Create an Initial Configuration of an Account Hierarchy

Here's an example of the steps for initially configuring account hierarchies.


Once the following steps are complete, you can create financial reports, allocation rules, and Smart View queries, using the version called Current in this example. The baseline version is published to enforce generation of the fully qualified name and minimization of changes in the future.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Financials

    • Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures

    • Task: Manage Account Hierarchies

  2. Select the Create Tree icon.

  3. Create a hierarchy version for an account hierarchy that includes the definition of the hierarchies in a hierarchy version. Name the hierarchy version with a name that's consistently used across versions. For example, Current or other similar naming conventions. Use an effective start date equal to the beginning of the financial reporting period.

  4. Set the status to Active.

  5. Copy the hierarchy version. Name the hierarchy version to indicate that this version is just a copy. For example, Baseline.

  6. Set the copied hierarchy version status to Active because only active versions can be published to the cube.

  7. Provide the copied hierarchy version with an effective date range earlier than the original to ensure no effective date is overlapped.

  8. Don't make hierarchy changes to the hierarchy version that's copied (baseline) so that the two hierarchy versions are consistent.

  9. Publish both tree versions to the cube.

    1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

      • Offering: Financials

      • Functional Area: Financial Reporting Structures

      • Task: Publish Account Hierarchies

    2. Search for your hierarchy.

    3. Publish.

Note: Review the published results using Smart View.