
The early payment offers resource is used to manage details about buyer-initiated standing discount offers which includes assignments and descriptive flexfields.
- Create a standing early payment offer
- Method: postPath:
- Get a standing early payment offer
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standing early payment offer
- Method: getPath:
- Retrieve the list of campaigns for a supplier
- Method: postPath:
- Retrieve the list of supplier contacts for a vendor
- Method: postPath:
- Send early payment offers to suppliers
- Method: postPath:
- Update a standing early payment offer
- Method: patchPath:
- Update supplier contact for early payment offers
- Method: postPath:
Early Payment Offers/Early Payment Offer Assignments
The early payment offer assignments resource is used to manage details about supplier assignment to the standing discount offers which includes descriptive flexfields.
- Create a standing offer assignment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a standing offer assignment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standing offer assignments
- Method: getPath:
- Update a standing offer assignment
- Method: patchPath:
Early Payment Offers/Early Payment Offer Assignments/Early Payment Offers Descriptive Flexfields
The early payment offers descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an assignment.
- Create descriptive flexfields for a standing offer assignment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield for a standing offer assignment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a standing offer assignment
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for a standing offer assignment
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Accommodations Polices
The expense accommodations policies resource is used to contain details of all accommodations expense policies.
- Get a single accommodations expense policy record for an accommodations expense policy identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all accommodations expense policy records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Accommodations Polices/Expense Accommodations Policy Lines
The expense accommodations policy lines resource is used to contain details of an accommodations expense policy.
- Get a single accommodations expense policy line record using an accommodations expense policy rate line identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all accommodations expense policy line records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Airfare Policies
The expense airfare policies resource is used to view airfare expense policies.
- Get all expense airfare policies
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense airfare policy
- Method: getPath:
Expense Airfare Policies/Expense Airfare Policy Lines
The expense airfare policy lines resource is used to view airfare expense policy line records.
- Get all expense airfare policy lines
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense airfare policy line
- Method: getPath:
Expense Audit Predictions
The expense audit predictions resource predicts the likelihood of an expense report to be audited.
- Create an audit recommendation
- Method: postPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Expense Business Unit Settings
The expense business unit settings resource is used to get user entered setup options.
- Get a business unit setting record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all business unit setting records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Cash Advances
The cash advance resource is used to manage all employee cash advances, which includes creation, update, deletion, and selection.
- Create a cash advance record
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a cash advance
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a cash advance record for the requested cash advance identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all cash advance records
- Method: getPath:
- Update a cash advance
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Cash Advances/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Cash Advances/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Expense Cash Advances/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Expense Cash Advances/Cash Advance Descriptive Flexfields
The cash advance descriptive flexfield resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for a cash advance.
- Create a cash advance descriptive flexfield record for a cash advance
- Method: postPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield record for the cash advance
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfield records for the related cash advance
- Method: getPath:
- Update the descriptive flexfield record for a cash advance
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Conversion Rate Options
The expense conversion rate options resource is used to provide conversion rate policies for business units.
- Get a single conversion rate option record for a given conversion rate option row identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all conversion rate option records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Conversion Rate Options/Conversion Rate Tolerances
The conversion rate tolerance resource is used to contain the conversion rate policy exceptions for specific currencies within a business unit.
- Get a single conversion rate tolerance record for a given identifier of a conversion rate exception for a specific currency within a business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get all conversion rate tolerance records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Credit Card Transactions
The expense credit card transactions resource is used to describe all corporate card transactions of an employee. Only a selection of employee corporate card transactions are currently supported by this resource.
- Get a corporate card transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all corporate card transactions
- Method: getPath:
Expense Delegations
The delegations resource is used to manage all information related to delegation that describes authorized delegation between employees.
- Create an expense delegation
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense delegations
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense delegation
- Method: getPath:
- Update an expense delegation
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Descriptive Flexfield Contexts
The expense descriptive flexfield contexts resource is used for expenses and expense reports.
- Get a descriptive flexfield context for expenses and expense reports
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfield contexts for expenses and expense reports
- Method: getPath:
Expense Descriptive Flexfield Segments
The expense descriptive flexfield segments resource is used for expenses and expense reports.
- Get a descriptive flexfield segment for expenses and expense reports
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfield segments for expenses and expense reports
- Method: getPath:
Expense Distributions
The expense distributions resource is a child resource that contains distribution information about an expense item.
- Create a distribution record for the related expense
- Method: postPath:
- Get all distribution records for the related expense
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense distribution record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update a distribution record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Distributions/Project Descriptive Flexfields
The project-related descriptive flexfields resource is a child resource that maintains project flexfields related to an expense.
- Create a project-related descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get a project-related descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all project-related descriptive flexfield records for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update a project-related descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Entertainment Policies
The expense entertainment policies resource is used to view entertainment expense policies.
- Get all expense entertainment policies
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense entertainment policy
- Method: getPath:
Expense Entertainment Policies/Expense Entertainment Policy Lines
The expense entertainment policy lines resource is used to view entertainment expense policy line records.
- Get all expense entertainment policy lines
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense entertainment policy line
- Method: getPath:
Expense Locations
Expense locations resource is used to provide data that represents physical geographies.
- Get a single expense location record using the expense location identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense location records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Meals Policies
The expense meals policies resource is used to get all meals expense policies.
- Get a single expense meals policy record for a meals policy identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense meals policy records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Meals Policies/Expense Meals Policy Lines
The expense meals policy lines resource is used to get all meals expense policy line records.
- Get a single expense meals policy line record for a meals policy rate line identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense meals policy line records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Mileage Policies
The expense mileage policies resource is used to get all mileage-related policies.
- Get a single expense mileage policy record for a given mileage policy identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense mileage policy line records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Mileage Policies/Expense Mileage Policy Lines
The expense mileage policy lines resource is used to get all records related to mileage policy lines.
- Get a single expense mileage policy line record for a given mileage policy rate line identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense mileage policy records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Miscellaneous Policies
The expense miscellaneous policies resource is used to view miscellaneous expense policy records.
- Get all expense miscellaneous policies
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense miscellaneous policy
- Method: getPath:
Expense Miscellaneous Policies/Expense Miscellaneous Policy Lines
The expense miscellaneous policy lines resource is used to view miscellaneous expense policy line records.
- Get all expense miscellaneous policy lines
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense miscellaneous policy line
- Method: getPath:
Expense Per Diem Calculations
The expense per diem calculations resource is used to calculate the reimbursement of a trip upon which a per diem policy applies.
- Create a per diem calculation
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense per diem policies
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense per diem policy
- Method: getPath:
Expense Per Diem Policies
The expense per diem policies resource is used to view per diem expense policy records.
- Get all expense per diem policies
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense per diem policy
- Method: getPath:
Expense Per Diem Policies/Expense Per Diem Policy Lines
The expense per diem policy lines resource is used to view per diem expense policy line records.
- Get all expense per diem policy lines
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense per diem policy line
- Method: getPath:
Expense Per Diem Policies/Expense Per Diem Policy Values
The expense per diem policy values resource is used to view records of per diem expense policy values in percentages.
- Get all expense per diem policy values
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense per diem policy value
- Method: getPath:
Expense Persons
The expense persons resource is used to get details like BU name and currency name for a person.
- Get all expense person records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense person record
- Method: getPath:
Expense Preferences
The expense preferences resource is used to get a person's expense preferences record.
- Create an expense preferences record for a person
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an expense preferences record for a person
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all expense preferences records for a person
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense preferences record for a person
- Method: getPath:
- Update an expense preferences record for a person
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Preferred Types
The expense preferred types resource is used to query preferred expense types for a chatbot user.
- Get a single preferred expense type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all preferred expense types
- Method: getPath:
Expense Profile Attributes
The expense profile attributes resource is used to get a person's expense profile attributes record.
- Get all records of a person's expense profile attributes
- Method: getPath:
- Get the record of a person's expense profile attributes
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports
The expense reports resource contains information about an expense report.
- Apply a cash advance
- Method: postPath:
- Create an expense report record
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense report records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense report record
- Method: getPath:
- Process a workflow action
- Method: postPath:
- Remove a cash advance
- Method: postPath:
- Submit an expense report
- Method: postPath:
- Update an expense report record for a specific expense report identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to manage documents that the user attaches to an expense report.
- Create an attachment record for a specific attachment identifier
- Method: postPath:
- DELETE action not supported
- Method: deletePath:
- Get an attachment record related to an expense report
- Method: getPath:
- Get attachment records
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment record for a specific attachment identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Expense Reports/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports/Expense Notes
The expense notes resource is a child resource that contains notes entered by an approver or an auditor about an expense report.
- Get a single expense note record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense note records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports/Expense Notes/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - NoteText
- Get a NoteText
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports/Expense Processing Details
The expense processing details resource is a child resource that contains information about status changes of an expense report.
- Get a single processing detail record of an expense report
- Method: getPath:
- Get all processing detail records of an expense report
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports/Expense Report Descriptive Flexfields
The expense report descriptive flexfields resource is used to store additional company-specific information that is captured for an expense report.
- Create an expense report descriptive flexfield record
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense report header descriptive flexfield records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense report header descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense report identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update an expense report header descriptive flexfields for a specific expense report identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expense Report Payments
The expense report payments resource is a child resource that contains payment information for a paid expense report.
- Get all expense report payments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense report payment record
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses
The expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about an expense item.
- Create a duplicate of an expense
- Method: postPath:
- Create an expense record
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense record for a specific expense identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Initiate a notification request
- Method: postPath:
- Update an expense record for a specific expense identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to manage documents that the user attaches to an expense item.
- Create an attachment record for a specific attachment identifier
- Method: postPath:
- DELETE action not supported
- Method: deletePath:
- Get an attachment record related to an expense report
- Method: getPath:
- Get attachment records
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment record for a specific attachment identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Duplicate Expenses
The duplicate expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all duplicate expense items related to an expense.
- Get a duplicate expense record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all duplicate expense records
- Method: getPath:
- Update a duplicate expense record
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Expense Attendees
The expense attendees resource is a child resource that contains attendee information about an expense item.
- Create an expense attendee record for an expense identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense attendee records for an expense identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense attendee record for a specific expense attendee identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update an expense attendee record for a specific expense identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Expense Descriptive Flexfields
The expense descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an expense item.
- Create an expense descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield record for the related expense
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfield records for the related expense
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Expense Distributions
The expense distributions resource is a child resource that contains distribution information about an expense item.
- Create a distribution record for the related expense
- Method: postPath:
- Get all distribution records for the related expense
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense distribution record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update a distribution record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Expense Distributions/Projects Descriptive Flexfields
The project-related descriptive flexfields resource is a child resource that maintains project flexfields related to an expense.
- Create a project-related descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get a project-related descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all project-related descriptive flexfield records for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update a project-related descriptive flexfield record for a specific expense distribution identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Expense Errors
The expense errors resource is a child resource that contains information about all validation errors of an expense.
- Get all expense error records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense error record
- Method: getPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Expense Itemizations
The expense itemizations resource is a child resource used to manage details about the itemized lines of an expense item.
- Create an itemization record for a specific expense identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense itemization records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense itemization record for a specific expense
- Method: getPath:
- Update an expense itemization record for a specific expense identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Reports/Expenses/Matched Expenses
The matched expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all matched expense items related to an expense.
- Get a matched expense record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all matched expense records
- Method: getPath:
- PATCH action not supported
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Scanned Images
The expense scanned images resource uploads images to the image recognition application and obtains receipt details.
- GET action for multiple images not supported
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- Upload an image to the image recognition application
- Method: postPath:
Expense System Options
The expense setup options resource is used to get user selected setup options.
- Get a setup option record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all setup option records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Templates
The expense templates resource is used to group sets of expense types by business unit for purposes such as Education, Travel, and Relocation.
- Get a single expense template
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense templates
- Method: getPath:
Expense Templates/Expense Types
The expense types resource is used to define the expense types for an expense report template and the associated corporate policies.
- Get a single expense type in an expense template
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense types in an expense template record
- Method: getPath:
Expense Templates/Expense Types/Itemized Expense Types
The itemized expense types resource is used to itemize expense types.
- Get a single itemized expense type record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all itemized expense type records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Templates/Expense Types/Preferred Agency Lists
The preferred agency lists resource is used to view the preferred agency lists that are defined for the expense type.
- Get a single preferred agency list record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all preferred agency list records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Templates/Expense Types/Preferred Merchant Lists
The preferred merchant lists resource is used to view the preferred merchant lists that are defined for the expense type.
- Get a single preferred merchant list record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all preferred merchant list records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Templates/Mobile Expense Types
The mobile expense types resource is used to view the expense types that are defined for an expense template.
- Get a single mobile expense type record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all mobile expense type records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Travel Itineraries
The expense travel itineraries resource is used to get travel itinerary information from third-party travel partner sites.
- Create a travel itinerary
- Method: postPath:
- Get a travel itinerary
- Method: getPath:
- Get all travel itineraries
- Method: getPath:
- Update a travel itinerary
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Travel Itineraries/Expense Travel Itinerary Reservations
The expense itinerary reservations resource is used to get travel reservation information from third-party travel partner sites.
- Create a travel itinerary reservation
- Method: postPath:
- Get a travel itinerary reservation
- Method: getPath:
- Get all travel itinerary reservations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a travel itinerary reservation
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Travel Itineraries/Expense Travel Itinerary Reservations/Expense Travel Itinerary Reservation Items
The expense reservation items resource is used to get travel reservation item information from third-party travel partner sites.
- Create a travel itinerary reservation item
- Method: postPath:
- Get a travel itinerary reservation item
- Method: getPath:
- Get all travel itinerary reservation items
- Method: getPath:
- Update a travel itinerary reservation item
- Method: patchPath:
Expense Types
The expense types resource is used to define an expense report template and the associated corporate expense policies.
- Get a single expense type record for the requested expense type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all expense type records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Types/Expenses Type Itemize
The itemized expense types resource is used to define expense types that are eligible for itemization.
- Get a single itemized expense type record for the requested itemized expense type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all itemized expense type records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Types/Preferred Agency Lists
The preferred agency lists resource is used to view the preferred agency lists that are defined for the expense type.
- Get a single preferred agency list record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all preferred agency list records
- Method: getPath:
Expense Types/Preferred Merchant Lists
The preferred merchant lists resource is used to view the preferred merchant lists that are defined for the expense type.
- Get a single preferred merchant list record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all preferred merchant list records
- Method: getPath:
The expenses resource is a parent resource that contains all the expense information incurred by an employee.
- Create a duplicate of an expense.
- Method: postPath:
- Create an expense record
- Method: postPath:
- DELETE action not supported
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all expense records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense record of an expense identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Initiate a notification request
- Method: postPath:
- Update an expense record
- Method: patchPath:
The attachments resource is used to manage documents that the user has attached to the expense item.
- Create an attachment record for an attachment identifier
- Method: postPath:
- DELETE action not supported
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachment records
- Method: getPath:
- Get the attachment record related to the expense report
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment record
- Method: patchPath:
Expenses/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Expenses/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Expenses/Duplicate Expenses
The duplicate expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all duplicate expense items related to an expense.
- Get a duplicate expense record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all duplicate expense records
- Method: getPath:
- Update a duplicate expense record
- Method: patchPath:
Expenses/Expense Attendees
The expense attendees resource is a child resource that contains expense attendee information.
- Create an expense attendee record for an expense identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense attendee records for an expense identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense attendee record for an expense attendee identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update an expense attendee record for an expense identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expenses/Expense Descriptive Flexfields
The expense descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an expense item.
- Create an expense descriptive flexfield record for an expense identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfield records for the related expense
- Method: getPath:
- Get the descriptive flexfield record for the related expense
- Method: getPath:
- Update the descriptive flexfield record for an expense identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expenses/Expense Distributions
The expense distributions resource manages details about all expenses incurred by an employee, which includes attendees, distributions, descriptive flexfields, itemizations, and attachment information.
- Create a distribution record for the related expense
- Method: postPath:
- Get all distribution records for the related expense
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense distribution record for an expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update the distribution record for an expense distribution identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expenses/Expense Distributions/Project Descriptive Flexfields
The project-related descriptive flexfields resource is a child resource that maintains project flexfields related to an expense.
- Create a project-related descriptive flexfield record
- Method: postPath:
- Get all project-related descriptive flexfield records
- Method: getPath:
- Get the project-related descriptive flexfield record for an expense distribution identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Update the project-related descriptive flexfield record for an expense distribution identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expenses/Expense Errors
The expense errors resource is a child resource that contains information about all validation errors of an expense.
- Get all expense error records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense error record
- Method: getPath:
Expenses/Expense Itemizations
The expense itemizations resource is a child resource used to manage details about the itemized lines of an expense incurred by an employee.
- Create an itemization record for an expense identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get all expense itemization records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an expense itemization record for an expense
- Method: getPath:
- Update the expense itemization record for an expense identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Expenses/Matched Expenses
The matched expenses resource is a child resource that contains information about all matched expense items related to an expense.
- Get a matched expense record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all matched expense records
- Method: getPath:
- PATCH action not supported
- Method: patchPath:
External Bank Accounts
The external bank accounts resource is used to view, create, and modify an external bank account.
- Create an external bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get all external bank accounts
- Method: getPath:
- Get an external bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update an external bank account
- Method: patchPath:
External Bank Accounts/Account Owners
The account owners resource is used to view, create, and modify the account owner of an external bank account.
- Create an account owner for an external bank account
- Method: postPath:
- Get all account owners for an external bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get an account owner for an external bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Update an account owner for an external bank account
- Method: patchPath:
External Cash Transactions
The external cash transactions resource is used to view, create, modify, or delete external transactions. The voiding of external transactions is also supported through the update of the status attribute.
- Create an external transaction
- Method: postPath:
- Get all external transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Get an external transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update an external transaction
- Method: patchPath:
External Cash Transactions/Attachments
The attachments resource manages documents that are attached by the user to the external transaction.
- Create an attachment for an external transaction
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment for an external transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments for an external transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment for an external transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment for an external transaction
- Method: patchPath:
External Cash Transactions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
External Cash Transactions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
External Cash Transactions/Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource manages details about the descriptive flexfield references for an external transaction.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an external transaction
- Method: postPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield for an external transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for an external transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for an external transaction
- Method: patchPath:
External Payees
The payments external payees resource is used to view, create, and modify an external payee.
- Create an external payee
- Method: postPath:
- Get all external payees
- Method: getPath:
- Get an external payee
- Method: getPath:
- Update an external payee
- Method: patchPath:
External Payees/External Party Payment Methods
The external party payment methods resource is used to view, create, and modify payment methods assigned to supplier payees.
- Create a payment method assignment to a payee
- Method: postPath:
- Get a payment method assigned to a payee
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment methods assigned to a payee
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payment method assigned to a payee
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Account Attributes
The federal account attributes enable users to manage account attribute fields.
- Create a federal account attribute
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal account attribute
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal account attribute
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal account attributes
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal account attribute
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Account Attributes/Federal Account Attribute Lines
The federal account attribute lines enable users to manage account attribute with lines.
- Create a federal account attribute line
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal account attribute line
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal account attribute line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal account attribute lines
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal account attribute line
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Account Symbols
The federal account symbols resource is used to query, create and update federal account symbols.
- Create a federal account symbol
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal account symbol
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal account symbol
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal account symbols
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal account symbol
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Account Symbols/Federal Account Symbols Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Account Symbols/Federal Account Symbols Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Agency Location Codes
The federal agency location codes resource is used to set up agency locations. You can query, create, delete, and update agency locations.
- Create an agency location code
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an agency location code
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all agency location codes
- Method: getPath:
- Get an agency location code
- Method: getPath:
- Update an agency location code
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Agency Location Codes/Federal Agency Location Codes Descriptive Flexfields
The federal agency location codes descriptive flexfields resource manages details about the descriptive flexfield references for an agency location.
- Create an agency location code descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an agency location code descriptive flexfield
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all agency location code descriptive flexfields
- Method: getPath:
- Get an agency location code descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Update an agency location code descriptive flexfield
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules
The federal attribute supplemental rules enable users to manage attribute supplemental rule fields.
- Create a federal attribute supplemental rule
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal attribute supplemental rule
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal attribute supplemental rule
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal attribute supplemental rules
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal attribute supplemental rule
- Method: patchPath:
- Validate lines of a federal attribute supplemental rule
- Method: postPath:
Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules/Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Lines
The federal attribute supplemental rule lines enable users to manage attribute supplemental rule with lines.
- Create a federal attribute supplemental rule line
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal attribute supplemental rule line
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal attribute supplemental rule line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal attribute supplemental rule lines
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal attribute supplemental rule line
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules/Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Lines/Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Allocations
The federal attribute supplemental rule allocations enables users to manage supplemental rule allocations.
- Create all federal attribute supplemental rule allocations
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal attribute supplemental rule allocation
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal attribute supplemental rule allocation
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal attribute supplemental rule allocations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal attribute supplemental rule allocation
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules/Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Lines/Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Exception Messages
The federal attribute supplemental rule exception messages enables users to manage supplemental rule exception messages.
- Create all federal attribute supplemental rule exception messages
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal attribute supplemental rule exception message
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal attribute supplemental rule exception message
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal attribute supplemental rule exception messages
- Method: getPath:
Federal Attribute Supplemental Rules/Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Lines/Federal Attribute Supplemental Rule Line Filters
The federal attribute supplemental rule filters enables user to define and manage the federal attribute supplemental rule filters.
- Create a federal attribute supplemental rule filter.
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal attribute supplemental rule filter.
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal attribute supplemental rule filter.
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal attribute supplemental rule filters.
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal attribute supplemental rule filter.
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Attributes
The federal attributes enables users to define and manage the federal attributes.
- Create a federal attribute.
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal attribute.
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal attribute.
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal attributes.
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal attribute.
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Budget Execution Controls
The federal budget execution controls resource is used to query, create, and update budget execution controls.
- Create a budget execution control
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a budget execution control
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a budget execution control
- Method: getPath:
- Get all budget execution controls
- Method: getPath:
- Update a budget execution control
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Budget Execution Controls/Federal Budget Execution Control Segments
The federal budget execution control segments resource is used to query, create, and update budget execution control segments.
- Create a budget execution control segment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a budget execution control segment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a budget execution control segment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all budget execution control segments
- Method: getPath:
- Update a budget execution control segment
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Budget Transaction Types
The budget transaction types resource is used to query, create, and update budget transaction types.
- Create a budget transaction type
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a budget transaction type
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a budget transaction type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all budget transaction types
- Method: getPath:
- Update a budget transaction type
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Budget Transaction Types/Federal Budget Transaction Type Accounts
The budget transaction type accounts resource is used to query, create, and update budget transaction type accounts.
- Create a budget transaction type account
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a budget transaction type account
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a budget transaction type account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all budget transaction type accounts
- Method: getPath:
- Update a budget transaction type account
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Budget Transaction Types/Federal Budget Transaction Type Accounts/Federal Budget Transaction Type Accounts Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Budget Transaction Types/Federal Budget Transaction Type Accounts/Federal Budget Transaction Type Accounts Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Budget Transaction Types/Federal Budget Transaction Types Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Budget Transaction Types/Federal Budget Transaction Types Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Business Event Type Codes
The federal business event type codes resource is used to query, create and update business event type codes.
- Create business event type codes
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a business event type code
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a business event type code
- Method: getPath:
- Get all business event type codes
- Method: getPath:
- Update a business event type code
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Business Event Type Codes/Federal Business Event Type Codes Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Business Event Type Codes/Federal Business Event Type Codes Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal CTA FBWT Account Definitions
The CTA FBWT account definitions resource is used to set up fund balance with treasury account definitions.
- Create a CTA FBWT account definition
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a CTA FBWT account definition
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a CTA FBWT account definition
- Method: getPath:
- Get all CTA FBWT account definitions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a CTA FBWT account definition
- Method: patchPath:
Federal DATA Act Balances
The federal DATA Act balances enables users to manage DATA Act balance amount fields.
- Create a federal DATA Act balance
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal DATA Act balance
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal DATA Act balance
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act balances
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal DATA Act balance
- Method: patchPath:
Federal DATA Act Balances/Federal DATA Act Balance Calculation Totals
The federal DATA Act balance calculations totals enables users to manage DATA Act balance calculation with type total.
- Create a federal DATA Act balance calculation
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal DATA Act balance calculation
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal DATA Act balance calculation
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act balance calculations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal DATA Act balance calculation
- Method: patchPath:
Federal DATA Act Balances/Federal DATA Act Balance Calculation USSGL Accounts
The federal DATA Act balance calculation USSGL accounts enables users to manage USSGL accounts with type balance.
- Create a federal DATA Act balance calculation USSGL account
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal DATA Act balance calculation USSGL account
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal DATA Act balance calculation USSGL account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act balance calculation USSGL accounts
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal DATA Act balance calculation USSGL account
- Method: patchPath:
Federal DATA Act File Criteria
The federal DATA Act file criteria enables users to define and manage the federal DATA Act file criteria for each file type.
- Create all federal DATA Act file criteria
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal DATA Act file criteria
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal DATA Act file criteria
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act file criteria
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal DATA Act file criteria
- Method: patchPath:
Federal DATA Act File Sequences
The federal DATA Act file sequences enables users to define and manage the federal DATA Act file sequence for each file type.
- Create all federal DATA Act file sequences
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal DATA Act file sequence
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal DATA Act file sequence
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act file sequences
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal DATA Act file sequence
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Fund Attributes
The federal fund attributes resource is used to query, create and update fund attributes.
- Create fund attributes
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a fund attribute
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a fund attribute
- Method: getPath:
- Get all fund attributes
- Method: getPath:
- Update a fund attribute
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Fund Attributes/Federal Fund Attributes Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Fund Attributes/Federal Fund Attributes Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal GTAS Accumulation Balances
The federal GTAS accumulation balances resource is used to query GTAS accumulation balances.
- Get a federal GTAS accumulation balance
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal GTAS accumulation balances
- Method: getPath:
Federal Groups
The federal groups resource is used to query, create, and update federal groups.
- Create a federal group
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal group
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal group
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal groups
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal group
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Groups/Federal Group Budget Levels
The group budget levels resource is used to query, create, and update group budget levels.
- Create federal group budget levels
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal group budget level
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal group budget level
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal group budget levels
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal group budget level
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Ledger Options Setup
The ledger options resource is used to query, create, and update ledger options.
- Associate attributes
- Method: postPath:
- Create a ledger option
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a ledger option
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a ledger option
- Method: getPath:
- Get all ledger options
- Method: getPath:
- Update a ledger option
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Ledger Options Setup/Federal Ledger Option Budget Levels
The ledger option budget levels resource is used to query, create, and update ledger option budget levels.
- Get a ledger option budget level
- Method: getPath:
- Get all ledger option budget levels
- Method: getPath:
- Update a ledger option budget level
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Ledger Options Setup/Federal Ledger Options Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Ledger Options Setup/Federal Ledger Options Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Payment Format Mappings
The federal payment format mappings resource is used to query, create, and update payment format mappings.
- Create payment format mappings
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a payment format mapping
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a payment format mapping
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment format mappings
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payment format mapping
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Payment Format Mappings/Federal Payment Format Mappings Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Payment Format Mappings/Federal Payment Format Mappings Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal SAM Trading Partner Business Units
The federal SAM trading partner business units resource is used to query, create, update, and delete SAM trading partner business unit assignments.
- Create a SAM trading partner business unit assignment record
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a SAM trading partner business unit assignment record
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a SAM trading partner business unit assignment record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all SAM trading partner business unit assignment records
- Method: getPath:
- Update a SAM trading partner business unit assignment record
- Method: patchPath:
Federal SAM Trading Partner Details
The federal SAM trading partner details resource is used to query, create, and update SAM trading partner details.
- Associate a supplier
- Method: postPath:
- Create a SAM trading partner details record
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a SAM trading partner details record
- Method: deletePath:
- Dissociate a supplier
- Method: postPath:
- Get a SAM trading partner details record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all SAM trading partner details
- Method: getPath:
Federal SAM Trading Partner Details/Federal SAM Exception Messages
The federal SAM exception messages resource is used to query, create, and delete SAM exception messages.
- Create a SAM exception message record
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a SAM exception message record
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a SAM exception message record
- Method: getPath:
- Get all SAM exception message records
- Method: getPath:
Federal Setup Options
The federal setup options resource is used to query, create, and update setup options.
- Create setup options
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a setup option
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a setup option
- Method: getPath:
- Get all setup options
- Method: getPath:
- Update a setup option
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Setup Options/Federal Setup Options Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Setup Options/Federal Setup Options Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Treasury Account Symbols
The federal treasury account symbols resource is used to query, create and update treasury account symbols.
- Create treasury account symbols
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a treasury account symbol
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a treasury account symbol
- Method: getPath:
- Get all treasury account symbols
- Method: getPath:
- Update a treasury account symbol
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Treasury Account Symbols/Federal Treasury Account Symbols Business Event Type Codes
The federal treasury account symbols business event type codes resource manages the business event type code references, or BETC references, for a treasury account symbol, or TAS.
- Create treasury account symbols business event type codes
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a treasury account symbol business event type code
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a treasury account symbol business event type code
- Method: getPath:
- Get all treasury account symbols business event type codes
- Method: getPath:
- Update a treasury account symbol business event type code
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Treasury Account Symbols/Federal Treasury Account Symbols Business Event Type Codes/Federal Treasury Account Symbols Business Event Type Codes Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Treasury Account Symbols/Federal Treasury Account Symbols Business Event Type Codes/Federal Treasury Account Symbols Business Event Type Codes Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Treasury Account Symbols/Federal Treasury Account Symbols Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Federal Treasury Account Symbols/Federal Treasury Account Symbols Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Delete
- Method: deletePath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Treasury Confirmation Payments
The treasury confirmation payments resource is used to query treasury confirmation payments.
- Get a treasury confirmation payment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all treasury confirmation payments
- Method: getPath:
Federal Treasury Confirmation Schedules
The federal treasury confirmation schedules resource is used to query treasury confirmation schedules.
- Confirm a federal treasury confirmation schedule
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal treasury confirmation schedule
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal treasury confirmation schedule
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal treasury confirmation schedules
- Method: getPath:
- Reverse a federal treasury confirmation schedule
- Method: postPath:
- Update a federal treasury confirmation schedule
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Treasury Confirmation Schedules/Federal Treasury Check Ranges
The federal treasury check ranges resource is used to query treasury check ranges.
- Create a federal treasury check range
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal treasury check range
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal treasury check range
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal treasury check ranges
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal treasury check range
- Method: patchPath:
Federal Treasury Offset Amounts
The treasury offset amounts resource is used to query, create, and update treasury offset amounts.
- Create a treasury offset amount
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a treasury offset amount
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a treasury offset amount
- Method: getPath:
- Get all treasury offset amounts
- Method: getPath:
- Update a treasury offset amount
- Method: patchPath:
Federal USSGL Accounts
The USSGL Accounts resource is used to set up USSGL accounts. You can query, create, and update USSGL accounts.
- Create USSGL accounts
- Method: postPath:
- Get a USSGL account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all USSGL accounts
- Method: getPath:
- Update a USSGL account
- Method: patchPath:
Federal USSGL Accounts/Federal USSGL Account Attributes
The federal USSGL account attributes enables users to define and manage the federal USSGL account attributes.
- Create federal USSGL account attributes
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a federal USSGL account attribute
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal USSGL account attribute
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal USSGL account attributes
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal USSGL account attribute
- Method: patchPath:
Federal USSGL Accounts/Federal USSGL Accounts Descriptive Flexfields
The federal USSGL accounts descriptive flexfields resource manages details about the descriptive flexfield references for a USSGL account.
- Create a federal USSGL account descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a USSGL descriptive flexfield
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a federal USSGL account descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal USSGL account descriptive flexfields
- Method: getPath:
- Update a federal USSGL account descriptive flexfield
- Method: patchPath:
Income Tax Types
The payables income tax types resource is used to manage details about the 1099-MISC types that can be assigned to a supplier for 1099 tax reporting.
- Get all income tax types
- Method: getPath:
- Get an income tax type
- Method: getPath:
Instrument Assignments
The instrument assignment resource is used to view, create, and modify a payment instrument assignment.
- Create a payment instrument assignment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a payment instrument assignment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment instrument assignments
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payment instrument assignment
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements
The intercompany agreements represents attribute information that's used for transfer of funds between the intercompany organizations involved in the route.
- Approve all transactions in the transfer authorization
- Method: postPath:
- Cancel all transfer authorization groups
- Method: postPath:
- Create an intercompany agreement
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an intercompany agreement
- Method: deletePath:
- Generate accounting lines for a transaction
- Method: postPath:
- Generate transactions for all transfer authorizations created
- Method: postPath:
- Get all intercompany agreements
- Method: getPath:
- Get an intercompany agreement
- Method: getPath:
- Reject all transactions in the transfer authorization
- Method: postPath:
- Reverse a transfer authorization group
- Method: postPath:
- Update an intercompany agreement
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Intercompany Agreement Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Intercompany Agreements/Intercompany Agreement Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups
The transfer authorization group represents the receivers organizations definition information.
- Create a transfer authorization group
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a transfer authorization group
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a transfer authorization group
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transfer authorization groups
- Method: getPath:
- Update a transfer authorization group
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorization Group Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorization Group Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations
The transfer authorization represents the receivers organizations definition information.
- Create a transfer authorization
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a transfer authorization
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a transfer authorization
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transfer authorizations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a transfer authorization
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions
The transactions represents intercompany transaction information that's generated from a transfer authorization.
- Get a transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions/Provider Accounting Previews
The provider accounting preview presents a detailed distribution view of the provider organization.
- Get a provider accounting preview for a transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all provider accounting previews for a transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update a provider accounting preview for a transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Agreement Based Intercompany Transactions/Receiver Accounting Previews
The receiver accounting preview presents a detailed distribution view of the receiver organization.
- Get a receiver accounting preview for a transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receiver accounting previews for a transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update a receiver accounting preview for a transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Transfer Authorization Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Intercompany Agreements/Transfer Authorization Groups/Transfer Authorizations/Transfer Authorization Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Interim Payables Documents
The interim payables documents resource is used to view, create, and modify an interim payables document for validation and payment processing.
- Create an interim payables document
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an interim payables document
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all interim payables documents
- Method: getPath:
- Get an interim payables document
- Method: getPath:
- Update an interim payables document
- Method: patchPath:
Invoice Approvals and Notifications History
The payables invoice approvals and notifications history resource is used to view invoice approvals and holds resolution related actions and notifications history information.
- Get all invoice approvals and notifications history
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice approvals and notifications history
- Method: getPath:
Invoice Holds
The payables invoice holds resource is used to manage details about the holds placed and released on invoices. An invoice hold represents a hold that is placed on an invoice so that the invoice cannot be paid until the hold is released.
- Create an invoice hold
- Method: postPath:
- Get all holds
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice hold
- Method: getPath:
- Update an invoice hold
- Method: patchPath:
Invoice Holds/Invoice Holds Descriptive Flexfields
The invoice holds descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice hold.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an invoice hold
- Method: postPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an invoice hold
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an invoice hold
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for an invoice hold
- Method: patchPath:
Invoice Tolerances
The invoice tolerances resource is used to manage the details for the tolerance levels that are applied to invoices. Tolerances are used when matching to a purchase order or receipt and the appropriate invoice variance is created.
- Get a payables invoice tolerance
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payables invoice tolerances
- Method: getPath:
The payables invoices resource is used to manage details about supplier invoices, that includes header, lines, distributions, installments, descriptive flexfields, global descriptive flexfields, and attachments.
Note: You can only update certain attributes and the update applies only to those attributes. Related fields don't automatically get populated. In summary, the cascade defaulting doesn't automatically happen and you must review and update the dependent attributes.
For example, when you update the invoice date in the Create or Edit Invoice pages, related fields, such as the terms date or due date, may be autopopulated based on the invoice date you enter. Using REST API, the invoice date is updated, but the related fields aren't autopopulated. Before updating a key attribute, consider the impact on the related attributes.
- Apply prepayments to an invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Calculate tax for the invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Cancel an invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Cancel an invoice line
- Method: postPath:
- Create an invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an invoice
- Method: deletePath:
- Generate distributions for the invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Get all invoices
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Reverse distributions for an Invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Unapply a prepayment from an invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Update an invoice
- Method: patchPath:
- Validate an invoice
- Method: postPath:
Invoices/Applied Prepayments
The applied prepayments resource is used to view the prepayments that are applied to an invoice.
- Get all applied prepayments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an applied prepayment
- Method: getPath:
The attachments resource for a payables invoice is used to manage attachments that the user has attached to the invoice header.
- Create an attachment for an invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment for an invoice
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
Invoices/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - File Contents
The contents of the attachment.
- Delete a File Contents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a File Contents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a File Contents
- Method: putPath:
Invoices/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Invoices/Available Prepayments
The available prepayments resource is used to view the available prepayment that can be applied to invoices.
- Get all available prepayments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an available prepayment
- Method: getPath:
Invoices/Invoice Installments
The payables invoice installments resource is used to manage details about the payment due dates, amounts, and other payment information. An invoice can have one or more installments.
- Create an invoice installment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an invoice installment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all installments for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice installment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an invoice installment
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Installments/Invoice Installments Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice installments descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice installment.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an invoice installment
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for an invoice installment
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an invoice installment
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for an invoice installment
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Installments/Invoice Installments Global Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice installments descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice installment.
- Create a global descriptive flexfield for an invoice installment
- Method: postPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for an invoice installment
- Method: getPath:
- Get global descriptive flexfields for an invoice installment
- Method: getPath:
- Update global descriptive flexfields for an invoice installment
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines
The payables invoice lines resource is used to manage details about goods and services, which includes freight, and miscellaneous charges that can be allocated to item lines. It also captures details necessary for integration with applications, such as Oracle Fusion Assets.
- Create an invoice line
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an invoice line
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all lines for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Update an invoice line
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines/Invoice Distributions
The payables invoice distributions resource is used to manage details that are used to create accounting entries, and includes information, such as accounting date, distribution combinations, and the details necessary for integration with applications, such as Oracle Fusion Assets.
- Create an invoice distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an invoice distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all distributions for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update an invoice distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines/Invoice Distributions/Invoice Distributions Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice distributions descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice distribution.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an invoice distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for an invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for an invoice distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines/Invoice Distributions/Invoice Distributions Global Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice distributions global descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice distribution.
- Create a global descriptive flexfield for an invoice distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for an invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get global descriptive flexfields for an invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update global descriptive flexfields for an invoice distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines/Invoice Distributions/Invoice Distributions Project Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice distribution project descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the project information for an invoice distribution.
- Create a project-related descriptive flexfield for an invoice distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Get a project-related descriptive flexfield for an invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all project-related descriptive flexfields for an invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update a project-related descriptive flexfield for an invoice distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines/Invoice Lines Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice lines descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice line.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an invoice line
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for an invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for an invoice line
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines/Invoice Lines Global Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice lines descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice line.
- Create a global descriptive flexfield for an invoice line
- Method: postPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for an invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Get global descriptive flexfields for an invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Update global descriptive flexfields for an invoice line
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoice Lines/Invoice Lines Project Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoice line project descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the project information for an invoice line.
- Create a project-related descriptive flexfield for an invoice line
- Method: postPath:
- Get a project-related descriptive flexfield for an invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all project-related descriptive flexfields for an invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Update a project-related descriptive flexfield for an invoice line
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoices Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoices descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for an invoice
- Method: patchPath:
Invoices/Invoices Global Descriptive Flexfields
The payables invoices global descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for an invoice.
- Create a global descriptive flexfield for an invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Get global descriptive flexfields for an invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Update global descriptive flexfields for an invoice
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Account Sets
The joint venture account sets resource is used to view, create, update, or delete account sets that are used to identify accounts on financial transactions to be processed by Joint Venture Management.
- Create a joint venture account set
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture account set
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture account set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture account sets
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture account set
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Account Sets/Account Set Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Account Sets/Account Set Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Account Sets/Filter Sets
The filter sets resource is used to view, create, update, or delete filter sets that are used to group filters within an account set.
- Create a filter set
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a filter set
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a filter set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all filter sets
- Method: getPath:
- Update a filter set
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Account Sets/Filter Sets/Filter Set Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Account Sets/Filter Sets/Filter Set Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Account Sets/Filter Sets/Filters
The filters resource is used to view, create, update, or delete filters. These filters are used to identify accounts on financial transactions to be processed by Joint Venture Management.
- Create a filter
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a filter
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a filter
- Method: getPath:
- Get all filters
- Method: getPath:
- Update a filter
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Account Sets/Filter Sets/Filters/Filter Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Account Sets/Filter Sets/Filters/Filter Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Accounting Headers
The joint venture accounting headers resource is used to view or delete accounting headers for joint venture journals.
- Delete a joint venture accounting header
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture accounting header
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture accounting headers
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Accounting Headers/Accounting Header Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Accounting Headers/Accounting Header Descriptive Flexfields category.
Joint Venture Accounting Headers/Carried Interest Distributions
The carried interest distributions resource is used to view carried interest distributions for a joint venture journal.
- Get a carried interest distribution for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
- Get all carried interest distributions for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Accounting Headers/Joint Venture Distributions
The distributions resource is used to view joint venture distributions for a joint venture journal.
- Get a joint venture distribution for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture distributions for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Accounting Headers/Joint Venture Operational Measures
The operational measures resource is used to view or reverse the operational measures for a joint venture journal.
- Get all operational measures for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
- Get an operational measure for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
- Reverse an operational measure
- Method: postPath:
Joint Venture Accounting Headers/Partner Contribution References
The contribution references resource is used to view, update, or delete the transaction references required to fund or close partner contributions.
- Get a transaction reference for a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction references for a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Approval Counts
The joint venture approval counts resource is used to view an aggregated count of joint ventures grouped by approved date.
- Get a count of joint ventures with the specified approved date
- Method: getPath:
- Get all counts for joint ventures with any approved dates
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Assignment Rules
The joint venture assignment rules resource is used to view, create, update, or delete ownership definition assignment rules for assigning an ownership definition or direct billed stakeholder to joint venture transactions.
- Create an assignment rule
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an assignment rule
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all assignment rules
- Method: getPath:
- Get an assignment rule
- Method: getPath:
- Update an assignment rule
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Assignment Rules/Assignment Rule Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Assignment Rules/Assignment Rule Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Assignment Rules/Project Value Sets
The project value sets resource is used to view, create, update, or delete project value sets for an assignment rule.
- Create a project value set
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a project value set
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a project value set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all project value sets for an assignment rule
- Method: getPath:
- Update a project value set
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Assignment Rules/Project Value Sets/Project Value Set Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Assignment Rules/Project Value Sets/Project Value Set Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic General Ledger Distributions
The joint venture distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete joint venture distributions originating from the general ledger.
- Delete a joint venture general ledger distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture general ledger distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture general ledger distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture general ledger distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic General Ledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Basic General Ledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic Generated Distributions
The joint venture generated distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete distributions for transactions generated by joint venture processes.
- Delete a distribution for a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a distribution for a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all distributions for joint venture generated transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a distribution for a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic Generated Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Basic Generated Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic Overhead Distributions
The joint venture overhead distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete overhead distributions.
- Delete an overhead distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all overhead distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Get an overhead distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update an overhead distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic Overhead Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Basic Overhead Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic Subledger Distributions
The joint venture distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete joint venture distributions originating from subledger accounting.
- Delete a joint venture subledger distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture subledger distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture subledger distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture subledger distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Basic Subledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Basic Subledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements
The carried interest agreements resource is used to view, create, update, or delete carried interest agreements.
- Create a carried interest agreement
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a carried interest agreement
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a carried interest agreement
- Method: getPath:
- Get all carried interest agreements
- Method: getPath:
- Update a carried interest agreement
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Carried Interest Agreement Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Carried Interest Agreement Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups
The stakeholder groups resource is used to view, create, update, or delete stakeholder groups for a carried interest agreement.
- Create a carried interest ownership definition
- Method: postPath:
- Create a stakeholder group
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a stakeholder group
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a stakeholder group
- Method: getPath:
- Get all stakeholder groups for a carried interest agreement
- Method: getPath:
- Update a stakeholder group
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups/Ownership Definitions
The ownership definitions resource is used to view, create, update, or delete an ownership definition associated with a joint venture. Joint Venture Management uses the ownership definition to calculate the split of costs and revenue among the stakeholders or partners in a joint venture.
- Delete an ownership definition
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all ownership definitions associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get an ownership definition
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups/Ownership Definitions/Ownership Percentages
The ownership percentages resource is used to view, create, update, or delete each stakeholder's percentage of ownership in an ownership definition. The percentages must total 100% for all stakeholders in the ownership definition.
- Get all ownership percentages associated with an ownership definition
- Method: getPath:
- Get an ownership percentage for a stakeholder
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups/Stakeholder Group Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups/Stakeholder Group Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups/Stakeholder Percentages
The stakeholder percentages resource is used to view, create, update, or delete stakeholder percentages for a stakeholder group.
- Create a stakeholder percentage
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a stakeholder percentage
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a stakeholder percentage
- Method: getPath:
- Get all stakeholder percentages for a stakeholder group
- Method: getPath:
- Update a stakeholder percentage
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups/Stakeholder Percentages/Stakeholder Percentage Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Carried Interest Agreements/Stakeholder Groups/Stakeholder Percentages/Stakeholder Percentage Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Distributions
The carried interest distribution resource is used to view carried interest distributions.
- Get a carried interest distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all carried interest distributions
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest General Ledger Distributions
The carried interest general ledger distributions resource is used to view or update carried interest general ledger distributions.
- Get a carried interest general ledger distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all carried interest general ledger distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a carried interest general ledger distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Generated Distributions
The carried interest generated distributions resource is used to view or update carried interest distributions for transactions generated by joint venture processes.
- Delete a carried interest generated distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a carried interest generated distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all carried interest generated distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a carried interest generated distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Overhead Distributions
The carried interest overhead distributions resource is used to view or update carried interest overhead distributions.
- Get a carried interest overhead distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all carried interest overhead distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a carried interest overhead distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Carried Interest Subledger Distributions
The carried interest subledger distribution resource is used to view or update carried interest subledger distributions.
- Get a carried interest subledger distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all carried interest subledger distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a carried interest subledger distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Distribution Totals
The joint venture distribution totals resource is used to view aggregated totals of distributed amounts from general ledger for a joint venture grouped by distribution status.
- Get all distribution totals for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get distribution totals for a joint venture with the specified distribution status
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Distributions
The joint venture distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete joint venture distributions originating from the general ledger.
- Delete a joint venture general ledger distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture general ledger distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture general ledger distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture general ledger distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Distributions/Account Key Flexfields
The code identifying the general ledger account against which amounts are recorded. These represent assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.
- Get account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture General Ledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create the set of descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Distributions/Offset Account Key Flexfields
The code identifying the subledger accounting offset account against which amounts are recorded. These represent assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.
- Get account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Transaction Totals
The joint venture transaction totals resource is used to view aggregated totals of general ledger amounts for a joint venture grouped by transaction status.
- Get all transaction totals for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get transaction totals for a joint venture with the specified transaction status
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Transactions
The joint venture transactions resource is used to view, update, or delete transactions replicated from the general ledger.
- Clear ownership definition assignment values
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture general ledger transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture general ledger transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture general ledger transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture general ledger transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Transactions/Account Key Flexfields
The code identifying the general ledger account against which amounts are recorded. These represent assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and fund balances.
- Get account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Changes
The joint venture transaction changes resource is used to view the history of manual changes to joint venture transactions.
- Get a joint venture transaction change
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture transaction changes
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture General Ledger Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture General Ledger Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create the set of descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Generated Distributions
The joint venture generated distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete distributions for transactions generated by joint venture processes.
- Delete a distribution for a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a distribution for a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all distributions for joint venture generated transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a distribution for a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Generated Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Generated Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Generated Transactions
The joint venture generated transactions resource is used to view, update, or delete transactions generated by joint venture processes.
- Delete a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture generated transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture generated transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Generated Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Changes
The joint venture transaction changes resource is used to view the history of manual changes to joint venture transactions.
- Get a joint venture transaction change
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture transaction changes
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Generated Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Generated Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Invoicing Partners
The joint venture invoicing partners resource is used to view, create, update, or delete a joint venture invoicing partner. A joint venture invoicing partner is a participating entity in a joint venture.
- Create a joint venture invoicing partner
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture invoicing partner
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture invoicing partner
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture invoicing partners
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture invoicing partner
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Invoicing Partners/Invoicing Partner Descriptive Flexfields
The joint venture invoicing partner descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for a joint venture.
- Create a set of descriptive flexfields for a joint venture
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for a joint venture
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Operational Measure Types
The joint venture operational measure types resource is used to view, create, update, or delete operational measure types.
- Create a joint venture operational measure type
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture operational measure type
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture operational measure type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture operational measure types
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture operational measure type
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Operational Measure Types/Measure Type Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Operational Measure Types/Measure Type Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Operational Measures
The operational measures resource is used to view or reverse the operational measures for a joint venture journal.
- Create a joint venture operational measure
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture operational measure
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all operational measures for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
- Get an operational measure for the joint venture journal
- Method: getPath:
- Reverse an operational measure
- Method: postPath:
- Update a joint venture operational measure
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Operational Measures/Operational Measure Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Operational Measures/Operational Measure Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Operational States
The joint venture operational states resource is used to view, create, update, or delete operational states.
- Create a joint venture operational state
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture operational state
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture operational state
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture operational states
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture operational state
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Operational States/Operational State Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Operational States/Operational State Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Options
The joint venture options resource is used to view, create, or update the set of functional options for joint venture.
- Create joint venture options
- Method: postPath:
- Get joint venture options
- Method: getPath:
- Get joint venture options
- Method: getPath:
- Update joint venture options
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Options/Joint Venture Options Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Options/Joint Venture Options Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Distributions
The joint venture overhead distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete overhead distributions.
- Delete an overhead distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all overhead distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Get an overhead distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update an overhead distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Overhead Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Methods
The joint venture overhead methods resource is used to view, create, update, or delete overhead methods.
- Create a joint venture overhead method
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture overhead method
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture overhead method
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture overhead methods
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture overhead method
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Overhead Measure Types
The overhead measure types resource is used to view, create, or delete overhead measure types.
- Create an overhead measure type
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an overhead measure type
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all overhead measure types
- Method: getPath:
- Get an overhead measure type
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Overhead Measure Types/Overhead Measure Type Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Overhead Measure Types/Overhead Measure Type Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Overhead Method Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Overhead Method Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Sliding Scale Thresholds
The sliding scale threshold resource is used to view, create, update, or delete sliding scale thresholds for an overhead method.
- Create a sliding scale threshold
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a sliding scale threshold
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a sliding scale threshold
- Method: getPath:
- Get all sliding scale thresholds for an overhead method
- Method: getPath:
- Update a sliding scale threshold
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Sliding Scale Thresholds/Sliding Scale Threshold Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Overhead Methods/Sliding Scale Thresholds/Sliding Scale Threshold Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Transactions
The joint venture overhead transactions resource is used to view, update, or delete overhead transactions.
- Delete an overhead transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all overhead transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Get an overhead transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update an overhead transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Changes
The joint venture transaction changes resource is used to view the history of manual changes to joint venture transactions.
- Get a joint venture transaction change
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture transaction changes
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Overhead Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Overhead Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contribution Requests
The joint venture contribution requests resource is used to view, create, update, or delete joint venture partner contribution requests.
- Create a joint venture partner contribution request
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture partner contribution request
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture partner contribution request
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture partner contribution requests
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture partner contribution request
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contribution Requests/Partner Contribution Request Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Partner Contribution Requests/Partner Contribution Request Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contributions
The joint venture contributions resource is used to view, create, update, or delete joint venture partner contributions.
- Create a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture partner contributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Partner Contribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Partner Contribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Partner Contribution References
The contribution references resource is used to view, update, or delete the transaction references required to fund or close partner contributions.
- Delete a transaction reference for a partner contribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a transaction reference for a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction references for a joint venture partner contribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update a transaction reference for a partner contribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Partner Contribution References/Partner Contribution Reference Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Partner Contributions/Partner Contribution References/Partner Contribution Reference Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Periodic Adjustment Factors
The joint venture periodic adjustment factors resource is used to view, create, update, or delete periodic adjustment factors that are used to adjust overhead methods.
- Create a joint venture periodic adjustment factor
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture periodic adjustment factor
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture periodic adjustment factor
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture periodic adjustment factors
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture periodic adjustment factor
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Periodic Adjustment Factors/Factor Values
The factor values resource is used to view, create, update, or delete the values used to adjust overhead methods.
- Create a factor value
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a factor value
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a factor value
- Method: getPath:
- Get all factor values
- Method: getPath:
- Update a factor value
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Periodic Adjustment Factors/Factor Values/Factor Value Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Periodic Adjustment Factors/Factor Values/Factor Value Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Periodic Adjustment Factors/Periodic Adjustment Factor Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Periodic Adjustment Factors/Periodic Adjustment Factor Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Project Sets
The joint venture project sets resource is used to view, create, update, or delete project sets.
- Create a project set
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a project set
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a project set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all project sets
- Method: getPath:
- Update a project set
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Project Sets/Filter Sets
The filter sets resource is used to view, create, update, or delete filter sets that are used to group filters within a project set.
- Create a filter set
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a filter set
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a filter set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all filter sets
- Method: getPath:
- Update a filter set
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Project Sets/Filter Sets and Filters
The filter sets and filters resource is used to view filter sets and their filters for a project set.
- Get a filter set and filters
- Method: getPath:
- Get all filter sets and their filters
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Project Sets/Filter Sets/Filters
The filters resource is used to view, create, update, or delete filters for a filter set.
- Create a filter
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a filter
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a filter
- Method: getPath:
- Get all filters
- Method: getPath:
- Update a filter
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Project Sets/Filter Sets/Filters/Filter Values
The filter values resource is used to view, create, update, or delete filter values.
- Create a filter value
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a filter value
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a filter value
- Method: getPath:
- Get all filter values
- Method: getPath:
- Update a filter value
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Source Transactions
The joint venture source transactions resource is used to view, update, or delete transactions created by Joint Venture Management.
- Create a joint venture source transaction
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture source transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture source transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture source transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture source transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Source Transactions/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Source Transactions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Joint Venture Source Transactions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Source Transactions/Source Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Source Transactions/Source Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create
- Method: postPath:
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
- Update
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Status Counts
The joint venture status counts resource is used to view an aggregated count of joint ventures grouped by status.
- Get a count of joint ventures with the specified status
- Method: getPath:
- Get all counts for joint ventures at every status
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Accounting Distribution Totals
The joint venture distribution totals resource is used to view aggregated totals of distributed amounts from subledger accounting for a joint venture grouped by distribution status.
- Get all distribution totals for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get distribution totals for a joint venture with the specified distribution status
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Accounting Transaction Totals
The joint venture transaction totals resource is used to view aggregated totals of subledger accounting amounts for a joint venture grouped by transaction status.
- Get all transaction totals for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get transaction totals for a joint venture with the specified transaction status
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Distributions
The joint venture distributions resource is used to view, update, or delete joint venture distributions originating from subledger accounting.
- Delete a joint venture subledger distribution
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture subledger distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture subledger distributions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture subledger distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Distributions/Account Key Flexfields
The code identifying the subledger accounting account against which amounts are recorded. These represent assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.
- Get account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Subledger Distributions/Joint Venture Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create the set of descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for a joint venture distribution
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Distributions/Offset Account Key Flexfields
The code identifying the subledger accounting offset account against which amounts are recorded. These represent assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses.
- Get account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Transactions
The joint venture transactions resource is used to view, update, or delete transactions replicated from subledger accounting.
- Clear ownership definition assignment values
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture subledger transaction
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture subledger transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture subledger transactions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture subledger transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Transactions/Account Key Flexfields
The code identifying the general ledger account against which amounts are recorded. These represent assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and fund balances.
- Get account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all account key flexfields for a journal line associated with a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Changes
The joint venture transaction changes resource is used to view the history of manual changes to joint venture transactions.
- Get a joint venture transaction change
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture transaction changes
- Method: getPath:
Joint Venture Subledger Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Venture Subledger Transactions/Joint Venture Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create the set of descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for a joint venture transaction
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures
The joint ventures resource is used to view, create, update, or delete a joint venture. A joint venture is an agreement between two or more parties to share assets, resources, costs, and revenue.
- Create a joint venture
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint ventures
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Joint Ventures/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Joint Ventures/Cost Centers
The cost centers resource is used to view, create, or delete a cost center associated with a joint venture. The joint venture cost center is used as selection criteria for retrieving transactions from the General Ledger and Subledger Accounting.
- Create a joint venture cost center
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture cost center
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture cost center
- Method: getPath:
- Get all cost centers associated with the joint venture
- Method: getPath:
Joint Ventures/Cost Centers/Cost Center Descriptive Flexfields
The cost center descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for a cost center associated with a joint venture.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for a cost center associated with a joint venture
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a cost center associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a cost center associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for a cost center associated with a joint venture
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Cost Centers/Distributable Value Sets
The distributable value sets resource is used to view, create, update, or delete a group of segment values for a chart of accounts instance. The group of segment values is used to identify code combinations of financial transactions to be distributed among joint venture stakeholders.
- Create a distributable value set
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a distributable value set
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a distributable value set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all distributable value sets associated with a joint venture cost center
- Method: getPath:
- Update a distributable value set
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Cost Centers/Distributable Value Sets/Distributable Value Set Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Ventures/Cost Centers/Distributable Value Sets/Distributable Value Set Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create the set of descriptive flexfields for a distributable value set
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a distributable value set
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a distributable value set
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for a distributable value set
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Distributable Project Rules
The distributable project rules resource is used to view, create, update, or delete distributable project rules for a joint venture. The project rules are used to identify project-related transactions that are distributable for a joint venture.
- Create a distributable project rule
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a distributable project rule
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a distributable project rule
- Method: getPath:
- Get all distributable project rules associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Update a distributable project rule
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Distributable Project Rules/Distributable Project Rule Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Joint Ventures/Distributable Project Rules/Distributable Project Rule Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create the set of descriptive flexfields for a distributable project rule
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a distributable project rule
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a distributable project rule
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for a distributable project rule
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Joint Venture Descriptive Flexfieds
The joint venture descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for a joint venture.
- Create a set of descriptive flexfields for a joint venture
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for a joint venture
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Joint Venture Messages
The messages resource is used to view warning messages generated from the validation of a joint venture definition.
- Get a joint venture message
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture messages
- Method: getPath:
Joint Ventures/Ownership Definitions
The ownership definitions resource is used to view, create, update, or delete an ownership definition associated with a joint venture. Joint Venture Management uses the ownership definition to calculate the split of costs and revenue among the stakeholders or partners in a joint venture.
- Create a set of ownership definitions for a joint venture
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an ownership definition
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all ownership definitions associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get an ownership definition
- Method: getPath:
- Update an ownership definition
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Ownership Definitions/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Ownership Definitions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Joint Ventures/Ownership Definitions/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Joint Ventures/Ownership Definitions/Ownership Definition Descriptive Flexfields
The ownership definition descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an ownership definition associated with a joint venture.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an ownership definition associated with a joint venture
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for an ownership definition associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an ownership definition associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for an ownership definition associated with a joint venture
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Ownership Definitions/Ownership Percentages
The ownership percentages resource is used to view, create, update, or delete each stakeholder???s percentage of ownership in an ownership definition. The percentages must total 100 percent for all stakeholders in the ownership definition.
- Create a set of ownership percentage for an ownership definition
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an ownership percentage for a stakeholder
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all ownership percentages associated with an ownership definition
- Method: getPath:
- Get an ownership percentage for a stakeholder
- Method: getPath:
- Update an ownership percentage for a stakeholder
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Ownership Definitions/Ownership Percentages/Ownership Percentage Descriptive Flexfields
The ownership percentage descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an ownership percentage associated with an ownership definition.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for an ownership percentage associated with an ownership definition
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for an ownership percentage associated with an ownership definition
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for an ownership percentage associated with an ownership definition
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for an ownership percentage associated with an ownership definition
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Stakeholders
The stakeholders resource is used to view, create, update, or delete a joint venture stakeholder. A joint venture stakeholder is a participating entity in a joint venture.
- Create a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture stakeholders
- Method: getPath:
- Update a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Stakeholders/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an attachment
- Method: deletePath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Update an attachment
- Method: patchPath:
Joint Ventures/Stakeholders/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Joint Ventures/Stakeholders/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Joint Ventures/Stakeholders/Stakeholder Descriptive Flexfields
The stakeholder descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for a joint venture stakeholder.
- Create a set of descriptive flexfields for a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: getPath:
- Update a descriptive flexfield for a joint venture stakeholder
- Method: patchPath:
Journal Batches
The journal batches resource is used to view journal batches, update batch completion status and reversal attributes, and delete journal batches.
Note that for the PATCH action, you can only update the batch completion status and the reversal attributes. Updates to other attributes are not allowed.
- Delete a batch
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a batch
- Method: getPath:
- Get all batches
- Method: getPath:
- Update a batch
- Method: patchPath:
Journal Batches/Action Logs
The journal action logs resource is used to view action logs for a journal.
- Get a log entry
- Method: getPath:
- Get all log entries
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view attachment information for a batch.
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Journal Batches/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal batch that are captured using the Journal Batches descriptive flexfield.
- Get a descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Errors
The journal errors resource is used to view the errors for a journal.
- Get all errors
- Method: getPath:
- Get an error
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers
The journal headers resource is used to view header information for a journal.
- Get a journal
- Method: getPath:
- Get all journals
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view attachment information for a journal.
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal header that are captured using the Journals descriptive flexfield.
- Get a descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Global Descriptive Flexfields
The global descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal that are captured using the General Ledger Journal Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
- Get a global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get a global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Journal Lines
The journal lines resource is used to view the journal lines for a batch.
- Get a line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all lines
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Journal Lines/Captured Information Descriptive Flexfields
The captured information descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal line that are captured using the Journals Captured Information descriptive flexfield.
- Get captured information descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get captured information descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Journal Lines/Descriptive Flexfields
The descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal line that are captured using the Journal Lines descriptive flexfield.
- Get a descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get a descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
Journal Batches/Journal Headers/Journal Lines/Global Descriptive Flexfields
The global descriptive flexfields resource is used to view values for a journal line that are captured using the General Ledger Journal Line Regional Information global descriptive flexfield.
- Get a global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get a global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
Lease Accounting Payment Items
Lease Accounting Payment Items
- Get a payment item
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment items
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payment item
- Method: patchPath:
Ledger Balances
The ledger balances resource is used to view the balance amount for any account combination or an account that is defined as part of an account group.
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- Get all account balances
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Account Combinations List of Values
The account combinations list of values resource is used to identify general ledger account combinations. An account combination is a complete set of segment values that uniquely identifies an account in a chart of accounts.
- Get all account combinations
- Method: getPath:
- Get an account combination
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Account Combinations Shorthand Aliases List of Values
The operations from the List of Values/Account Combinations Shorthand Aliases List of Values category.
List of Values/Accounting Calendars List of Values
The accounting calendars list of values resource is used to view information on defined calendars. A calendar can either be an accounting calendar or a commitment calendar.
- Get a calendar
- Method: getPath:
- Get all calendars
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Accounting Period Status List of Values
The accounting period status list of values resource is used to view the period status of a period in a calendar.
- Get a period status
- Method: getPath:
- Get all period statuses
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Accounting Periods List of Values
The accounting periods list of values resource is used to view period details in a calendar.
- Get a period
- Method: getPath:
- Get all periods
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Asset Books List of Values
The asset books list of values resource is used to query the books setup in Assets.
- Get all asset books
- Method: getPath:
- Get an asset book
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Bank Accounts List of Values
The bank accounts list of values resource is used to query bank accounts.
- Get a bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank accounts
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Bank Branches List of Values
The bank branches list of values resource is used to query bank branches.
- Get a bank branch
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank branches
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Bank Collection Business Units List of Values
The bank collection business units list of values resource is used to view valid business units.
- Get a bank collection business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get all bank collection business units
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Banks List of Values
The banks list of values resource is used to query banks.
- Get a bank
- Method: getPath:
- Get all banks
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Calendar Types List of Values
The payables calendar types list of values resource is used to manage details about the calendars list of values that are used within the Payables application.
- Get a payables calendar
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payables calendars
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Chart of Accounts List of Values
The chart of accounts list of values resource is used to view details about a general ledger chart of accounts.
- Get a chart of account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all chart of accounts
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Control Budget Periods List of Values
The control budget periods list of values resource is used to view the period details of the control budget.
- Get a control budget period
- Method: getPath:
- Get all control budget periods
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Control Budgets List of Values
The control budgets list of values resource is used to view the details of a control budget. Control budgets are used in budgetary control to validate spending against budget.
- Get a control budget
- Method: getPath:
- Get all control budgets
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Currency Conversion Types List of Values
The currency conversion types list of values resource is used to view information on currency conversion rate types. Currency conversion rate types are used to automatically assign a rate when converting foreign currency journal amounts to ledger currency equivalents.
- Get a currency conversion type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all currency conversion types
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Customer Account Sites List of Values
The customer account sites list of values resource is used to view the details of a customer account site.
- Get a customer account site details
- Method: getPath:
- Get all customer account sites details
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Data Access Set Ledgers List of Values
The data access set ledgers list of values resource is used to view information on ledgers and ledger sets associated with a given data access set.
- Get a ledger or ledger set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all ledgers or ledger sets
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Data Access Sets List of Values
The data access sets list of values resource is used to view information on data access sets.
- Get a data access set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all data access sets
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Descriptive Flexfield Contexts
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Distribution Sets List of Values
The payables distribution sets list of values resource is used to manage details about the list of distribution sets.
- Get a distribution set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all distribution sets
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Document Fiscal Classifications List of Values
The document fiscal classifications list of values resource is used to view existing document fiscal classifications.
- Get a document fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
- Get all document fiscal classifications
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Encumbrance Types List of Values
The encumbrance types list of values resource is used to view defined journal encumbrance types.
- Get a journal encumbrance type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all journal encumbrance types
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Account Symbols List of Values
The federal account symbols list of values resource is used to view details of federal account symbols.
- Get a federal account symbol
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal account symbols
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Adjustment Business Event Type Codes List of Values
The federal adjustment business event type codes list of values resource is used to view details of federal adjustment business event type codes.
- Get all Adjustment BETC
- Method: getPath:
- Get an Adjustment BETC
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Agency Location Codes List of Values
The federal agency location codes list of values resource is used to view details of federal agency location codes.
- Get a federal agency location code
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal agency location codes
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Attributes List of Values
Lists all federal attributes.
- Get a federal attribute
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal attributes
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Budget Control Tree Labels List of Values
The federal budget control tree labels list of values resource is used to view details of federal budget control tree labels.
- Get a federal budget control tree label
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal budget control tree labels
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Budget Control Tree Nodes List of Values
The federal budget control tree nodes list of values resource is used to view details of federal budget control tree nodes.
- Get a federal budget control tree node
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal budget control tree nodes
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Budget Control Tree Versions List of Values
The federal budget control tree versions list of values resource is used to view details of federal budget control tree versions.
- Get a federal budget control tree version
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal budget control tree versions
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Budget Control Trees List of Values
The federal budget control trees list of values resource is used to view details of federal budget control trees.
- Get a federal budget control tree
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal budget control trees
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Budget Level Operations List of Values
The budget level operations list of values resource is used to view details of budget level operations.
- Get a budget level operation
- Method: getPath:
- Get all budget level operations
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Business Event Type Codes List of Values
The federal business event type codes list of values resource is used to view details of federal business event type codes.
- Get a BETC
- Method: getPath:
- Get all BETC
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Closing Segments List of Values
The federal closing segments list of values resource is used to view details of federal closing segments.
- Get a federal closing segment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal closing segments
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal DATA Act Amount Definition Codes List of Values
The federal DATA Act amount definition codes list of values resource is used to view details of federal DATA Act amount definition codes.
- Get a federal DATA Act amount definition code
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act amount definition codes
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal DATA Act Balances List of Values
Lists all federal DATA Act balances.
- Get a federal DATA Act balance
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act balances
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal DATA Act Calculation Date Ranges List of Values
Lists federal DATA Act calculation date ranges.
- Get a federal DATA Act calculation date range.
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal DATA Act calculation date ranges.
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Group Budget Levels List of Values
The federal group budget levels list of values resource is used to view details of federal group budget levels.
- Get a federal group budget level
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal group budget levels
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Groups List of Values
The federal groups list of values resource is used to view details of federal groups.
- Get a Federal group
- Method: getPath:
- Get all Federal groups
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Ledger Budget Levels List of Values
The federal ledger budget levels list of values resource is used to view details of federal ledger budget levels.
- Get a federal ledger budget level
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal ledger budget levels
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Ledger Group Trees List of Values
The federal ledger group trees list of values resource is used to view details of federal ledger group trees.
- Get a federal ledger group tree
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal ledger group trees
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Natural Account Value Sets List of Values
The federal natural account value sets list of values resource is used to view details of federal natural account value sets.
- Get a federal natural account value set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal natural account value sets
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Partial Segments List of Values
The federal partial segments list of values resource is used to view details of partial segments.
- Get a partial segment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all partial segments
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Transaction Types List of Values
The federal transaction types list of values resource is used to view details of federal transaction types.
- Get a federal transaction type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal transaction types
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Treasury Account Symbol Business Event Type Codes List of Values
The treasury account symbol business event type codes list of values resource is used to view details of treasury account symbol business event type codes.
- Get a treasury account symbol business event type code
- Method: getPath:
- Get all treasury account symbols business event type codes
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal Treasury Account Symbols List of Values
The treasury account symbols list of values resource is used to view details of treasury account symbols.
- Get a treasury account symbol
- Method: getPath:
- Get all treasury account symbols
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal USSGL Accounts List of Values
The federal USSGL accounts list of values resource is used to view details of federal USSGL accounts.
- Get a federal USSGL account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all federal USSGL accounts
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Federal USSGL Trees List of Values
The federal USSGL trees list of values resource is used to view details of federal USSGL trees.
- Get a USSGL tree
- Method: getPath:
- Get all USSGL trees
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Financials Business Units List of Values
The Financials business units list of values resource is used to view information on defined business units. A business unit is a unit of an enterprise that performs one or many business functions that can be rolled up in a management hierarchy and can process transactions on behalf of many legal entities.
- Get a business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get all business units
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Fiscal Document Business Units List of Values
The fiscal document business units list of values resource is used to view valid business units.
- Get a fiscal document business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get all fiscal document business units
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Generic Value Set Values
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Income Tax Regions List of Values
The payables income tax regions list of values resource is used to manage details about the list of income tax regions.
- Get all income tax regions
- Method: getPath:
- Get an income tax region
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Income Tax Types List of Values
The payables income tax types list of values resource is used to manage details about the list of income tax types.
- Get all income tax types
- Method: getPath:
- Get an income tax type
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Input Tax Classifications List of Values
The input tax classifications list of values resource is used to query the existing input tax classifications.
- Get all input tax classifications
- Method: getPath:
- Get an input tax classification
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Intercompany Customer and Supplier Assignments List of Values
Lists intercompany customer and supplier assignments. The customer and supplier are associated to a combination of specified legal entity and intercompany organization.
- Get all intercompany customer and supplier assignments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an intercompany customer and supplier assignment
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Intercompany Organizations List of Values
The Intercompany organizations list of values resource is used to view details on defined Intercompany organizations. Intercompany organizations are defined for diverse business needs that represent the initiators and recipients of Intercompany transactions.
- Get all intercompany organizations
- Method: getPath:
- Get an intercompany organization
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Intercompany Transaction Types List of Values
The Intercompany transaction types list of values resource is used to view information on defined intercompany transaction types. They are processing rules that ensure intercompany transactions are processed in a systematic way.
- Get all intercompany transaction types
- Method: getPath:
- Get an intercompany transaction type
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Intercompany Transfer Authorizations List of Values
Lists all the intercompany transfer authorizations created.
- Get a transfer authorization
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transfer authorizations
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Invoice Holds List of Values
The invoice holds list of values resource is used to manage the details of the holds placed on an invoice and provides a list of invoice holds.
- Get all invoice holds
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice hold
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Invoice Tolerances List of Values
The payables invoice tolerances list of values resource is used to manage details about tolerances applied to invoices. A list of defined quantity and amount tolerances is provided.
- Get all invoice tolerances
- Method: getPath:
- Get an invoice tolerance
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Joint Venture Invoicing Partners List of Values
The joint venture invoicing partners list of values resource is used to view invoicing partners.
- Get a joint venture invoicing partner
- Method: getPath:
- Get all joint venture invoicing partners
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Joint Venture SLA Date References List of Values
The joint venture SLA date references list of values resource is used to view supporting references for subledger accounting that derive a date value.
- Get a supporting reference that derives a date value
- Method: getPath:
- Get all supporting references that derive a date value
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Joint Venture SLA Supporting References List of Values
The joint venture SLA supporting references list of values resource is used to view supporting references for subledger accounting.
- Get a supporting reference
- Method: getPath:
- Get all supporting references
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Joint Venture Stakeholders List of Values
The joint venture stakeholders list of values resource is used to view the stakeholders associated with a joint venture.
- Get a stakeholder associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get all stakeholders associated with a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Journal Categories List of Values
The journal categories list of values resource is used to view journal category details.
- Get a journal category
- Method: getPath:
- Get all journal categories
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Journal Sources List of Values
The journal sources list of values resource is used to view journal entry source details.
- Get a journal source
- Method: getPath:
- Get all journal sources
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Ledgers List of Values
The ledgers list of values resource is used to view information on defined ledgers including primary, secondary, reporting currencies and average balancing enabled ledgers.
- Get a ledger
- Method: getPath:
- Get all ledgers
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Legal Entities List of Values
The legal entities list of values resource is used to view information on defined legal entities. A legal entity is a recognized party with rights and responsibilities given by legislation.
- Get a legal entity
- Method: getPath:
- Get all legal entities
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Legal Jurisdictions List of Values
The legal jurisdictions list of values resource is used to view information on defined legal jurisdictions. A legal jurisdiction serves as a geographic area or areas for which a legal authority is responsible.
- Get a legal jurisdiction
- Method: getPath:
- Get all legal jurisdictions
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Legal Reporting Units List of Values
The legal reporting units list of values resource is used to view information about defined legal reporting units. A legal reporting unit represents the lowest level component of a legal structure that requires registration, and is used for reporting, such as statutory and tax.
- Get a legal reporting unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get all legal reporting units
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Lookups
The lookups resource is used to view standard lookup codes.
- Get all lookups.
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Netting Legal Entities List of Values
The netting legal entities list of values resource is used to view agreement and settlement details.
- Get a netting legal entity
- Method: getPath:
- Get all netting legal entities
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Note Types
The note types resource is used to view the note type.
- Get all note types
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Output Tax Classifications List of Values
The output tax classifications list of values resource is used to query existing output tax classifications.
- Get all output tax classifications
- Method: getPath:
- Get an output tax classification
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Ownership Definition Names List of Values
The ownership definition names list of values resource is used to view ownership definition names assigned to a joint venture.
- Get all ownership definition names assigned to a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
- Get an ownership definition name assigned to a joint venture
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Payee Bank Accounts List of Values
The payee bank account list of values resource is used to query payee bank accounts.
- Get a payee bank account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payee bank accounts
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Payment Codes List of Values
The payment codes list of values resource is used to query payment codes.
- Get a payment code
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment codes
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Payment Methods List of Values
The disbursement payment methods list of values resource is used to query payment methods on the user interface.
- Get a payment method
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment methods
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Payment Process Profiles List of Values
The payment process profiles list of values resource is used to query payment process profiles on the user interface.
- Get a payment process profile
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment process profiles
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Payment Terms List of Values
The payables payment terms list of values resource is used to manage details about the list of payables payment terms.
- Get a payables payment term
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payables payment terms
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Preferred Currencies List of Values
The preferred currencies list of values resource is used to view user preferred currencies.
- Get a currency
- Method: getPath:
- Get all currencies
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Product Fiscal Classifications List of Values
The product fiscal classifications list of values resource is used to view existing product fiscal classifications.
- Get a product fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
- Get all product fiscal classifications
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Product Types List of Values
The product types list of values resource is used to view existing product types.
- Get a product type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all product types
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Purchase to Pay Legal Entities List of Values
The purchase to pay legal entities list of values resource is used to retrieve the legal entity associated to a business unit, location or code combination, registration code, and registration number.
- Get a purchase to pay legal entity
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Rated Currencies
The rated currencies resource is used to view details of currency codes for CRM. It gives a list of accepted values that are defined in the lookup ZCA_COMMON_CORPORATE_CURRENCY.
- Get all rated currencies
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Receivables Business Units List of Values
The Receivables business units list of values resource is used to view valid business units.
- Get a business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get all business units
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Receivables Memo Lines List of Values
The Receivables memo lines list of values resource is used to view valid memo lines.
- Get a memo line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all memo lines
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Receivables Payment Terms List of Values
The Receivables payment terms list of values resource is used to view valid payment terms.
- Get all payment terms
- Method: getPath:
- Get payment terms
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Receivables Transaction Sources List of Values
The Receivables transaction sources list of values resource is used to view valid transaction sources.
- Get a transaction source
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction sources
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Receivables Transaction Types List of Values
The Receivables transaction types list of values resource is used to view valid transaction types.
- Get a transaction type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction types
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Tax Classifications List of Values
The tax classifications resource is used to query existing tax classifications.
- Get a tax classification
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax classifications
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Tax Intended Uses List of Values
The tax intended uses list of values resource is used to query existing intended use values.
- Get all intended use fiscal classifications
- Method: getPath:
- Get an intended use fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Tax Rates List of Values
The tax rates list of values resource is used to query existing tax rates.
- Get a tax rate
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax rates
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Tax Regimes List of Values
The tax regimes list of values resource is used to query existing tax regimes.
- Get a tax regime
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax regimes
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Tax Reporting Entities List of Values
The payables tax reporting entities list of values resource is used to manage the details about entities for tax reporting purposes.
- Get a tax reporting entity
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax reporting entities
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Withholding Tax Groups List of Values
The withholding tax groups list of values resource is used to view existing withholding tax groups.
- Get a withholding tax group
- Method: getPath:
- Get all withholding tax groups
- Method: getPath:
List of Values/Workflow Users List of Values
The workflow users resource is used to view the users associated with the workflow.
- Get a workflow user
- Method: getPath:
- Get all workflow users
- Method: getPath:
Netting Agreements
The netting agreements resource is used to view, create, or modify a netting agreement. A netting agreement specifies the netting business rules and transaction criteria that support your netting practices.
- Create a netting agreement
- Method: postPath:
- Get a netting agreement
- Method: getPath:
- Get all netting agreements
- Method: getPath:
- Update a netting agreement
- Method: patchPath:
Netting Agreements/Customer Trading Partners
The customer trading partners resource is used to add, modify, or remove a customer trading partner from a netting agreement. A netting customer trading partner represents a customer that's part of the netting agreement.
- Create a customer trading partner
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a customer trading partner
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a customer trading partner
- Method: getPath:
- Get all customer trading partners
- Method: getPath:
- Update a customer trading partner
- Method: patchPath:
Netting Agreements/Pay Groups
The pay groups resource is used to add, modify, or remove an invoice pay group from a netting agreement. A pay group is used as a selection criteria to include or exclude payables invoices from the netting settlements created for a netting agreement.
- Create a pay group
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a pay group
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a pay group
- Method: getPath:
- Get all pay groups
- Method: getPath:
- Update a pay group
- Method: patchPath:
Netting Agreements/Payables Invoice Types
The payables invoice types resource is used to add, modify, or remove invoice types from a netting agreement. An invoice type is used as a selection criteria to include or exclude payables invoices from the netting settlements created for a netting agreement.
- Create a payables invoice type
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a payables invoice type
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a payables invoice type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payables invoice types
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payables invoice type
- Method: patchPath:
Netting Agreements/Receivables Transaction Types
The receivables transaction types resource is used to add, modify, or remove transaction types from a netting agreement. A transaction type is used as a selection criteria to include or exclude receivables transactions from the netting settlements created for a netting agreement.
- Create a receivables transaction type
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a receivables transaction type
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a receivables transaction type
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables transaction types
- Method: getPath:
- Update a receivables transaction type
- Method: patchPath:
Netting Agreements/Supplier Trading Partners
The supplier trading partners resource is used to add, modify, or remove a supplier trading partner from a netting agreement. A netting supplier trading partner represents a supplier that's part of the netting agreement.
- Create a supplier trading partner
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a supplier trading partner
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a supplier trading partner
- Method: getPath:
- Get all supplier trading partners
- Method: getPath:
- Update a supplier trading partner
- Method: patchPath:
Party Fiscal Classifications
The party fiscal classifications resource is used to query, update, and create party fiscal classifications.
- Create a party fiscal classification
- Method: postPath:
- Get a party fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
- Get all party fiscal classifications
- Method: getPath:
- Update a party fiscal classification
- Method: patchPath:
Party Fiscal Classifications/Tax Regime Associations
The fiscal classification type tax regime association resource is used to query, update, and create party fiscal classifications for purposes of assigning the appropriate tax regime to a specific party fiscal classification.
- Create a tax regime for a party fiscal classification
- Method: postPath:
- Get a tax regime for a party fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax regimes for a party fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
- Update a tax regime for a party fiscal classification
- Method: patchPath:
Party Tax Profiles
The party tax profiles resource is used to query and update party tax profiles.
- Create a party tax profile
- Method: postPath:
- Get a party tax profile
- Method: getPath:
- Get all party tax profiles
- Method: getPath:
- Update a party tax profile
- Method: patchPath:
Payables Calendar Types
The payables calendar types resource is used to manage details about calendar types that are used for general purpose like Recurring Invoice Calendars, Withholding Calendars, or special purposes such as a payment term calendar.
- Get all calendar types
- Method: getPath:
- Get one calendar type
- Method: getPath:
Payables Calendar Types/Payables Calendar Periods
The payables calendar periods resource is used to manage details about calendar periods defined for a calendar and other important information like the number of periods, the start date, and the end date.
- Get all calendar periods for one calendar type
- Method: getPath:
- Get calendar periods for one calendar type
- Method: getPath:
Payables Distribution Sets
The payables distribution sets resource is used to manage the details about the distribution sets used to automatically create the invoice distribution lines.
- Get a distribution set header for a distribution set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all distribution sets
- Method: getPath:
Payables Distribution Sets/Payables Distribution Set Lines
The payables distribution set lines resource is used to manage the details about the individual distribution lines defined for a distribution set.
- Get a distribution set line for a distribution set
- Method: getPath:
- Get all distribution set lines for a distribution set
- Method: getPath:
Payables Income Tax Regions
The payables income tax regions resource is used to manage details about income tax regions that are used to record payment information for 1099 suppliers and used in 1099 reporting to the tax authorities.
- Get all income tax regions
- Method: getPath:
- Get an income tax region
- Method: getPath:
Payables Interface Invoices
The payables interface invoices resource is used to manage details about supplier invoices. For example, header, lines, distributions, and descriptive flexfields. Note that the service endpoints in this resource are specifically designed to only work with the visual builder add-in for Excel.
- Create an interface invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an interface invoice
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a list of all rejections for an interface invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Get all interface invoices
- Method: getPath:
- Get an interface invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Update an interface invoice
- Method: patchPath:
Payables Interface Invoices/Interface Invoice Lines
The payables interface invoice lines resource is used to manage details about goods and services, which includes freight, and miscellaneous charges that can be allocated to item lines. Note that the service endpoints in this resource are specifically designed to only work with the visual builder add-in for Excel.
- Create an interface invoice line
- Method: postPath:
- Delete an interface invoice line
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a list of all rejections for an interface invoice line.
- Method: postPath:
- Get all interface invoice lines
- Method: getPath:
- Get an interface invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Update an interface invoice line
- Method: patchPath:
Payables Interface Invoices/Interface Invoice Lines/Interface Invoice Line Rejections
The payables interface invoice line rejections resource is used to view the interface invoice line attributes rejections. Note that the service endpoints in this resource are specifically designed to only work with the visual builder add-in for Excel.
- Get all interface invoice line rejections
- Method: getPath:
- Get an interface invoice line rejection
- Method: getPath:
Payables Interface Invoices/Interface Invoice Rejections
The payables interface invoice rejection resource is used to view the interface invoice attributes rejections. Note that the service endpoints in this resource are specifically designed to only work with the visual builder add-in for Excel.
- Get all interface invoice rejections
- Method: getPath:
- Get an interface invoice rejection
- Method: getPath:
Payables Invoice Holds
The payables invoice holds resource is used to manage the information about invoice holds. Detailed information about the various attributes of each hold is provided.
- Get a hold details
- Method: getPath:
- Get all holds details
- Method: getPath:
Payables Options
The payables options resource is used to manage the details about the parameters and defaults for operating the Payables application. The resource contains information such as the ledger, the functional currency of the ledger, and the defaults such as payment terms. This resource also contains information to determine default values that cascade down to the invoice entry.
- Get payables options for a business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get payables options for all business units
- Method: getPath:
Payables Payments
The payables payments resource is used to manage payment details. You can create manual payments, update descriptive and global flexfields for a payment, and void a payment.
- Create a payment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a payment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payments
- Method: getPath:
- Initiate a stop payment
- Method: postPath:
- Update a payment
- Method: patchPath:
Payables Payments/Payments Descriptive Flexfields
The payables payments descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for a payment.
- Create a descriptive flexfield for a payment
- Method: postPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a payment
- Method: getPath:
- Get descriptive flexfields for a payment
- Method: getPath:
- Update descriptive flexfields for a payment
- Method: patchPath:
Payables Payments/Payments Global Descriptive Flexfields
The payables payments global descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the global descriptive flexfield references for a payment.
- Create a global descriptive flexfield for a payment
- Method: postPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for a payment
- Method: getPath:
- Get global descriptive flexfields for a payment
- Method: getPath:
- Update global descriptive flexfields for a payment
- Method: patchPath:
Payables Payments/Related Invoices
The related invoices resource is used to manage details of invoices related to a payment.
- Get a paid invoice for a payment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all paid invoices for a payment
- Method: getPath:
- Invoices to be paid
- Method: postPath:
Payables Payments/Related Invoices/Related Invoice Global Descriptive Flexfields
The related invoice global descriptive flexfields resource is used to manage details about the descriptive flexfield references for an invoice payment.
- Create a global descriptive flexfield for an invoice payment
- Method: postPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for an invoice payment
- Method: getPath:
- Get global descriptive flexfields for an invoice payment
- Method: getPath:
- Update global descriptive flexfields for an invoice payment
- Method: patchPath:
Payables and Procurement Options
The payables and procurement options resource contains options and defaults that are shared between the Payables and Purchasing applications.
- Get payables and procurement options for a business unit
- Method: getPath:
- Get payables and procurement options for all business units
- Method: getPath:
Payment Process Requests
The payment process request resource is used to view and take action on a payment process request.
- Get a payment process request
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment process requests
- Method: getPath:
- Update a payment process request
- Method: patchPath:
Payment Terms
The payables payment terms resource is used to manage the details about payment terms that's used in computing the installments that are due to the supplier.
- Get a payment term header for a terms ID
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment terms headers
- Method: getPath:
Payment Terms/Payment Terms Lines
The payables payment terms lines resource is used to manage the details about payment term lines that assist in determining the installment amount and the due date of each installment.
- Get a payment term line for a terms ID
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment terms lines for a terms ID
- Method: getPath:
Payment Terms/Payment Terms Sets
The payables payment terms sets resource is used to manage the details about payments terms associated to the reference data set.
- Get a set name for the payment term
- Method: getPath:
- Get all set names associated to the payment terms
- Method: getPath:
Payment Terms/Payment Terms Translations
The payables payment terms translations resource is used to manage the details about payments terms and the languages that the contents of the columns are translated in the supported languages.
- Get a payment term details for a term ID in a specific language
- Method: getPath:
- Get all payment terms details for a term ID in all supported languages
- Method: getPath:
Receipt Method Assignments
The receipt method assignments resource is used to assign a new receipt method to a customer account or site, and to find, update, and delete existing receipt methods of a customer account or site.
- Create a receipt method assignment at customer account or site
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a receipt method assigned to a customer account or site
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a receipt method assigned to a customer account or site
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receipt methods assigned to a customer account or site
- Method: getPath:
- Update a receipt method assigned to a customer account or site
- Method: patchPath:
Receipt Methods
The resource that provides details of receipt methods that associate receipt class, remittance bank, and receipt account information with receipts.
- Get a receipt method details
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receipt method details
- Method: getPath:
Receipt Methods/Receipt Methods Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receipt Methods/Receipt Methods Descriptive Flexfields category.
Receivables Adjustments
The receivables adjustments resource is used to reduce or increase the value of a transaction. You can perform an adjustment against an invoice, debit memo, and credit memo, and against any of these parts of the transaction: Charges, Freight, Invoice (transaction header), Line, Tax.
- Get a receivables adjustment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables adjustments
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Adjustments/Receivables Adjustments Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables adjustments descriptive flexfields resource is used to get the descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice adjustment.
- Get a receivables adjustment descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables adjustment descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos
The receivables credit memos resource is used to get and find a receivables credit memo.
- Create a receivables credit memo
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables credit memos
- Method: getPath:
- Update a receivables credit memo
- Method: patchPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Notes
The note objects resource is used to view the note objects.
- Create a note
- Method: postPath:
- Get a note object
- Method: getPath:
- Get all note objects
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Notes/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - NoteTxt
- Delete a NoteTxt
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a NoteTxt
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a NoteTxt
- Method: putPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create a receivables credit memo descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables credit memos
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Distributions
The receivables credit memo distributions resource is used to create, get, and find distributions associated with the credit memo.
- Create a receivables credit memo distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all credit memo distributions for a receivables credit memo
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Distributions/Receivables Credit Memo Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Distributions/Receivables Credit Memo Distribution Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create a receivables credit memo distribution descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo distribution descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables credit memo distributions
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Global Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Global Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create a receivables credit memo global descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables credit memos
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines
The receivables credit memo lines resource is used to get and find the lines of a credit memo.
- Create a set of receivables credit memo lines
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables credit memo lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view, create, and update attachments.
- Create an attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create a receivables credit memo line descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo line descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables credit memo lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Global Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Global Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create a receivables credit memo line global descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo line global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables credit memo lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Tax Lines
The receivables credit memo line tax lines resource is used to create, get, and find the tax lines of a credit memo line.
- Create a receivables credit memo tax line
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo line tax line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables credit memo tax lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Lines/Receivables Credit Memo Line Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create a receivables credit memo line transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo line transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables credit memo lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Credit Memos/Receivables Credit Memo Transaction Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Create a receivables credit memo transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables credit memo transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables credit memos
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities
The resource that provides details of a customer and its associated accounts. Customer transaction details are captured in the child resources.
- Get a customer account activity
- Method: getPath:
- Get all customer account activities
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Credit Memo Applications
The resource that provides details of credit memo applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a credit memo application
- Method: getPath:
- Get all credit memo applications
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Credit Memo Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Activities/Credit Memo Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Credit Memos
The resource that provides details of credit memos created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. It includes standard and on account credit memos.
- Get a credit memo
- Method: getPath:
- Get all credit memos
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Standard Receipt Applications
The resource that provides details of standard receipt applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a standard receipt application
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipt applications
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Standard Receipt Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Activities/Standard Receipt Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Standard Receipts
The resource that provides details of standard receipts created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a standard receipt
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipts
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Transaction Adjustments
The resource that provides details of adjustments created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a transaction adjustment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction adjustments
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Transaction Payment Schedules
The resource that provides details of payment schedules for transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. Transactions include invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.
- Get a transaction payment schedule
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction payment schedules
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Activities/Transactions Paid by Other Customers
The transactions paid by other customers resource provides details of receipt applications for transactions that are paid on behalf of the customer account.
- Get a transaction paid by other customers
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transactions paid by other customers
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities
The resource that provides details of a customer, and the associated accounts and billing sites. Transactional details are captured in the child resources.
- Get a customer account activity
- Method: getPath:
- Get all customer account activities
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Credit Memo Applications
The resource that provides details of credit memo applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a credit memo application
- Method: getPath:
- Get all credit memo applications
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Credit Memo Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Credit Memo Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Credit Memos
The resource that provides details of credit memos created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. It includes standard and on account credit memos.
- Get a credit memo
- Method: getPath:
- Get all credit memos
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Standard Receipt Applications
The resource that provides details of standard receipt applications created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a standard receipt application
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipt applications
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Standard Receipt Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields
The operations from the Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Standard Receipt Applications/Credit Memo Applications Descriptive Flexfields category.
- Get
- Method: getPath:
- Get all
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Standard Receipts
The resource that provides details of standard receipts created for customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a standard receipt
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipts
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Transaction Adjustments
The resource that provides details of adjustments created against transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource.
- Get a transaction adjustment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction adjustments
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Transaction Payment Schedules
The resource that provides details of payment schedules for transactions belonging to customer account sites, which is part of the receivablesCustomerAccountSiteActivities root resource. Transactions include invoices, debit memos, and chargebacks.
- Get a transaction payment schedule
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction payment schedules
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Customer Account Site Activities/Transactions Paid by Other Customers
The transactions paid by other customers resource provides details of receipt applications for transactions that are paid on behalf of the customer account.
- Get a transaction paid by other customers
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transactions paid by other customers
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Disputes
The receivables disputes resource provides details of disputes created on a transaction.
- Create a receivables dispute
- Method: postPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Disputes/Receivables Dispute Lines
The receivables dispute lines resource provides details of disputes created on transaction lines.
- Create a receivables line dispute
- Method: postPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices
The receivables invoices resource is used to create, get, update, and delete a receivables invoice.
Note: You can update only the InvoiceStatus, PaymentTerms, and TransactionDate attributes.
- Create a receivables invoice
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a receivables invoice
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a receivables invoice
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
- Update a receivables invoice
- Method: patchPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Attachments
The receivables invoice attachments resource is used to create, find, and delete the attachments associated with an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all attachments for a group of receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - File Contents
The contents of the attachment file.
- Delete a File Contents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a File Contents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a File Contents
- Method: putPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Distributions
The receivables invoice distributions resource is used to create and get the invoice distributions associated to an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice distribution
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice distribution
- Method: getPath:
- Get all invoice distributions for a receivables invoice
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Distributions/Receivables Invoice Distribution Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice distributions descriptive flexfields resource is used to create and get descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice distribution.
- Create a receivables invoice distribution descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice distribution descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoice distributions
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Global Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice global descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the global descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice global descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Installments
The receivables invoice installments resource is used to edit and get the installments of an invoice.
Note: You can update only the InstallmentDueDate and OriginalAmount attributes.
- Get a receivables invoice installment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all installments for a group of receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
- Update a receivables invoice installment
- Method: patchPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Installments/Receivables Invoice Installment Global Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice installment global descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the global descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice installments.
- Create a receivables invoice installment global descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice installment global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoice installments
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Installments/Receivables Invoice Installment Notes
The receivables invoice installment notes resource is used to create and find comments, information, or instructions on an invoice installment.
- Create a receivables invoice installment note
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice installment note
- Method: getPath:
- Get all notes for a group of receivables invoice installments
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Installments/Receivables Invoice Installment Notes/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - Note Text
The text of the note on the installment.
- Delete a Note Text
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a Note Text
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a Note Text
- Method: putPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines
The receivables invoice lines resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the lines of an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice line
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables invoice lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines/Receivables Invoice Attachments
The receivables invoice attachments resource is used to create, find, and delete the attachments associated with an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all attachments for a group of receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines/Receivables Invoice Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - File Contents
The contents of the attachment file.
- Delete a File Contents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a File Contents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a File Contents
- Method: putPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines/Receivables Invoice Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines/Receivables Invoice Line Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice line descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice lines.
- Create a receivables invoice line descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice line descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoice lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines/Receivables Invoice Line Global Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice line global descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the global descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice lines.
- Create a receivables invoice line global descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice line global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all global descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoice lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines/Receivables Invoice Line Tax Lines
The receivables invoice line tax lines resource is used to create and get tax lines on an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice line tax line
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice line tax line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all receivables invoice line tax lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Lines/Receivables Invoice Line Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice line transaction descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the transaction descriptive flexfield values associated with invoice lines.
- Create a receivables invoice line transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice line transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoice lines
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Notes
The receivables invoice notes resource is used to capture, find, and delete the comments, information, or instructions on an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice note
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice note
- Method: getPath:
- Get all notes for a group of receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Notes/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - Note Text
The text of the note on the invoice.
- Delete a Note Text
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a Note Text
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a Note Text
- Method: putPath:
Receivables Invoices/Receivables Invoice Transaction Descriptive Flexfields
The receivables invoice transaction descriptive flexfields resource is used to create, get, find, and delete the transaction descriptive flexfield values associated with an invoice.
- Create a receivables invoice transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a receivables invoice transaction descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction descriptive flexfields for a group of receivables invoices
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts
The revenue contracts resource is used to search for revenue contracts created in Revenue Management.
- Get a revenue contract
- Method: getPath:
- Get all revenue contracts
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts/Performance Obligations
The performance obligations resource is used to retrieve the performance obligations of a revenue contract.
- Get a performance obligation
- Method: getPath:
- Get all performance obligations
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts/Performance Obligations/Performance Obligation Series
The performance obligation series resource is used to retrieve the series of a devolved performance obligation.
- Get a performance obligation series
- Method: getPath:
- Get all performance obligation series
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts/Performance Obligations/Promised Details
The promised detail resource is used to retrieve the promised detail lines of a performance obligation.
- Get a promised detail
- Method: getPath:
- Get all promised details
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts/Performance Obligations/Promised Details/Satisfaction Events
The satisfaction events resource is used to retrieve the satisfaction events for a promised detail.
- Get a satisfaction event
- Method: getPath:
- Get all satisfaction events
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts/Performance Obligations/Promised Details/Source Documents
The source documents resource is used to retrieve source document details associated with a promised detail line.
- Get a source document
- Method: getPath:
- Get all source documents
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts/Performance Obligations/Promised Details/Source Documents/Source Document Lines
The source document lines resource is used to retrieve details of source document lines associated with a promised detail line.
- Get a source document line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all source document lines
- Method: getPath:
Revenue Contracts/Performance Obligations/Promised Details/Source Documents/Source Document Lines/Source Document Sublines
The source document sublines resource is used to retrieve details of source document sublines associated with a promised detail line.
- Get a source document subline
- Method: getPath:
- Get all source document sublines
- Method: getPath:
Routing Results
The routing results resource evaluates approval business rules and provides routing that's used to create tasks and generate approval notifications.
- Get action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- Get routing results
- Method: getPath:
Routing Results/Approval Blocks
The Participant resource lists out all the participants for a routing slip.
- Get a participant
- Method: getPath:
- Get all participants
- Method: getPath:
Routing Results/Approval Blocks/Approval Routings
The list builder resource lists out the list builders for a particular Participant.
- Get a list builder
- Method: getPath:
- Get all list builders
- Method: getPath:
Salesperson Reference Accounts
The receivables salesperson reference accounts resource is used to create, get, find, and delete a reference account associated with a salesperson.
- Create a salesperson reference account
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a salesperson reference account
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a salesperson reference account
- Method: getPath:
- Get all salesperson reference accounts
- Method: getPath:
Standard Receipts
The standard receipts resource is used to create standard receipts in Receivables to record payment from customers for goods received or services rendered. Standard receipts can be applied to one or more transactions. One or more remittance references can also be provided for applying the receipt to the transactions when the Apply Receipts Using AutoMatch process is run asynchronously.
- Create a standard receipt
- Method: postPath:
- Delete a standard receipt
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a standard receipt
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipts
- Method: getPath:
- Update a standard receipt
- Method: patchPath:
Standard Receipts/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to add one or more attachments to a standard receipt.
- Create a standard receipt attachment
- Method: postPath:
- Get a standard receipt attachment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipt attachments
- Method: getPath:
Standard Receipts/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileContents
- Delete a FileContents
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a FileContents
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a FileContents
- Method: putPath:
Standard Receipts/Attachments/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - FileWebImage
- Get a FileWebImage
- Method: getPath:
Standard Receipts/Remittance References
The remittance references resource is used to add one or more remittance references to a standard receipt.
- Create a remittance reference
- Method: postPath:
- Get a remittance reference
- Method: getPath:
- Get all remittance references
- Method: getPath:
Standard Receipts/Standard Receipt Descriptive Flexfields
The standard receipts DFF resource is used to add one or more descriptive flexfield values to a standard receipt.
- Create a standard receipt descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a standard receipt descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipt descriptive flexfields
- Method: getPath:
Standard Receipts/Standard Receipt Global Descriptive Flexfields
The standard receipts GDF resource is used to add one or more global descriptive flexfield values to a standard receipt.
- Create a standard receipt global descriptive flexfield
- Method: postPath:
- Get a standard receipt global descriptive flexfield
- Method: getPath:
- Get all standard receipt global descriptive flexfields
- Method: getPath:
Tax Authority Profiles
The tax authority profiles resource is used to query tax authority profiles.
- Get a tax authority profile
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax authority profiles
- Method: getPath:
Tax Exemptions
The tax exemptions resource is used to query, update, and create tax exemptions.
- Create a tax exemption
- Method: postPath:
- Get a tax exemption
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax exemptions
- Method: getPath:
- Update a tax exemption
- Method: patchPath:
Tax Intended Uses
The tax intended uses resource is used to retrieve intended use fiscal classification records.
- Get all intended use fiscal classification records
- Method: getPath:
- Get an intended use fiscal classification record
- Method: getPath:
Tax Partner Registrations
The tax partner registrations resource is used to create a tax partner. The tax partner's tax calculation application is used for determining transaction tax.
- Create a tax partner for tax calculation integration
- Method: postPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
Tax Product Categories
The tax product categories resource is used to retrieve existing product categories.
- Get a product category
- Method: getPath:
- Get all product categories
- Method: getPath:
Tax Registrations
The tax registrations resource is used to query, update, and create tax registrations.
- Create a tax registration
- Method: postPath:
- Get a tax registration
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax registrations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a tax registration
- Method: patchPath:
Tax Reporting Entities
The payables tax reporting entities resource is used to manage details about the reporting entities that are required for 1099 reporting.
- Get a single tax reporting entity
- Method: getPath:
- Get all tax reporting entities
- Method: getPath:
Tax Reporting Entities/Tax Reporting Entity Lines
The payables tax reporting entity lines resource is used to manage details about the tax reporting of entity lines. A reporting entity may be defined with a single balancing segment line for each organization or with multiple lines to combine 1099 reporting for the entire organizations.
- Get all tax reporting entity lines for a tax reporting entity
- Method: getPath:
- Get tax reporting entity lines for a tax reporting entity
- Method: getPath:
Tax Transaction Business Categories
The tax transaction business categories resource is used to retrieve transaction business categories.
- Get a transaction business category
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction business categories
- Method: getPath:
Taxpayer Identifiers
The taxpayer identifiers resource is used to query, update, and create taxpayer identifiers.
- Create a taxpayer identifier
- Method: postPath:
- Get a taxpayer identifier
- Method: getPath:
- Get all taxpayer identifiers
- Method: getPath:
- Update a taxpayer identifier
- Method: patchPath:
Third Party Fiscal Classifications
The third-party fiscal classifications resource contains details of the association between third parties, such as supplier or customer, and their fiscal classifications.
- Create a third-party fiscal classification
- Method: postPath:
- Get a third-party fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
- Get all third-party fiscal classifications
- Method: getPath:
- Update a third-party fiscal classification
- Method: patchPath:
Third Party Site Fiscal Classifications
The third-party site fiscal classifications resource contains details about the association between third-party sites, such as supplier site or customer site, and their fiscal classifications.
- Create a third-party site fiscal classification
- Method: postPath:
- Get a third-party site fiscal classification
- Method: getPath:
- Get all third-party site fiscal classifications
- Method: getPath:
- Update a third-party site fiscal classification
- Method: patchPath:
Third-Party Site Tax Reporting Code Associations
The third-party site tax reporting code associations resource contains details of the association between third party sites and the reporting codes.
- Create a third-party site tax reporting code association
- Method: postPath:
- Get a third-party site tax reporting code association
- Method: getPath:
- Get all third-party site tax reporting code associations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a third-party site tax reporting code association
- Method: patchPath:
Third-Party Tax Reporting Code Associations
The third-party tax reporting code associations resource contains details of the association between third parties and the reporting codes.
- Create a third-party tax reporting code association
- Method: postPath:
- Get a third-party tax reporting code association
- Method: getPath:
- Get all third-party tax reporting code associations
- Method: getPath:
- Update a third-party tax reporting code association
- Method: patchPath:
Transaction Tax Lines
The transaction tax lines resource is used to get, insert, and update a manual tax line.
- Get a transaction tax line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all transaction tax lines
- Method: getPath:
Withholding Tax Lines
The withholding tax lines resource is used to view, create and update a withholding tax line.
- Get a withholding tax line
- Method: getPath:
- Get all withholding tax lines
- Method: getPath:
Workflow Notification Contents
The workflow notification contents resource is used to view the workflow notifications.
- Get a workflow notification
- Method: getPath:
- GET action not supported
- Method: getPath:
- Include Ad hoc approvers
- Method: postPath:
- Retrieve approval activities
- Method: postPath:
- Retrieve approval sequence
- Method: postPath:
- Retrieve task ID
- Method: postPath:
Workflow Notification Contents/Approval Activities
The approval activity resource is used to view the actions performed by users on tasks.
- Get all approval activities
- Method: getPath:
- Get an approval activity
- Method: getPath:
Workflow Notification Contents/Approval Activities/Attachments
The attachments resource is used to view the attachments added by users.
- Get all attachments
- Method: getPath:
- Get an attachment
- Method: getPath:
Workflow Notification Contents/Approval Activities/Comments
The comments resource is used to view the comments added by users.
- Get a comment
- Method: getPath:
- Get all comments
- Method: getPath:
Workflow Notification Contents/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - approvalHistory
- Delete an approvalHistory
- Method: deletePath:
- Get an approvalHistory
- Method: getPath:
- Replace an approvalHistory
- Method: putPath:
Workflow Notification Contents/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - bipReportParameters
- Delete a bipReportParameters
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a bipReportParameters
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a bipReportParameters
- Method: putPath:
Workflow Notification Contents/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - notificationBody
- Delete a notificationBody
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a notificationBody
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a notificationBody
- Method: putPath:
Workflow Notification Contents/Large Object (LOB) Attributes - workflowTaskSequence
- Delete a workflowTaskSequence
- Method: deletePath:
- Get a workflowTaskSequence
- Method: getPath:
- Replace a workflowTaskSequence
- Method: putPath: