AutoInvoice Tuning Segments

Use the AutoInvoice Tuning Segments section of the Billing and Revenue tab of Receivables System Options to designate Accounting and System Items flexfield segments as tuning segments.

Tuning segments help increase performance of AutoInvoice. The tuning segment is the segment most frequently accessed by AutoInvoice.

Accounting Flexfield Tuning Segment

If you want to increase the performance of AutoInvoice and indexes already exist for the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table, use the value that you specified for your index as the Accounting Flexfield tuning segment. If you defined a concatenated index, use the first column of your concatenated index.

If no indexes exist for the GL_CODE_COMBINATIONS table, enter the segment with the most distinct values for your Accounting Flexfield tuning segment.

System Items Flexfield Tuning Segment

If you want to increase the performance of AutoInvoice and indexes already exist for the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table, use the value that you specified for your index as your System Items Flexfield tuning segment. If you defined a concatenated index, use the first column of your concatenated index.

If no indexes exist for the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS table, enter the segment with the most distinct values for your System Items Flexfield tuning segment.