Options for Showing or Hiding the Tax Classification Code

Whether to show or hide the Tax Classification Code choice list from employees on the UI is a management decision based on your company's practices. Some companies let their employees assign a tax classification code to their expenses.

don't want employees to have that ability. You can choose from the following options:

  • Show the Tax Classification Code on the UI

  • Hide the Tax Classification Code from the UI

  • Hide the Tax Classification Code from the UI and assign it on the back end

Show the Tax Classification Code on the UI

The following table describes how to show the Tax Classification Code choice list on the UI.

Hide or Show Option

Edit Tax Fields Page--Setup and Maintenance

Create Expense Type Page--Setup and Maintenance

Create Expense Item Page--Expense Entry

Show the Tax Classification Code choice list on the UI.

  • Implementor selects the Display tax fields on expense report check box.

  • Implementor selects Optional or Required from the Tax Classification Code choice list.

Not applicable.

Employees select an option from the Tax Classification Code choice list when creating an expense report.

Hide the Tax Classification Code from the UI

The following table describes how to hide the Tax Classification Code choice list from the UI.

Hide or Show Option

Edit Tax Fields Page--Setup and Maintenance

Create Expense Type Page--Setup and Maintenance

Create Expense Item Page--Expense Entry

Hide the Tax Classification Code choice list from the UI.

  • Implementor selects the Display tax fields on expense report check box.

  • Implementor selects Hidden from the Tax Classification Code choice list.

Not applicable.

Tax Classification Code choice list isn't visible for employees to select from when creating an expense report.

Tip: When the Display tax fields on expense report option is selected, the Location field becomes required on the Create Expense Item page.

Hide the Tax Classification Code from the UI and Assign it on the Back End

The following table describes an alternate option to hide the Tax Classification Code choice list from the UI and assign the tax classification code on the back end.

Hide or Show Option

Edit Tax Fields Page--Setup and Maintenance

Create Expense Type Page--Setup and Maintenance

Create Expense Item Page--Expense Entry

Hide the Tax Classification Code choice list from the UI and assign the tax classification code on the back end.

  • Implementor selects the Display tax fields on expense report check box.

  • Implementor selects Hidden from the Tax Classification Code choice list.

Implementor assigns the same or a different tax classification code to each expense type.

  • Tax Classification Code choice list isn't visible.

  • Tax classification code is automatically applied behind the scenes:

    • To the expense item when the user saves the page.

    • To Oracle Fusion Payables.