How Revenue Management Derives the Extended Standalone Selling Price

Oracle Revenue Management uses these formulas to derive the extended standalone selling price (SSP) based on the SSP representation type you use:


SSP Representation Type Formula
Discount Percentage of Unit List Price Extended SSP = Quantity * Service Duration * (100 - Discount % provided in SSP) * Unit List Price in Source document lines / 100
Gross Margin Percentage Extended SSP = (100 * Cost Amount in Source document lines) / (100 - Margin % provided in SSP)
Percentage of Base Unit Price Extended SSP = Quantity * Service Duration * (% of Base unit price provided in SSP) * Base Price in Source document lines / 100
Unit Selling Price Quantity * Service Duration * Unit Selling Price
Note: If the service duration isn't provided for the source document line, the application excludes the service duration from the formula.