How Physical Inventory Comparison Data Is Processed

Use the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process to match each asset in the physical inventory data with the same asset in your asset book.

Run the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process after entering the physical inventory data into Oracle Assets. The Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process compares only physical inventory data in a status of New.

Conditions That Affect Physical Inventory Comparison

The Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process begins by searching in the order listed for one of the following matching unique identifiers:

  • Asset number

  • Tag number

  • Serial number

How the Physical Inventory Comparison Is Processed

Asset Number

First, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process verifies whether the physical inventory data includes an asset number. If an asset number exists, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process searches for a matching asset number. If it finds a matching asset number, the process continues the comparison by determining whether the location, number of units, and employee match.

Based on the results, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process updates the status of the asset to one of the following:



Fully Matched

All components of the comparison match.


One or more components of the comparison don't match.

The Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process performs the following tasks when there is no matching asset number in the application:

  1. Terminates the comparison for the asset.

  2. Updates the status to Asset Not in Book.

  3. Continues to the next asset to be compared.

Tag Number

If you don't provide an asset number in the physical inventory data, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process verifies whether the physical inventory data includes a tag number. If there is a tag number, the process searches the application for a matching tag number. If it finds a matching tag number, the process continues the comparison by determining whether the location, number of units, and employee match.

Based on the results, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process updates the status of the asset to one of the following:



Fully Matched

All components of the comparison match.


One or more components of the comparison don't match.

The Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process performs the following tasks when there is no matching tag number in the application:

  1. Terminates the comparison for the asset.

  2. Updates the status to Asset Not in Book.

  3. Continues to the next asset to be compared.

Serial Number

If the physical inventory data doesn't include an asset number or a tag number, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process verifies whether a serial number is recorded for the asset. If there is a serial number, it searches the application for a matching serial number. If it finds a matching serial number, the process continues the comparison by determining whether the location, number of units, and employee match.

Based on the results, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process updates the status of the asset to one of the following:



Fully Matched

All components of the comparison match.


One or more components of the comparison don't match.

The Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process performs the following tasks when there is no matching serial number in the application:

  1. Terminates the comparison for the asset.

  2. Updates the status to Asset Not in Book.

  3. Continues to the next asset to be compared.

Other Criteria

Provide an asset number, tag number, or serial number to successfully match assets while loading physical inventory data into Assets using the Physical Inventory spreadsheet. If none of the three unique identifiers are present for that asset, the Asset Physical Inventory Comparison process tries to match the asset using any of the following identifiers:

  • Asset description

  • Category

  • Asset key

  • Model number

  • Manufacturer

You can view the results of the comparison in the Reconcile Physical Inventory spreadsheet.