Data Security for Multitier Intercompany Operations

Access to Intercompany functions or tasks are controlled through intercompany organizations and is determined based on its role in the entire multitier financial route.

For instance, an intercompany organization may be defined as the provider organization in the financial route.

The following table describes the access requirements for different Multitier intercompany functions and the organization’s role that will be considered for accessing data for that function or UI.

For example, as detailed in the table, user that has access to the provider organization has privileges to create or edit an agreement.

UI or Function Organization Considered for Data Security Access Allowed
Agreement – Create and Edit
  • Provider Organization

User with access to the provider organization

Agreement – Read and View

  • Provider Organization
  • First Clearing
  • Second Clearing
  • Receiver Organization
User with access to any of these organizations in the financial route
Transfer Authorization – Create and Edit
  • Provider Organization
User with access to the provider organization
Transfer Authorization – Read and view
  • Provider Organization
  • First Clearing
  • Second Clearing
  • Receiver Organization
User with access to any of these organizations in the financial route
Transaction – Generate
  • Provider Organization
User with access to the provider organization
Transaction - Edit
  • From Organization
  • To Organization
User with access to either From Organization or To Organization for a particular transaction
Transaction – Read/View
  • From Organization
  • To Organization
User with access to either From or To Organization for a particular transaction
Accounting Preview –Read/View
  • From Organization
  • To Organization
User with access to either From or To Organization for a particular transaction
Landing Page
  • Provider Organization
  • First Clearing
  • Second Clearing
  • Receiver Organization
User with access to any of these organizations
Note: User can be granted access to the intercompany organizations through the Manage Intercompany Organization Data Access for Users task.