Assets Watchlist

Use watchlists to monitor critical transaction processing progress in real time.

You can view the watchlists by clicking the Watchlist icon on the home page.

Oracle Assets provides four watchlist categories. Two of the categories contain predefined items. You can also create additional items using the saved search for any of the four categories.

The following watchlist categories are available:

  • Additions

  • Retirements

  • Financial Transactions

  • Tracking

Additions Watchlist

The Additions category contains the following predefined watchlist items. You can create additional watchlist items for this category.

  • Exceptions: Source lines in the Error queue. Selecting this watchlist item takes you to the list of exceptions in the Additions infotile. You can view the details and error for each line and make the necessary corrections before posting the transactions.

  • Incomplete: Source lines that aren't yet assigned to any preparer. Selecting this watchlist item takes you to the list of incomplete transactions in the Additions infotile. You can view the details for each line and add the missing information before posting the transactions.

  • Ready to post: Source lines in the Post queue. Selecting this watchlist item takes you to the list of transactions that are ready to post in the Additions infotile. You can click Post All to post all of the transactions that are ready to post.

Retirements Watchlist

The Retirements Watchlist category contains the following predefined watchlist item. You can create additional watchlist items for this category.

Incomplete: Retirements that are saved and that aren't yet posted to the asset. Selecting this watchlist item takes you to the list of incomplete transactions in the Retirements infotile. You can view the details for each line and add the missing information before posting the transactions.

Financial Transactions Watchlist

This category contains no predefined watchlist items, but you can create watchlist items for this category.

Tracking Watchlist

This category contains no predefined watchlist items, but you can create watchlist items for this category.