Example of Multiple Levels of Reporting Consolidation

The consolidation for InFusion Corporation happens at two levels.

Level One

The InFusion North America elimination ledger records the elimination entries between InFusion USA and InFusion Canada. A ledger set has been created for the three ledgers to enable creation of consolidation reports in Financial Reporting.

The following figure shows the InFusion North America ledger set. The ledger set includes the InFusion North America elimination ledger, the InFusion USA ledger, and the InFusion Canada ledger.

This figure shows the North America ledger set, which includes the elimination ledger, and the USA and Canada ledgers.

The InFusion EMEA elimination ledger records the elimination entries between InFusion UK and InFusion Germany. A ledger set has been created for the three ledgers to enable creation of consolidation reports in Financial Reporting.

The following figure shows the InFusion EMEA ledger set. The ledger set includes the InFusion EMEA elimination ledger, the InFusion UK ledger, and the InFusion Germany ledger.

The figure shows the EMEA ledger set, which includes the elimination ledger, and the UK and Germany ledgers.

Level Two

The InFusion Corporate elimination ledger records the elimination entries among all four entities. A ledger set has been created for the five ledgers to enable creation of consolidation reports in Financial Reporting.

The following figure shows the InFusion Corporate ledger set. The ledger set includes the InFusion Corporate elimination ledger and the ledgers for InFusion USA, InFusion Canada, InFusion UK, and InFusion Germany.

This figure shows the Corporate ledger set, which includes the elimination ledger and the USA, Canada, UK, and Germany ledgers.