Guidelines for Using the Service Duration and Price Periodicity Attributes

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when using the service duration and price periodicity option:

  • Subscription Management lets you opt out of using the Service Duration and Price Periodicity feature. To opt out, enable the look up RMCS_DURATION_UOM_OPT_OUT in Subscription Management.
  • Subscription Management doesn't include the service duration and price periodicity for one-time and usage charges. However, to support using the service duration and price periodicity in your pricing dimension structure for all items, Subscription Management populates:
    • The price periodicity as One Time and the service duration as 1 for one-time charges.
    • The price periodicity as Usage Charge and the service duration as 1 for usage charges.

Use the Subscription Management Service Mapper to set the Extensible line character attribute 30 attribute to CUSTOM for service version lines when:

  • You want to process service version lines without recalculating the unit selling price.
  • You're customizing the values of the attributes Unit Selling Price, Quantity, or Unit Standalone Selling Price using Service Mapper.
  • You're not using the out of the box integration process for Subscription Management with Revenue Management.