Load Daily Rates Automatically Using Web Services

If you have a rate subscription source that provides daily rates, use a web service to fully automate the loading of the rates using the file-based data import.

The external web service ERP Integration Service enables you to upload data files to Oracle Universal Content Management, and launch the processes to import the rates to Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP.


You are setting up an automatic process to load your company's daily rates.

Process Steps:

  1. Get the rates file from the designated external source.

    If you have a rate subscription source that provides daily rates, then you can call a web service to collect the file and feed into Oracle Data Integrator, or alternatively, to temporary storage in Oracle Universal Content Management that in turn can be fed into Oracle Data Integrator for further processing.

  2. Prepare and validate the data.

    You would perform data transformation to fit the format of the spreadsheet template. These data processing steps can be accomplished using Oracle Data Integrator.

    The .csv data file has to be provided and transformed in the specific format, in the exact column sequence as in the .xlsm file and data types as expected. For example, the .csv file provides columns such as from and to currency, dates in canonical format, conversion rate type, and the rate.

  3. Call the web service uploadFileToUcm.

    Automatically upload the formatted, validated file from Oracle Data Integrator into Oracle Universal Content Management.

  4. Call the web service submitESSJobRequest.

    Submit the Load Interface File for Import process to load data into the GL Daily Rates interface table.

  5. Call the web service getESSJobStatus.

    Verify the status of the request submitted in previous step. If the process ended in errors, you may have to correct them and then resubmit the process.

  6. The Load Interface File for Import process from step 4 automatically submits the process to import rates from the interface table to the GL Daily Rates table.

  7. Once the Import and Calculate Daily Rates process completes successfully, you can verify and review the rates on the Currency Rates Manager page.