How Physical Inventory Posting Statuses Are Set

Physical inventory posting statuses indicate the status of your physical inventory throughout the comparison process.

Settings That Affect Physical Inventory Status

The statuses are set by Oracle Assets or by you according to the current status of your physical inventory data.

How Physical Inventory Statuses Are Set

The following table describes each physical inventory posting status and how it is set:



Set By


Indicates that physical inventory data is ready to compare with the asset book.

You or the application


Indicates that the comparison process has identified a difference in the location, number of units, or employees for this asset.


Asset not in book

Indicates that the comparison process couldn't locate a unique asset in the asset book using the asset number, tag number, and serial number that you entered.


Noninventory asset

Indicates that the asset in the physical inventory is not designated to be included in physical inventory.

You must enable the In Physical Inventory check box for the asset.


Multiple matches

Indicates that the comparison process has identified more than one asset match in the asset book for this physical inventory entry.


Fully matched

Indicates that the data in the physical inventory matches the data in the asset book.

When the status is fully matched, the date of the inventory is stamped on the asset in the FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY table.


Rectify difference

Creates a draft mass transaction according to the difference resolution action that you specified in case of a difference in the comparison.


Transaction pending

Indicates that the draft mass transaction was created to correct the information in the asset book.

After posting the mass transactions, change the status to New and run the comparison.



Indicates that the erroneously entered physical inventory data will be deleted from the Physical Inventory interface table.
