Modify Terms and Agreements

The default corporate policy compliance message is an acceptance statement that employees typically acknowledge by selecting a check box when they create an expense report. The default message states that the worker has read and accepted the corporate travel and expense policies.

If you choose to display a corporate policy compliance message, you can use the default provided or you can modify your message text and make it text only or a clickable link that navigates to your company travel and expense policy.

Business units may have their own requirements related to enforcing acceptance of corporate policies. For example, some business units may require specific terms and agreements text that reflects their unique acceptance message. As an implementor, you can decide whether you want to:

  • Enforce acknowledgment that the worker has read and accepts the corporate polices by presenting a required check box to select

  • Create terms and agreements text specific to a business unit

  • Provide specific terms and agreements text that also acts as a link to the corporate policies

  • Provide a link to corporate policies that is specific to a business unit

You decide the text message to display and whether or not to display it as a clickable link to the corporate policy. You also decide whether or not to enforce workers' acknowledgment and acceptance of corporate policies by including a check box before the text message that must be selected. These decisions are made on the Create or Edit Expenses System Options page.

To navigate to the All Business Units section:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Financials

    • Functional Area: Expenses

    • Task: Manage Expenses System Options

  2. On the Manage Expenses System Options page, Corporate Options for Expense Report subsection, select the Enable terms and agreements check box.

  3. Select the Enable corporate policy URL check box.

To navigate to the Specific Business Units section:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    1. Offering: Financials

    2. Functional Area: Expenses

    3. Task: Manage Expenses System Options

  2. On the Manage Expenses System Options page, Specific Business Units section, select and click a specific business unit.

  3. On the Edit Expenses System Options page, select the Corporate Options for Expense Report tab.

  4. From the Enable Terms and Agreements choice list, select an option.

  5. From the Enable Corporate Policy URL choice list, select an option.

Navigation to a specific business unit: Setup and Maintenance > Search: Manage Expenses System Options > Click Manage Expenses System Options link > Manage Expenses System Options page > Specific Business Units section > Select and click a specific business unit > Edit Expenses System Options page > Select the Corporate Options for Expense Report tab > Enable Terms and Agreements choice list and the Enable Corporate Policy URL choice list.

Displaying User-Defined Terms and Agreements Text

You have several options to consider before you decide what and how to display terms and agreements text.

The following table contains several combinations of selecting or deselecting terms and agreements text with or without a corporate policy URL. The table also describes the resulting text and links that are displayed on the Create and Edit Expense Report page and on the Welcome page. The selections contained in the table are made on the Manage Expenses System Options setup page for all business units.

Tip: You can make the same combination of selections for specific business units with the same resulting text and links displayed on the Create Expense Report Page and on the Welcome Page. Instead of selecting check boxes, you select options from a choice list. When you make choices on the Edit Expenses System Option page, you select options from the Enable Terms and Agreements choice list and from the Enable Corporate Policy URL choice list.

Enable Terms and Agreements Check Box

Corporate Policy Choice List

Enable Corporate Policy URL Check Box

URL Field

Resulting Text and Links Displayed on the Create Expense Report Page and the Welcome Page


Default option selected


URL Specified

  • Check box visible before text.

    • A worker must select the check box to acknowledge acceptance of the corporate policies before submitting an expense report.

  • Text: I have read and accept the corporate travel and expense policies.

  • Clickable link that opens to your company's travel and expense policies document.

  • A clickable link, Corporate Policies, appears on the Welcome page that opens to your company's travel and expense policies document.


User-defined option selected


URL Specified

  • Check box visible before text.

    • A worker must select the check box to acknowledge acceptance of the corporate policies before submitting an expense report.

  • Text: User-defined text.

  • Clickable link that opens to a document specified by the URL.

  • A clickable link, Corporate Policies, appears on the Welcome page that opens to your company's travel and expense policies document.




URL Specified

  • No check box visible before text.

  • Text: Corporate Policies.

  • Clickable link that opens to a document specified by the URL.

  • A clickable link, Corporate Policies, appears on the Welcome page that opens to your company's travel and expense policies document.


User-defined option selected


Not Applicable

  • Check box visible before text.

  • Text: User-defined text.

  • No link to corporate policies.

  • No clickable link appears on the Welcome page.


Not Applicable


Not Applicable

  • No check box visible in expense report.

  • No link to corporate policies.

  • No clickable link appears on the Welcome page.


Not Applicable


URL Specified

  • No check box visible in expense report.

  • Clickable link that opens to a document specified by the URL.

  • A clickable link, Corporate Policies, appears on the Welcome page that opens to your company's travel and expense policies document.

Creating Lookup Codes for User-Defined Terms and Agreements Text

To create user-defined corporate policy compliance text that is displayed on the Create and Edit Expense Report page, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Financials

    • Task: Define Lookups

  2. Click the Manage Standard Lookups link.

  3. On the Manage Standard Lookups page, Search section, enter ORA_EXM_TERMS_AGRMT in the Lookup Type field and click Search. The ORA_EXM_TERMS_AGRMT lookup type appears, along with its associated lookup codes.

  4. In the ORA_EXM_TERMS_AGRMT: Lookup Codes section, click the New (+) icon to add a new row to the table.

  5. In the Lookup Code field, you can enter a unique value, such as Business Unit 1.

  6. In the Display Sequence field, enter the sequence in which you want the meanings to display.

  7. Select the Enabled check box to enable the lookup code.

  8. In the Meaning field, enter a business term that defines the lookup code. The meaning of the lookup codes are displayed in sequential order when you enable terms and agreements.

  9. In the Description field, enter a short description for the lookup code meaning. Whatever you enter for the description is displayed when you hover over a value on the choice list.

  10. Click Save or Save and Close.