Creating an Ad Hoc Analysis in Smart View

This example shows how to create an ad hoc analysis in Smart View.

Creating an Ad Hoc Analysis

This example includes steps for configuring the Smart View connection, selecting dimension members, creating separate reports, and formatting amounts.
  1. Navigate to the Financial Reporting Center.

  2. Open the Tasks panel and click the Open Workspace for Financial Reports task.

  3. Remove /index.jsp from the end of the workspace URL and copy the rest of the URL. For example, copy, where XXXX is the unique instance ID.

  4. Open Excel.

  5. Navigate to the Smart View ribbon and click Options.

  6. In the Shared Connections URL field on the Advanced tab, replace everything before workspace with the copied URL. For example,

  7. Click OK.

  8. On the Smart View ribbon, click Panel. The Smart View panel opens.

  9. On the Smart View panel, click Shared Connections.

  10. Sign in with your user name and password.

  11. On the Smart View panel, select the drop-down list for the Select Server to proceed field.

  12. Select Oracle@Essbase from the list of shared connections.

  13. Expand the list of cubes for Essbase_FA_Cluster.

  14. Expand the USChartofAccounts cube.

  15. Select db. Don't expand the selection.

  16. On the Smart View panel, click Connect, and then click Ad hoc analysis.

  17. On the Essbase ribbon, click POV. The Point of View window enables you to select data dimension values, so you can pinpoint the information you want for the Excel analysis.

  18. On the Point of View window, click the drop-down list for each dimension and select the ellipsis (...) to open the member selector. On the Member Selection window, remove the default selection for each dimension using the Remove icon. Select the dimension value and add it using the Add icon. Click OK. Complete the member selection, as shown in this table.




    [All Company Values].[101]

    Line of Business




    Cost Center

    All Cost Center Values


    All Product Values


    All Intercompany Values



    Balance Amount

    Period Activity

    Amount Type




    Currency Type


  19. On the worksheet, click the Accounting Period dimension in row 3, column A.

  20. Right-click and select Smart View, Member Selection.

  21. On the Member Selection window, remove the default selection. Expand the Accounting Period dimension and add the period 12-16.

  22. Click OK.

  23. Double-click Ledger in row 2, column B, to zoom in. You can also zoom in by selecting the dimension, navigating to the Essbase ribbon, and clicking Zoom In

  24. Click All Ledgers in row 2, column B, and click Zoom Out on the Essbase ribbon.

  25. Right-click Ledger in row 2, column B, and select Smart View, Member Selection.

  26. On the Member Selection window, remove the default selection of Ledger.

  27. Select US Ledger Set and click the Add icon.

  28. Click OK.

  29. On the Point of View window, click Refresh.

  30. Double-click US Ledger Set in row 2, column B, to zoom in.

  31. Click the [US Ledger Set].[US Primary Ledger] cell.

  32. On the Essbase ribbon, click Keep Only to remove the other Ledger members and keep only the selected member.

  33. To create a separate report based on the Company dimension, on the Essbase ribbon, click Cascade and select Same Workbook. The Member Selection window opens.

  34. On the Member Selection window, select [All Company Values].[102] and click the Add icon.

  35. Click OK. A worksheet opens for company 102.

  36. Click the All Company Values.101 worksheet.

  37. Click the amount cell in row 3, column B.

  38. Navigate to the Home ribbon and set the Accounting Number Format option to the dollar sign.

  39. Navigate to the Essbase ribbon and click Preserve Format.

  40. On the Point of View window, click Refresh.