Detailed Distributions

The detailed distributions view object contains the detailed accounting distributions for cash receipts, miscellaneous receipts, adjustments, credit memo applications, cash receipt applications, and bills receivable transactions.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.DetailedDistributionsAllExtractPVO

Primary Keys : DetailedDistributionsAllDetailedDistId

Initial Extract Date : DetailedDistributionsAllCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : DetailedDistributionsAllLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
DetailedDistributionsAllAcctdAmountAppliedFrom The receipt amount in the ledger currency derived using the receipt conversion rate.
DetailedDistributionsAllAcctdAmountAppliedTo The receipt amount in the ledger currency applied to the transaction derived using the transaction conversion rate.
DetailedDistributionsAllAcctdAmountCr The journal entry accounted credit amount.
DetailedDistributionsAllAcctdAmountDr The journal entry accounted debit amount.
DetailedDistributionsAllAcctdEarnedDiscountTaken The accounted amount of earned discount in the ledger currency derived using the transaction conversion rate.
DetailedDistributionsAllAcctdUnearnedDiscountTaken The accounted amount of unearned discount in the ledger currency derived using the transaction conversion rate.
DetailedDistributionsAllActivityBucket The amount bucket associated with the split distribution.
DetailedDistributionsAllAmountApplied The total amount of the application in the currency of the receipt and transaction prorated across the applied transaction distribution amount.
DetailedDistributionsAllAmountAppliedFrom The total amount applied in the receipt currency for prorating the amounts on detailed distributions. This applies to cross-currency applications only.
DetailedDistributionsAllAmountCr The distribution credit amount.
DetailedDistributionsAllAmountDr The distribution debit amount.
DetailedDistributionsAllAppSourceId The unique identifier of the receivable application that's used on a receipt or credit memo.
DetailedDistributionsAllAssociatedDistId The unique identifier of the distribution that's used to prorate the activity amount on this split distribution.
DetailedDistributionsAllBalanceAcctdAmount The balance amount in the ledger currency that's available against the distribution account represented by this record after performing the current activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllBalanceAmount The balance amount in the entered currency that's available against the distribution account represented by this record after performing the current activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllCashReceiptHistoryId The unique identifier of the cash receipt history.
DetailedDistributionsAllCreatedBy The user who created the detailed distributions line.
DetailedDistributionsAllCreationDate The date and time the detailed distributions line was created.
DetailedDistributionsAllDetailedDistEntry Indicates whether the distribution requires multifund accounting. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailedDistributionsAllDetailedDistId The unique identifier of the record that represents the detailed distributions.
DetailedDistributionsAllEarnedDiscountTaken The amount of earned discount taken on the transaction after the receipt is applied.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAcctdAmountCr The accounted credit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAcctdAmountDr The accounted debit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAmountCr The credit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromAmountDr The debit amount in the ledger currency based on the receipt.
DetailedDistributionsAllFromToCode The internal identifier used to extract detailed distribution lines to be processed for accounting. Valid values are F,T, and Y.
DetailedDistributionsAllLastUpdateDate The date and time the detailed distributions were last updated.
DetailedDistributionsAllLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the detailed distributions.
DetailedDistributionsAllLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the detailed distributions.
DetailedDistributionsAllLatestActivityFlag Indicates whether the record represents the latest balance against the distribution account. A list of accepted values is defined in the lookup type YES_NO.
DetailedDistributionsAllObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking for detailed distributions. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a transaction to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
DetailedDistributionsAllOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the detailed distributions.
DetailedDistributionsAllPriorDetailedDistId The unique identifier of the original detailed distribution used to create the reversal entry.
DetailedDistributionsAllRefAccountClass The account class associated with the split distribution. Valid values are FREIGHT for Freight account class, REC for Receivable account class, REV for Revenue account class, TAX for Tax account class, UNBILL for Unbilled Receivable account class, UNEARN for Unearned Revenue account class, ROUND for Rounding account class, and SUSPENSE for Suspense account class.
DetailedDistributionsAllRefCustTrxLineGlDistId The identifier of the transaction line revenue distribution for the detailed distributions line.
DetailedDistributionsAllRefCustomerTrxLineId The identifier of the Receivables transaction line.
DetailedDistributionsAllRefDistCcid The identifier of the transaction application account code combination.
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceDistId The unique identifier of the source distribution for which the detailed distributions are created.
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceId The identifier of the record in the SOURCE_TABLE that created this prorated distribution.
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceTable The identifier of the source table. Valid values are CRH for the AR_CASH_RECEIPT_HISTORY_ALL table, RA for the AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS_ALL table, ADJ for the AR_ADJUSTMENTS_ALL table, MCD for the AR_MISC_CASH_DISTRIBUTIONS_ALL table, and TH for the AR_TRANSACTION_HISTORY_ALL table.
DetailedDistributionsAllSourceType The account type of the transaction for which the detailed distribution is posted.
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableAccountedCr The credit taxable accounted amount in the ledger currency that's applicable on the activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableAccountedDr The debit taxable accounted amount in the ledger currency that's applicable on the activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableEnteredCr The credit taxable amount in the transaction currency that's applicable on the activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllTaxableEnteredDr The debit taxable amount in the transaction currency that's applicable on the activity.
DetailedDistributionsAllUnearnedDiscountTaken The amount of unearned discount taken on the transaction after the receipt is applied.