How can I enable users to select reimbursement currencies for each expense report?

You can use the Manage Expenses System Options page to enable multiple currencies and allow users to select the reimbursement currency in expense reports.

You can also limit the display of the allowed currencies by business unit. Thereby, improving compliance with local regulations by only allowing the selected available currencies to be used in reports.

Here's how you can do it:
  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select these options:
    • Offering: Financials
    • Functional Area: Expenses
    • Task: Manage Expenses System Options
  2. On the Manage Expenses System Options page, navigate to the Specific Business Units section and click the business unit whose system options you want to change.
  3. On the User Options for Expense Report tab, set the value of Allow Reimbursement Currency Selection to Yes.
    Note: To enable reimbursement currency selection across all business units, on the Manage Expenses System Options page, in the User Options for Expense Report subsection of the All Business Units section, set the value of the Allow Reimbursement Currency Selection option to Yes.
  4. To limit the reimbursement currency selection by business unit, click the Allowed Currencies drop-down list and select the reimbursement currencies you want the business unit to display in the expense reports.
    Note: This list is enabled only when the Allow Reimbursement Currency Selection option is set to Yes.

    You can select up to 50 single or multiple currencies to be displayed in the expense reports.

  5. Click Save and Close.