Bulk Maintenance of Banks and Bank Branches in Japan

Manage banks and bank branches automatically by comparing the bank master file shared by the Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) with Oracle ERP Cloud data.

This eliminates manual maintenance of banks and bank branches in Oracle ERP Cloud after comparing the application data with the latest bank master file.

The Japanese Bankers Association (Zengin) provides monthly updates with the latest bank and branch information that needs to be updated monthly in Oracle ERP Cloud. Banks and branches can be added, updated, ignored, or marked for deletion.

The Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts process will match an uploaded .csv file to the existing bank and branch data and find the differences between the two. Oracle ERP Cloud then inserts or updates the bank and branch data based on the differences found.

  • Banks are identified with the bank code and branches are identified with the branch number.
  • If the banks and branches are present in the Zengin file, but not available in Oracle ERP Cloud, then new banks and branches will be created.
  • If banks and/or branches are present in both the Zengin file and Oracle ERP Cloud, then they will be ignored.
  • If the bank code is available in Oracle ERP Cloud, but not available in the Zengin file, then those banks and the associated branches will be marked with the prefix 'Deleted'.
  • If the branch number is available in Oracle ERP Cloud, but not available in the Zengin file, then those bank branches will be marked with the prefix 'Deleted'.
  • If the bank name/alternate bank name or branch name/alternate branch name associated with the bank code/branch number changes, then that data will be updated.

To bulk upload banks and bank branches in Japan, follow these steps:

1. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes.

2. Click Schedule New Process. The Schedule New Process dialog box appears.

3. From the Name choice list, select Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts.

4. Click OK. The Process Details dialog box appears.

5. From the File Type list, select Japan Zengin File.

6. In the Data File field, click Choose File.

7. Locate and select the .csv file and click Open. This file should contain the latest bank and branch data.

8. Click Submit. After submitting the process, you can review the results from the output ZenginResults.txt file. The results display the number of banks and branches that were created, updated, ignored, and marked with a prefix of Deleted.