Overview of Cash Management Rapid Implementation

Use Microsoft Excel templates to rapidly implement the following setup objects:

  • Banks

  • Bank Branches

  • Bank Accounts

Functional Setup Manager Tasks

The following are the Functional Setup Manager tasks that are required to be performed to rapidly create the setup objects data. To access these tasks, create an implementation project that includes the Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation task list:

  • Create Banks, Branches, and Accounts in Spreadsheet: Downloads the rapid implementation excel spreadsheet template. Enter the bank, branch, and bank account data in this spreadsheet, and generate the data file to be loaded.

  • Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts: Launches the Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts process with the data file to be uploaded as the parameter. You must upload the data file generated from the previous task.

Preparing Data

Prepare your bank, branch, and account information to enter into the spreadsheet template.

  • Bank information requires the country, name, and number.

  • Branch information requires name, number, BIC code, and alternate name.

  • Account information requires name, number, currency, legal entity, type, and IBAN.

After you finish preparing the data in the spreadsheet, click the Generate Banks, Branches, and Accounts File button. Save the generated XML file.

Loading Data

Use the following steps to load your data.

  • In the Setup and Maintenance work area, create an implementation project that includes the Define Financials Configuration for Rapid Implementation task list. From your implementation project, go to the Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts task. This task launches the Upload Banks, Branches, and Accounts process.

  • Select the XML file you have saved earlier and submit the process.

  • Verify in the process monitor that the process completed successfully.

  • Review the banks, branches, and accounts created.

Best Practices

The following are recommended best practices:

  • Determine the Legal Entity for each bank account. The Legal Entity must be associated to a primary ledger.

  • Determine the use for each bank account: Payable, Receivable, or both.

  • Determine the Cash and Cash Clearing account for each bank account. Enter the entire account combination based on your chart of accounts, for example 01-000-1110-0000-000.