View Standalone Selling Price Range Results in a Contract

When you use standalone selling price ranges and range policies, the Identify Customer Contracts process checks whether the stated selling price of each good or service falls within or outside of the standalone selling price range.

To view how the process applies your range settings in a contract:

  1. Navigate to the Edit Customer Contract page.
  2. Search for a contract that uses standalone selling price ranges.
  3. Scroll to the SSP Range Test Result column: This value shows whether the result of the comparison of the selling price with the standalone selling price low and high points is Below the Low Point, In Range, or Above the High Point.
  4. Scroll to the SSP Range Value Applied column: This value shows the range value that was applied based on the test result. The value is either SSP Low Point, SSP Midpoint, SSP High Point, Selling Price, or Sales Point.