Source Line Transfers

You can transfer individual source lines or use the mass transfers interface table to transfer multiple source lines between assets.

The following table shows the different types of source line transfers you can perform:

Transfer From

Transfer To

Capitalized asset

Capitalized asset

CIP asset

CIP asset

Capitalized asset

CIP asset

CIP asset

Capitalized asset

Expensed asset

Expensed asset

You can't transfer source lines from an expensed asset to a CIP or capitalized asset, and you can't transfer a CIP or capitalized asset to and expensed asset.

You can choose whether to amortize or expense the source line transfer for both source and destination capitalized assets.

When you transfer source lines you adjust the recoverable cost of an asset. Oracle Assets calculates depreciation based on the asset type transferred:

Transfer Type


Capitalized to CIP assets

Assets removes some of the depreciation from the capitalized asset, because CIP assets don't depreciate.

CIP to capitalized assets

Assets can process catch-up depreciation for the capitalized asset.