Statuses for Unposted Journal Batches

All batches that aren't in a Posted status are considered unposted batches.

These unposted batches have various statuses, including the following:

  • Incomplete: Batch has been saved but not completed.

  • Selected for Posting: Batch was selected but the posting process hasn't begun.

  • Processing: Posting process is currently running.

  • Error: Statuses assigned to journal batches at the end of the posting process to indicate problems preventing posting. Error statuses are displayed on the Journals work area landing page and General Accounting dashboard, as well as on the Posting Execution report.

Completing a Journal

Incomplete journals are listed on the Incomplete tab of the Journals work area landing page and General Accounting dashboard. You can manually enable the Complete status by clicking the Complete button or the Post button while the journal is still in an incomplete status.

Using the Incomplete Status

Use the Incomplete status to prevent posting of your journal batch while waiting on information or if you haven't completed all the entries within the batch. For example, you have to verify the amounts or accounts entered on the journal, or you have additional journal entries or lines to add. The Incomplete status also prevents the journal batch from being selected for posting by the AutoPost process.