ERP Integration Service
Provides external operations for ERP integration scenarios such as bulk data import and export to execute end-to-end inbound and outbound data flows. It also provides key features such as status tracking, web service callback and error notifications along with business events as part of these flows.
Life Cycle Status: Active
QName: {}ErpIntegrationService
Service WSDL URL: https://servername/fscmService/ErpIntegrationService?WSDL
The following table describes how this service data object is related to other service data objects or business object services.
Relationship Type | Object or Service |
Handles |
Handles |
Handles |
Obtains the request status of the submitted Enterprise Scheduling Service job.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
requestId |
long |
The request ID of the submitted Enterprise Scheduling Service job. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
string |
Returns the current status of the Enterprise Scheduling Service job. |
Obtains the request status of the submitted Enterprise Scheduling Service job.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
requestId |
long |
The request ID of the submitted Enterprise Scheduling Service job. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
string |
Returns the current status of the Enterprise Scheduling Service job. |
Extracts the document matching with provided document identifier from UCM.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
DocumentId |
string |
The numeric document identifier of document from UCM. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
Returns the document corresponding to provided document identifier along with document details. The details include document ID, file content, file name, content type, document title, document name, author, security group and account. |
Extracts the documents having document title starting with the specific file prefix from provided UCM account under FAFusionImportExport security group not containing the given comment. In case UCM account is specified as #NULL then operation extracts the documents having document title starting with the specific file prefix from attachment security group not containing the given comment. Only files uploaded to attachments security group or any UCM Account of FAFusionImportExport security group can be downloaded through any ERP Integration Service.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
prefix |
string |
The prefix with which document title starts. |
account |
string |
UCM account of the document if document belongs to FAFusionImportExport security group. In case document belongs to Attachment security group, pass #NULL. |
comments |
string |
The parameter to pass the comments. Files that do not have the comments are retrieved. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
Returns a list of elements, each containing the details of the downloaded files. The details include the document ID, file content, file name, content type, document title, document name, author, security group and account. |
Uploads a document to the Universal Content Management server based on provided document details.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
document |
Document Information |
List of elements, each containing the details of the file to be uploaded. The details include file content, file name, content type, document title, document name, author, security group and account. Provide base64 encoded string of the document in file content. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
string |
Returns the numeric document identifier of the uploaded file. |
Downloads the Enterprise Scheduling Service job output and logs as a zip file for specified ESS request ID.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
requestId |
string |
The request ID of the submitted Enterprise Scheduling Service job. |
fileType |
string |
The file type to determine the execution details to download. Specify the
file type as:
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
Returns a list of elements, each containing the details of the downloaded file. The details include the document ID, file content, file name, content type, document title, document name, author, security group and account. |
Appends the specified comment to a document corresponding to provided numeric document identifier.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
documentId |
string |
The numeric document identifier of a document. |
comments |
string |
The comment that needs to be appended. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
void |
Downloads the Enterprise Scheduling Service job output and logs as a zip file for specified ESS request ID. This operation is deprecated now, use downloadESSJobExecutionDetails instead.
Life Cycle Status: Deprecated
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
requestId |
string |
The parameter to pass the request ID of the Enterprise Scheduling Service job. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
Returns a list of elements, each containing the details of the downloaded file. The details include the document ID, file content, file name, content type, document title, document name, author, security group and account. |
The loadAndImportData operation uploads a file to the Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) server based on the document details specified and submits an ESS job(s) to load and import the uploaded files to an application table. This operation is deprecated now, use importBulkData instead.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
document |
Document Information |
List of elements, each containing the details of the file to be uploaded. The details include file content, file name, content type, document title, document name, document ID, author, security group and account. Provide base64 encoded string of the document in file content. |
jobList |
Process Details |
List of elements, each containing the details of the Enterprise Scheduling Service job to be submitted to import and process the uploaded file. The details include the job definition name, job package name, and list of parameters. |
interfaceDetails |
string |
The interface option ID for which data has to be loaded. |
notificationCode |
string |
A two-digit number that determines how and when a bell or email notification is passed for the status of the import job. Refer to below table for more information. |
callbackURL |
string |
The web service based callback URL of the web service you implemented to receive the ESS job status upon job completion. Pass #NULL if web service based callback is not needed. |
Detail information about notification codes is in the table below:
Digit Position | Digit Value | Description |
First Digit |
1 |
Email notification |
2 |
Bell notification |
3 |
Both email and bell notification |
Second Digit |
0 |
Send in any case (import failed or succeeded). |
1 |
Send on import success. |
2 |
Send on import failure. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
long |
Returns the request identifier for the first Enterprise Scheduling Service job in the joblist - which is a Load Interface File for Import Job. |
Acknowledges and confirms that download for specific extract has completed.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
jobName |
string |
Contains a combination of the job package name and job definition name, separated by a comma. |
documentIDs |
string |
List of numeric document identifiers. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
string |
Returns the status code for the operation. |
This method updates error data in interface tables pertaining to the specified import process and load request ID.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
processName |
string |
ERP Interface options import job details. Provide semi colon to separate job path and job name. |
loadRequestId |
string |
Load Request ID. |
document |
{}base64Binary-DataHandler |
User uploaded blobDomain with corrected interface table data. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
void |
The importBulkData operation uploads a file to the Oracle Universal Content Management (UCM) server based on the document details specified and submits an ESS job to load and import the uploaded files to an application table.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
document |
Document Information SDO |
List of elements, each containing the details of the file to be uploaded. The details include file content, file name, content type, document title, document name, document Id, author, security group and account. Provide base64 encoded string of the document in file content. |
jobDetails |
Process Details |
List of elements, each containing the details of the ESS job to be submitted to import and process the uploaded file. The details include the job definition name, job package name, and list of parameters. |
notificationCode |
string |
A two-digit number that determines how and when a bell or email notification is passed for the status of the import job. Refer to below table for more information. |
callbackURL |
string |
The web service based callback URL of the web service that has been implemented to receive the ESS job status upon job completion. Pass #NULL if web service based callback is not needed. |
jobOptions |
string |
A web service operation input parameter that designates the specific inbound bulk data processing variation. A string parameter that consists of multiple key-value pairs separated by comma. Example: ImportOption=Y,ExtractFileType=ALL,InterfaceDetails=1. |
Detail information about notification codes is in the table below:
Digit Position | Digit Value | Description |
First Digit |
1 |
Email notification |
2 |
Bell notification |
3 |
Both email and bell notification |
Second Digit |
0 |
Send in any case (import failed or succeeded). |
1 |
Send on import success. |
2 |
Send on import failure. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
long |
Returns the request ID for the first Enterprise Scheduling Service job in the joblist - which is a Load Interface File for Import Job. |
Submits ESS job to upload the load and import job output and logs to the Universal Content Management server and purge interface tables with web service based callback and notification.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
requestIds |
string |
The request Ids of load job and import jobs. |
notificationCode |
string |
A two-digit number to determines how and when a bell or email notification is passed for the status of the ESS job. Refer to below table for more information. |
callbackURL |
string |
The web service based callback URL of the web service that has been implemented to receive the ESS job status upon job completion. Pass #NULL if web service based callback is not needed. |
jobOptions |
string |
A web service operation input parameter that designates the specific extractAndPurge processing variation. A string parameter that consists of multiple key-value pairs separated by comma. |
Detail information about notification codes is in the table below:
Digit Position | Digit Value | Description |
First Digit |
1 |
Email notification |
2 |
Bell notification |
3 |
Both email and bell notification |
Second Digit |
0 |
Send in any case (import failed or succeeded). |
1 |
Send on import success. |
2 |
Send on import failure. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
long |
Returns the request ID of the first submitted Enterprise Scheduling Service job. |
The exportBulkData operation submits an ESS job request for the specified job package name, job definition, parameters and returns the ESS Request ID. After completion of the provided ESS job, it also submits the "Upload Interface Error and Job Output File to Universal Content Management" job that downloads ESS OUT and LOG files for the provided ESS job, compresses together and uploads to UCM. Usually used for reporting needs and outbound integrations.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
jobName |
string |
The ESS job package name and definition name for the ESS job that need be submitted. Separated by comma. |
parameterList |
string |
Request parameters of the ESS job that are comma separated.Only supported parameters are submit.argument1 to submit.argumentN. The order of the parameters is maintained per the list i.e. submit.argument1, submit.argument2, submit.argument3 ... submit.argumentN. Pass #NULL if a parameter is null . If a parameter value contains comma, enclose the parameter value within double quotes. |
jobOptions |
string |
A web service operation input parameter that designates the specific exportBulkData processing variation. A string parameter that consists of multiple key-value pairs separated by comma. |
callbackURL |
string |
The web service based callback URL of the web service you implemented to receive the ESS job status upon job completion. Pass #NULL if web service based callback is not needed. |
notificationCode |
string |
A two-digit number that determines how and when a bell or email notification is passed for the status of the ESS job. Refer to below table for more information. |
Detail information about notification codes is in the table below:
Digit Position | Digit Value | Description |
First Digit |
1 |
Email notification |
2 |
Bell notification |
3 |
Both email and bell notification |
Second Digit |
0 |
Send in any case (import failed or succeeded). |
1 |
Send on import success. |
2 |
Send on import failure. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
long |
Returns the request ID of the submitted ESS job. |
Obtains the ESS Job Execution details that includes job path, job name, ESS Request ID and Status along with all child job details spawned by given ESS Request ID.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
requestId |
long |
The request ID of the submitted ESS job. |
jobOptions |
string |
A web service operation input parameter that designates the specific getESSExecutionDetails processing variation. A string parameter that consists of multiple key-value pairs separated by comma. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
string |
JSON string that contains Job Execution details that includes job path, job name,, ESS Request ID and Status along with all child job details spawned by given ESS Request ID. |
An operation to retrieve user interface hints, such as the service data object label and object attribute labels, for the specified service data object and locale. As a prerequisite, call the getEntityList operation defined on this service to get the list of possible values for the viewName request payload element.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
viewName |
string |
The service view usage name, an internal name for the service data object. Specify the value of the name element from the getEntityList operation response payload. |
localeName |
string |
The locale to use when evaluating locale-based user interface hints. The localeName is in the ISO 639-1 format. |
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
{}ObjAttrHints |
The label and user interface hints for the specified service data object and its attributes in a name and value paired format. |
An operation that returns the date and time when the schema files last changed.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
{}dateTime-Timestamp |
The date and time when the service definition last changed in the ISO 8601 format. |
An operation that retrieves the list of service data objects associated with the ERP Integration Service.
Life Cycle Status: Active
Request Payload
Response Payload
Element Name | Type | Description |
result |
{}ServiceViewInfo |
A list of service data objects defined on this service. For each service data object, the result includes the QName, internal name, and boolean values indicating whether create, update, merge, or delete operations can be performed on the object. |