Receivables Activity

The receivables activity view object contains information about receivables activities, including business unit, name, description, activity type, active option, GL account source, tax rate code source, and distribution set for miscellaneous receipts. Receivables activities provide default accounting information for all activities in Receivables other than transactions and receipts. The receivables activity types are: Adjustment, Bank Error, Bills Receivable Funds Recovery, Credit Card Chargeback, Credit Card Refund, Earned Discount, Late Charges, Miscellaneous Cash, Payment Netting, Prepayments, Receipt Write-offs, Refund, Short Term Debt, and Unearned Discount.

Data Store Key : FscmTopModelAM.FinExtractAM.ArBiccExtractAM.ReceivableActivityExtractPVO

Primary Keys : ArReceivablesTrxOrgId, ArReceivablesTrxReceivablesTrxId

Initial Extract Date : ArReceivablesTrxCreationDate

Incremental Extract Date : ArReceivablesTrxLastUpdateDate


This table provides the list of exposed attributes and their descriptions.

Name Description
ArReceivablesTrxAccountingAffectFlag The option that indicates whether to post transactions with this receivables activity to general ledger.
ArReceivablesTrxAssetTaxCode The asset tax rate code used for the Miscellaneous Cash receivables activity to account for tax on miscellaneous receipts and miscellaneous payments.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceivablesTrxAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceivablesTrxAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name of the Receivables Activity descriptive flexfield.
ArReceivablesTrxCodeCombinationId The general ledger account code combination of the receivables activity account.
ArReceivablesTrxCreatedBy The user who created the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxCreationDate The date and time the receivables activity was created.
ArReceivablesTrxDefaultAcctgDistributionSet The default distribution set of the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxDescription The description of the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxEndDateActive The last date the receivables activity is active.
ArReceivablesTrxGlAccountSource The value that indicates how Receivables derives the accounts for the expense or revenue generated by the Receivables activity. Valid values are: Activity GL Account, Distribution Set, Revenue on Invoice, and Tax Rate Code on Invoice.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute1 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 1.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute10 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 10.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute11 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 11.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute12 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 12.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute13 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 13.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute14 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 14.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute15 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 15.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute16 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 16.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute17 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 17.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute18 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 18.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute19 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 19.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute2 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 2.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute20 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 20.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute3 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 3.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute4 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 4.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute5 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 5.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute6 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 6.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute7 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 7.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute8 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 8.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttribute9 A segment of the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield 9.
ArReceivablesTrxGlobalAttributeCategory The descriptive flexfield context name for the Receivables Activity global descriptive flexfield.
ArReceivablesTrxInactiveDate The date the receivables activity becomes inactive.
ArReceivablesTrxLastUpdateDate The date and time the receivables activity was last updated.
ArReceivablesTrxLastUpdateLogin The session login of the user who last updated the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxLastUpdatedBy The user who last updated the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxLiabilityTaxCode The liability tax rate code used for the Miscellaneous Cash receivables activity to account for tax on miscellaneous receipts and miscellaneous payments.
ArReceivablesTrxName The name of the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxObjectVersionNumber The number used to implement optimistic locking. This number is incremented every time that the row is updated. The number is compared at the start and end of a receivables activity to detect whether another session has updated the row since it was queried.
ArReceivablesTrxOrgId The identifier of the business unit associated with the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxReceivablesTrxId The identifier of the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxRiskEliminationDays The number of days after maturity that an endorsed bill receivable is held before the risk can be eliminated.
ArReceivablesTrxSeedDataSource The source of the seed data record for the receivables activity. A value of BULK_SEED_DATA_SCRIPT indicates that the record was uploaded in bulk. Otherwise, it specifies the name of the seed data file.
ArReceivablesTrxSetOfBooksId The primary ledger of the receivables activity account.
ArReceivablesTrxStartDateActive The date the receivables activity becomes active.
ArReceivablesTrxStatus The status of the receivables activity.
ArReceivablesTrxTaxCodeSource The value that indicates how Receivables derives the tax rate code for the Receivables activity. Valid values are: Activity, Invoice, and None.
ArReceivablesTrxTaxRecoverableFlag The option on the tax rate code source that indicates whether tax for this receivables activity is recoverable.
ArReceivablesTrxType The name of the receivables activity type.