How Impairment Status Is Set

When you perform impairment transactions, each impairment line is assigned a status.

Settings That Affect Impairment Status

The status of each impairment line is based on the impairment transactions that you performed and the current state of each transaction.

How Impairment Status Is Set

The following table lists and describes each Oracle Assets impairment status value:




New impairment line entered.


Impairment lines that are ready to be previewed.

Running Preview

Intermediary status for impairments uploaded with a status of Preview.

Preview Failed

Used when the depreciation calculation fails during the preview process.


Impairment lines in which impairment loss was calculated, and which are ready for posting


Intermediary status while impairment posting begins.

Running Post

Impairment posting is in progress.

Post Failed

Impairments failed during posting.


Impairments were successfully posted.


Intermediary status while impairment rollback begins.

Running Rollback

Impairment rollback is in progress.

Rollback Failed

Impairments failed when rolled back.

Rollback Complete

Impairments were successfully rolled back for the assets.