Chart of Accounts Segments Dependency Management Using Related Value Sets

Use related value sets to define dependencies between two segments in a chart of accounts to ensure that only valid combinations are used during data entry. You can define these relationships immediately for new or existing charts of accounts.

If you use cross-validation rules to validate values for a segment based on another segment, consider converting them to related value set rules to improve journal processing performance.

A related value set is an Independent type value set whose values are related to another Independent type value set. With related value sets, a chart of accounts segment value choice list automatically displays a list of related values based on what value was selected in the preceding segment.

For example, you have Company and Division segments in your chart of accounts. The company US East has transactions in only the Car and Truck divisions, while the company US West deals with only the Motorcycle and Car divisions. You can define relationships between the Company and Division segments to enforce the relationships between their segment values.

Segment Order and Segment List of Values

The order of segments in a chart of accounts impacts how related value sets work. For example, if the value of the Company segment determines the valid values for the Division segment, then the Company segment must precede the Division segment when you're defining the order of segments in a chart of accounts.


Here are some benefits of using related value sets.

  • Reduces the possibility of entering incorrect account combinations, since the value set relationship automatically applies valid value filters to succeeding segments.

  • Results in improved performance during data entry because the application doesn't have to repeatedly scan through a large number of cross-validation rules before determining that a new account combination is a valid one.

Tips and Considerations

Consider these points when using related value sets.

  • Both value sets must have a validation type of Independent.

  • If you plan to create a relationship between your company and intercompany segments, you should assign the segments different value sets.

  • After you create or update relationships between pairs of value sets, make sure the chart of accounts structure is successfully redeployed.

  • A succeeding segment's list of valid values is filtered based on a preceding segment's value.

    For example, a chart of accounts has segments in the following sequence: Company - Cost Center - Account - Subaccount - Product. Assuming the company and cost center value sets are related, the list of values for the Cost Center segment is filtered based on the value selected in the Company segment. Because you can't change the sequencing of segments in a chart of accounts structure that's already in use, it's important to plan your chart of accounts structure carefully and determine the appropriate segment order.

  • Complete a comprehensive mapping of related value set values.

    Once two value sets are related, every value in the preceding driving segment must be mapped to one or more values in the succeeding segment to ensure that a valid account combination can be created during transaction entry. If no mapping exists for a driving segment value, then the related segment value choice list is going to be blank for the driving segment value.

  • When creating a new relationship between value sets, don't enable it until all of the related values have been entered. After you finish mapping the values, enable the relationship.

  • Use the Import Related Values method to perform a mass upload and import of a value set relationship, as well as the related values. As an alternative, you can also use the Scheduled Processes page and submit the Upload Comma-Separated Values File process.

  • You can enforce value set relationships for an existing chart of accounts. Once you have created a relationship between two value sets, the relationship impacts every chart of accounts that uses those related pairs of value sets.

  • If an existing relationship is no longer relevant, you can disable it. If you delete the relate value sets and value mappings, you would have to redefine the relationships later if you need them.

  • Existing account combinations that violate a new relationship are still considered valid.