How You Print Sales and Purchase VAT Registers

This topic includes details about printing Sales and Purchase VAT registers for Poland.


The VAT Registers can be printed in the PDF format. The printed output is based on the JPK extract, and contains all transactions selected for JPK VAT. The output also displays the transaction details. The amounts are grouped by JPK Codes or Declaration VAT-7 boxes. Depending on the report parameters, the report can contain sales or purchase registers, or both. You can also restrict the printed output to a certain set of codes, such as domestic transactions only. Codes in the Tax Reporting Type ORA_JEPL_VAT_BOXES_PDF must be defined to select a subset of all tax box allocation boxes.

Key Insights

The Sales and Purchase VAT Registers process creates these output files:

  • XML file in the JPK format

  • PDF file with printable registers

Both files contain the same data presented in a different format. Printed registers can be used to verify the content of the JPK extract before sending it to the tax authorities.


This table lists the required parameters for printing the JPK Sales and Purchase VAT registers for Poland.

Parameter Name


Legal Entity

The legal entity that created the register.

Tax Registration Number

The tax registration number for which the JPK extract is delivered.

From Tax Period

The beginning tax period of the period for which the extract is created.

To Tax Period

The ending tax period of the period for which the extract is created.

Register Type

The section to be included in the extract. Options are sales register, purchase register, or both.

Tax Box Set

Restrict the codes displayed in the register output.

Requesting Tax Authority

Select the tax authority requesting the output.


Ensure that you complete these tasks before printing either the VAT Registers or the JPK VAT extract file:

  1. Create transactions for a period and complete the transactions for Receivables, or validate the invoices for Payables.

  2. Run the Create Accounting process for Receivables and Payables. Verify if the transactions were accounted correctly.

  3. Run the Select Transactions for Tax Reporting process for your legal entity and reported period.

  4. Run the Tax Allocation process for the tax registration number of the legal reporting unit to be reported.

  5. Verify the result of the allocation by running these reports with the same parameters as the Tax Box Allocation:

    • Tax Allocation Listing Report

    • Tax Allocation Exemptions Report

Print Sales and Purchase VAT Registers

Run these processes to provide the printed Sales and Purchase VAT Registers to the tax authorities:

  • JPK Sales and Purchase Registers for Poland: Contains the JPK_VAT file in the XML format.

  • Sales and Purchase VAT Register for Poland: Contains the Sales, Purchase, or both VAT Registers in the PDF format.

Perform these steps to run the process:

  1. Navigate to the Scheduled Processes work area.

  2. Click Schedule New Process.

  3. Search for the process name.

  4. In the Process Details dialog box, enter the required parameters.

  5. Click Submit.