How You Create a Manual Subledger Journal Entry

The application enables the user to create manual subledger journal entries online.

Creating a Manual Subledger Journal Entry

This includes the ability to:

  • Enter the complete information required for a manual subledger journal entry.

  • Enter subledger journal entry descriptions.

  • Select a supporting reference and supply the supporting reference value to a subledger journal entry line.

  • Assign a descriptive flexfield to a subledger journal entry header or subledger journal entry line.

  • Populate default values for an entered currency for a created subledger journal entry line.

  • Enter default conversion type, date, and rate information to establish a default currency for the journal that's different than its associated ledger currency.

  • View projected balances of entered and accounted journal line amounts.

  • Complete and post subledger journal entries.

    Note: The ability to post subledger journals to the General Ledger is dependent on your security profile. If you don't have the post to GL (GL_POST_JOURNAL_PRIV) privilege, creating a manual subledger journal entry with a Final completion status includes the transfer to General Ledger.