Correct Budget Import Errors Using a Spreadsheet

The Oracle ADF Desktop Integration budget correction functionality is similar to the journal correction sheet. You use this tool to correct the flat file import errors.

The correction spreadsheet functionality:

  • Uses segment labels based on the data access set.

  • Contains user-friendly lists of values.

  • Performs most validations on the worksheet.

  • Allows updating or marking the row for deletion.

Correcting Data

To use the correction spreadsheet functionality:

  1. From the General Accounting Dashboard page, set the data access set and download the correction worksheet using the Correct Budget Import Errors task.

  2. After the correction worksheet is downloaded, query for the rows in error. Select the run name for which there are validation errors and click Search. This populates the budget rows in error.

  3. Correct the rows in error or mark them for deletion and submit the budget correction spreadsheet. Any errors are reported on the worksheet.

  4. If the row status indicates an error, double-click it to see the error details and take necessary action. You can use the list of values to quickly correct data that is in error.