Change History

Review what's new in this document.

Release 24B

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Module Data Store Change Data Store Description

Archived Accounting Data


Added new chapter Archived Accounting Data.

Lists the archieved accounting data extract PVOs.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Sources

New attribute SubledgerSourcesSummarizationFlag added to Subledger Sources.

Indicates whether the source is used to summarize source transaction lines.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Sources

New attribute SubledgerSourcesSplitTransactionFlag added to Subledger Sources.

Indicates whether the source is used as a criteria when splitting large transactions.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Transaction Entities

New attribute TransactionOriginalTransactionNumber added to Subledger Sources.

The original transaction number from the Accounting Hub transaction data file.

Release 24A

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Module Data Store Change Data Store Description
General Ledger Journal Source New attribute JournalSourceXlaApprovalFlag added to Journal Source. Indicates whether the subledger accounting entry approvals should be enabled for the specified Journal Source.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Mapping Set Input Sources

Added new BICC PVO SubledgerMappingSetInputExtractPVO.

The mapping set input sources view object contains information about input sources assigned to subledger mapping sets. The combination of SourceCode, SourceTypeCode and SourceApplicationId determines the source from Subledger Sources view object.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Mapping Set Values

Added new BICC PVO SubledgerMappingSetValueExtractPVO.

The Subledger Mapping Set Values view object contains output values map to each combination of input values for subledger mapping sets.

Subledger Accounting

Subledger Mapping Sets

Added new BICC PVO SubledgerMappingSetExtractPVO.

The mapping sets view object contains information about mapping sets.

Subledger Accounting

Subleger Mapping Set Flavors

Added new BICC PVO SubledgerMappingSetFlavorExtractPVO.

The Subledger Mapping Set Flavors view object contains chart of accounts or value sets assigned to subledger mapping sets.

Subledger Accounting

Translated Subledger Mapping Sets

Added new BICC PVO SubledgerMappingSetTLExtractPVO.

The translated mapping sets view object contains the translated information about mapping sets.

Release 23D

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Module Data Store Change Data Store Description
General Ledger System Usages Added new BICC PVO SystemUsageExtractPVO. The system usage view object consolidates details of the users of a particular feature.

Release 23C

The following table lists changes introduced in this version of the document.

Module Data Store Change Data Store Description
Subledger Accounting Subledger Transaction Headers New attribute TransactionHeaderFileIdentifier added to Subledger Transaction Headers. The subledger accounting events view object contains all information related to a specific event.
Subledger Accounting Subledger Accounting Events New attribute EventPEOFileIdentifier added to Subledger Accounting Events. The subledger transaction headers contain Oracle Fusion Accounting Hub transaction header data for use in accounting.
Subledger Accounting Translated Subledger Application Added new BICC PVO SubledgerApplicationTranslationExtractPVO. The translated subledger application view object contains translated information about subledger applications.