Create a Task

This example shows you how to create a manual task.

Each strategy is made up of one or more tasks. A workflow helps drive the task that is performed manually or automatically. The workflow notifies the collector to perform a task or initiates the automated process. Every task has an associated workflow.

Tasks are grouped by one of two work types:

  1. Manual: A collector or specialist performs the task. When you complete the task, it's closed from the queue. Manual tasks examples are a personal visit, phone call, or contact salesperson.

  2. Automatic: An automated process performs the task. This includes tasks such as sending emails, faxes, or sending documents to be printed.

Create a Manual Task

Navigation: Setup and Maintenance > All Tasks > Manage Collections Strategy Tasks > Go to Task icon > Manage Strategy Tasks

  1. From the Strategy Tasks section, click Create icon.

  2. Enter the following information:






    Friendly phone call


    Customer is slightly past due; make friendly call




    Phone Call

    How long will strategy wait until it executes this task?

    0 days

    How long will strategy wait after it executes this task?

    0 days




    1 day

  3. Click Save and Close.

Set Up Wait Time for Strategies Based on Transaction Type

You can define the tasks having execution wait times for strategies based on the transaction type. Designate pre-execution and post-execution wait times on transaction-level strategy tasks assigned to transaction types when the transaction condition is set to Not Applicable. Ensure that the following features are enabled:
    • Collections Scoring and Strategy Assignments by Segment
    • Automatically Initiate or Fulfill Collections Tasks in Third Party Systems
    • Collections Strategies for Individual Transactions

Perform the following steps:

Navigation: Setup and Maintenance > All Tasks > Manage Collections Strategy Tasks > Go to Task icon > Manage Strategy Tasks

  1. From the Strategy Tasks section, click Create icon.

  2. Enter the following information:






    Enter an appropriate name


    Enter a brief description of the task.


    Manual or Automatic


    Select an appropriate category.

    How long will strategy wait until it executes this task?

    Select a value equal to or greater than 0

    How long will strategy wait after it executes this task?

    Select a value equal to or greater than 0

    Transaction Level

    Select the condition as Not Applicable

    Note: If you configure the Days Late condition for Transaction Level, you cannot set the pre-execution and post-execution wait times.
  3. Click Save and Close.