Asset Adjustments

The Adjustments view object stores all information to create journal entries for transactions.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.FaBiccExtractAM.AdjustmentExtractPVO

Primary Keys : AdjustmentAdjustmentLineId, AdjustmentTransactionHeaderId

Initial Extract Date :

Incremental Extract Date : AdjustmentLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
AdjustmentAdjustmentAmount The amount used to adjust the asset.
AdjustmentAdjustmentLineId The unique identifier of the asset accounting line.
AdjustmentAdjustmentType The type of account that the adjustment affects.
AdjustmentAnnualizedAdjustment The adjustment amount for a period multiplied by the number of periods in the fiscal year for retroactive transactions.
AdjustmentAssetId The unique identifier of the asset number.
AdjustmentAssetInvoiceId The unique identifier of the asset invoice.
AdjustmentBookTypeCode The name of the asset book.
AdjustmentCodeCombinationId The unique identifier of the account code combination to be used to account for the asset transaction line.
AdjustmentCreatedBy The user who created the adjustment.
AdjustmentCreationDate The date the adjustment was created.
AdjustmentDebitCreditFlag Indicates whether the line is Credit or Debit in the accounting entry for the asset transaction.
AdjustmentDeprnOverrideFlag Indicates the depreciation override amount for assets in the book.
AdjustmentDistributionId The unique identifier of the asset distribution line.
AdjustmentLastUpdateDate The date of the most recent change.
AdjustmentLastUpdateLogin The session login associated with the user who performed the adjustment.
AdjustmentLastUpdatedBy The user who last performed the adjustment.
AdjustmentObjectVersionNumber The number of times an adjustment was updated.
AdjustmentPeriodCounterAdjusted The period from which the adjustment transaction is effective.
AdjustmentPeriodCounterCreated The period from which the adjustment transaction is created.
AdjustmentSourceDestCode Indicates whether this line is on the source or destination side of a transaction.
AdjustmentSourceLineId The unique identifier for the source line information.
AdjustmentSourceTypeCode The type of adjustment transaction.
AdjustmentTrackMemberFlag Indicates whether the account information is created at the member level when the Track Member Account option is set.
AdjustmentTransactionHeaderId The unique identifier for the transaction.