Set Up Manual Application of Cash Advances

You can set up manual application of cash advances on the Manage Cash Advance and Authorization Policies page, which applies for all business units or specific business units.

Note: If cash advances are disabled for a specific business unit, the application uses the method of application that's defined for all business units. For example, if you’ve disabled the Enable Advances option for your business unit, but it's enabled for all business units with the Methods of Applying Advances option set to Automatically Apply, any available cash advances are automatically applied when the reports are processed.

To set up manual application of cash advances, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as Expense Manager or Application Implementation Consultant
  2. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, select:
    1. Offering: Financials
    2. Functional Area: Expenses
    3. Task: Manage Cash Advance and Authorization Policies
  3. Click the Manage Cash Advance and Authorization Policies link.
  4. To enable manual application of cash advances for all business units, follow these steps:
    1. In the All Business Units work area, select Manually Apply in the Methods of Applying Advances field.
    2. Click Save and Close.
  5. To enable manual application of cash advances for specific business units, follow these steps:
    1. In the Specific Business Units work area, a list of business units is displayed.
    2. You can create a new business unit or edit the business unit for which you want to enable the manual cash advances.
    3. In the Methods of Applying Advances field, select Manually Apply.
    4. Click Save and Close.
    Note: For expense reports that are submitted using REST APIs, cash advances will be applied automatically even if manual cash advance application is enabled for the business unit.

What happens when the method of applying cash advances is switched

This table describes what an employee, approver or auditor would see when the method of applying cash advances is switched from automatic to manual or vice versa.

What happens when the method of applying cash advances is switched

Business unit setting Expense report not submitted Expense report in approval Expense report in audit

Expense report is ready to be processed for reimbursement

When the setting is switched from automatic to manual For expense reports that are not yet submitted, employee will see the available cash advances when submitting the report. For reports that are in the approval process, approver will not have the list of applied cash advances for review as the report was submitted when the setting was automatic. For reports that are in the audit process, auditor will not have the list of applied cash advances for review as the report was submitted when the setting was automatic. The cash advances will be automatically applied.
When the setting is switched from manual to automatic For expense reports that are not yet submitted, employee will not view the available cash advances when submitting the report. For reports that are in the approval process, approver will be able to review the list of applied cash advances. For reports that are in the audit process, auditor will be able to review the list of applied cash advances. The cash advances that are manually applied are deducted from the expense report amount.