Standalone Selling Price Report

The Standalone Selling Price Report lists a summary of standalone selling prices.

Use the report to analyze your standalone selling prices for a selected effective period or range of selected effective periods. The report aids you in analyzing how the standalone selling prices were calculated, by providing a drill down to the standalone sales transaction data used to derive the standalone selling prices.

You can filter the report output by attributes such as item, item group, memo line, item classification, performance obligation template, pricing dimension, SSP Profile, and SSP Representation.

You can also copy the report and use it as a starting point to create a report that will meets your own unique reporting needs.

For more detailed information drill down to the Observed SSP Details report, which provides details of the individual sales used to systematically derive the observed standalone selling price.

Key Insights

You can use the summary information or for more detailed information, drill down to the Observed SSP Details report, which provides details of the individual sales used to systematically derive the observed standalone selling price.

Frequently Asked Questions

The following table lists frequently asked questions about the Standalone Selling Price Report.



How do I find this report?

From the Reports and Analytics pane, navigate to Shared Folders > Financials > Revenue Management > Standalone Selling Price.

Who uses this report?

Revenue Manager

When do I use this report?

When I want to understand how a standalone sales price was derived.

What can I do with this report?

Analyze the standalone selling prices for a selected effective period or a range of selected effective periods.

What type of report is this?

Oracle Transactional Business Intelligence

Related Subject Areas

This report uses the Revenue Management - Standalone Selling Price Real Time subject area.