Automatically Assign Items to a Standalone Selling Price Profile

This example demonstrates how to upload standalone selling prices without assigning the items to standalone selling price profiles and verify that after the upload, the items are assigned automatically to the standalone selling price profile.

Create Standalone Selling Prices

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, navigate to the Manage Standalone Selling Price Profiles link under Revenue Management.

  2. On the Manage Standalone Selling Price Profiles page, enter Hardware Business in the Name field and click Search.

  3. Click the Hardware Business link in the Search Results table.

  4. On the Edit Standalone selling Price Profile page, scroll down to the Assignments section and select the first item in the search results table.

  5. Click the Create SSP button.

  6. On the Create Standalone Selling Prices dialog box, enter the current period for the Effective Period, and USD as the Default Currency.

  7. Click Save.

  8. Click Open.

  9. Enter your user name and password when prompted.

  10. On the Create Standalone Selling Prices spreadsheet, notice that the application has populated the items, memo lines, item groups and performance obligations that are already assigned to this standalone selling price profile. Enter the new item, memo line, item group, or performance obligation.

  11. Enter all required information.

  12. Once completed, click Upload. Note that you may be prompted to reenter your user name and password again if you work on the spreadsheet for too long.

  13. In the Upload Options dialog box, accept the default option and click OK.

  14. Verify the status of the standalone selling price for each row in the Status column to confirm that each row was inserted successfully.

  15. Verify the standalone selling prices you uploaded using the Manage Standalone Selling Prices in Spreadsheet task.

  16. Now, verify the item assignments section of your standalone selling price profile. You can see that the new item you uploaded the standalone selling price for is now assigned to this profile.