What happens when changes are made to an account hierarchy that's referenced in segment value security rules?

The tree is set from an active to a draft state. The rules referencing the account hierarchy become ineffective.

After making changes to your hierarchy, you can submit the Process Account Hierarchies process to automatically run the required steps for processing account hierarchies updates in one submission, including:

  • Tree audit

  • Tree activation

  • Row flattening

  • Column flattening

  • Maintain value set

  • Maintain account hierarchy

  • Publish hierarchy

With a successful audit process, the hierarchy is set back to an active status. The rules referencing the account hierarchy go back to being effective using the updated hierarchy.

Run the row and column flattening processes for the updated hierarchy as the flexfield component in the application as well as other hierarchy processes rely on the flattened hierarchy data to come up with the list of values available to the user to properly secure the correct account values.

Run the Maintain Value Sets and Maintain Chart of Account Hierarchies processes, particularly for hierarchy changes to the primary balancing segment value set if such values are referenced in your primary balancing segment value based data access sets. These processes update the data that is required to regulate ledger and data access security by storing:

  • Primary balancing segment values assigned to a ledger.

  • Specific child balancing segment values assigned to a data access set through parent value assignments.